John R. Houk
© February 26, 2010
Isn’t it interesting that Muslim-American organizations or Islamic apologists use the race card or the hate speech card when an ex-Muslim or one who exposes the violence in Islam on an educational basis?
Representative Sue Myrick (R-NC) has been an outspoken critic of the dangers of Islamic infiltration in America with the goal of subverting core beliefs and way of life.
In a story published February 25, 2010 in the Charlotte News Observer from the AP wire quotes a State legislator from North Carolina attempting to silence Myrick with the typical Islamic apologist mode. O yeah both legislators are democrats that have Muslim constituents. Here is the quote:
“Some conservatives have applauded her views, but some Muslims said they fear Myrick's tone endangers their community.
"It's looking like she's taking on a tinge of McCarthyism, and this is dangerous," said state Sen. Larry Shaw, D-Cumberland. "She's becoming a hatemonger. And that's sad. This is an intelligent woman, and I think she's a good woman."
Shaw is national chairman for the Council of American-Islamic Relations, a civil rights group Myrick has accused of planting spies on Capitol Hill by trying to get Muslim interns hired in congressional offices. (Emphasis is mine)
When racism and hate-speech don’t convey the point of a Democrat or Muslim apologist, the next level is to use the McCarthyism card. Old Senator Joe McCarthy from Wisconsin made it his political crusade to expose Communists and Soviet sympathizers in American government in the 1950’s.
In the beginning of McCarthy’s crusade he was hailed as an American patriotic hero protecting the American way of life. However, as McCarthy began to get closer and closer to the power elites of the American government in and out of power, a political push back began to occur. McCarthy either had difficulty proving the possession of names in government or exaggerated the names in his passionate zeal to reveal a fifth column in America. Ironically unclassified documents from America and Russia were more correct than in error.
Between the Press and the effective political push back against McCarthy, the profile of an insane witch hunter began to emerge. As McCarthy’s negative profile grew and grew amongst the reporting Mainstream Media of the day, his popularity and credibility became ruined. The lack of credibility led to censure and alcoholism for a broken Senator Joe McCarthy.
You can see the seriousness of the public ridicule of McCarthyism ascribed to Rep. Myrick. McCarthyism is an epithet to imply a wild-eyed witch hunter that should not be taken seriously. There is the rub! There is plenty of evidence. The evidence is whitewashed by Western Leftists and Muslim apologists in the name of multiculturalist diversity. In America multiculturalism tends to exclude Christianity, hence the Leftist affinity for defending Islam as a religion of peace.
ACT for America sent an e-alert about this disparagement of Rep. Sue Myrick. The e-alert included the Charlotte News Observer story of Myrick. When I checked the link to the story I discovered the story was sanitized to eliminate State Senator Shaw’s epithet of “McCarthyism” and “hate-monger”.
I don’t know if someone from Myrick’s office complained or if the chief publisher thought it in bad taste to assign a Federal Representative to Congress such negative epithets.
Below I am going to cross post the e-alert article captured by ACT for America. You can check out the updated link at the Charlotte News Observer if you so choose.
JRH 2/26/10
Muslim leader slings 'McCarthyism' slur at Congresswoman
Sent by: ACT for America
Sent: February 26, 2010 10:37:47 AM
U.S. Representative Sue Myrick, co-founder of the House Anti-terrorism Caucus, is a courageous public servant and passionate defender of our national security. She understands the multiple ways in which radical Islam threatens America and she has been willing to speak out about this threat.
ACT! for America was privileged to have Rep. Myrick address our legislative briefing last year in Washington, at which we were honored to present her with our 2009 Patriot Award.
But public servants like Rep. Myrick receive other “awards” as well, such as the name-calling and smear tactics that distinguish the propaganda playbook of Islamists and their apologists.
Thus, in the story below, North Carolina State Senator Larry Shaw trots out….drum roll please…the tired epithet of “McCarthyism.”
Mr. Shaw is identified below as the national chairman of CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations—the unindicted co-conspirator organization whom the FBI severed official ties with a year ago.
This June 27th to 29th, you will have the opportunity to meet and hear from courageous and informed Members of Congress like Sue Myrick, at our National Conference and Legislative Briefing in Washington, DC.
But as we noted when we announced the conference on Monday, we urge you not to wait too long to register, as space is limited. In fact, in just four days we have already booked over 15% of the available registrations.
To print out a flyer with details about the conference, please click here.
To register, please click here.
US Rep. Myrick meets NC Muslims, warns of dangers
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- After months of warning that Islamic radicals are infiltrating mainstream groups, U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick was to meet Thursday with Muslim constituents to explain her position.
Myrick, R-N.C., has said Islamic extremists are working their way into U.S. Muslim communities, infiltrating government institutions and influencing American citizens to attack their own country, The Charlotte Observer reported.
"I want people to be aware of the fact that it does exist and it is a threat to our national security," said Myrick, who serves on the House Intelligence Committee. "It could be an American citizen that could be radicalized by one way or another."
Jibril Hough, spokesman for the Islamic Center of Charlotte, said he hopes Thursday night's town hall meeting is the first of many between Myrick and the Muslim community.
Myrick said she wants constituents to understand that her concerns aren't about the rising visibility of the Islamic faith.
"We live in the United States of America, where we have freedom of religion for everybody," Myrick said.
Instead, the former Charlotte mayor said her view was strengthened by top-secret briefings from U.S. intelligence officials that she said she could not discuss.
"There's a threat out there to our security," Myrick said. "It's worse than I thought."
She has proposed fighting Islamic radicalization by cutting off exchange programs and weapons sales with Saudi Arabia, passing legislation that would make it a treasonous offense to call for the death of American citizens and investigating the selection of Arabic translators.
Some conservatives have applauded her views, but some Muslims said they fear Myrick's tone endangers their community.
"It's looking like she's taking on a tinge of McCarthyism, and this is dangerous," said state Sen. Larry Shaw, D-Cumberland. "She's becoming a hatemonger. And that's sad. This is an intelligent woman, and I think she's a good woman."
Shaw is national chairman for the Council of American-Islamic Relations, a civil rights group Myrick has accused of planting spies on Capitol Hill by trying to get Muslim interns hired in congressional offices.
Last fall she wrote the foreword to a new book, "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Seeking to Islamize America," which accuses CAIR of conspiring to support international jihad against the United States.
Myrick has said her fears about infiltration were realized in November, when Army Maj. Nidal Hasan killed 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas. Hasan, a psychiatrist, had trained colleagues on how to handle Muslims in the military. The FBI had been monitoring contact between Hasan and a radical Yemeni-American cleric.
Some experts disagree with Myrick's view that radicalized Islamic Americans present a growing terrorism threat. A study released last month by researchers at Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found 139 Muslim-Americans involved in alleged or confirmed terrorism incidents since Sept. 11, 2001, out of a national Muslim-American population of more than 3 million.
"We have a problem," said David Schanzer, lead author of the study and director of the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security. "It's important to keep it in perspective in its size and dangerousness, which I think are generally overblown."____________________________
Myrick the Bold VS Saracens in America
John R. Houk
© February 26, 2010
Muslim leader slings 'McCarthyism' slur at Congresswoman
ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.
US Rep. Myrick meets NC Muslims, warns of dangers