Two organizations that support a unified Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel in the Jewish Homeland make valid year ending appeals for donations to fight the EU and Obama Administration goal of dividing Jerusalem and giving half the city to Israel’s enemies.
JRH 12/31/09
ACT NOW: Jerusalem is in Your Hands!
Allen Roth & David Goder
Sent: December 30, 2009 6:55:37 AM
One Jerusalem
Dear Friend of Jerusalem,
As a young man, I often wondered what people in America did as the Nazi storm clouds gathered over Europe. Later in college, I learned how the world closed its ears to the cries of Jews and others, as the barbarians marched through Europe and destroyed the lives of millions. I told myself that I would not stand by if I was in position to right an injustice.
In 2001, we founded One Jerusalem when it looked like Jerusalem was going to be taken from the Jewish people. We won that battle and continue to fight the war to protect the Holy City.
Today, the threats against Jerusalem continue to multiply. The Obama Administration and the European Union are openly advocating that Jerusalem become the capital of a Muslim state. The pressure on Israel to divide the Holy City continues to grow.
We continue to adamantly oppose any division of Jerusalem. We believe that Jerusalem is the capital of only one people - the Jewish people. And we are committed to keeping Jerusalem the undivided capital of the State of Israel.
Since our founding, we have built an active community of nearly 200,000 people. We need to continue to grow and we can do so with your continued help. You can assist us today by making either an end of the year or beginning of the year donation of $10 or more.
2010 promises to be a momentous year in life of Jerusalem and the State of Israel. One Jerusalem will continue to be in the thick of the battle. Please help us win this next battle. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year.
Allen Roth & David Goder
One Jerusalem, 136 East 39th Street, New York, NY 10016
Will 2010 Be Israel's Last Year?
Mike Evans
Sent: December 31, 2009 11:21:43 AM
Jerusalem Prayer Team
The new year that dawns in just two days is without question the most crucial year in Israel's modern history. The meetings I had in Jerusalem last week have made me more convinced than ever that we have reached the crisis point. The briefings I received and the information I was given has made it crystal clear that the threat of Iran has moved from theoretical to very, very real.
Throughout history the enemy has tried to destroy the Jewish people. From Pharaoh to Hitler, from Herod to Stalin, and today with Ahmadinejad, again and again the threat of death has loomed...and again and again there have been men and women of faith, courage and sacrifice who have made a difference--and today we are facing such a moment.
I flew to Israel last week just before Christmas to deliver a prophetic word from God regarding the new year--time is running out!
There is no doubt in my mind that unless something major changes, Israel will be at war within twelve months. She will be forced to attack Iran to stop its nuclear weapons program in self-defense, and the world will condemn Israel. The response will threaten Israel's very survival.
Thousands of missiles provided by Iran will rain down on innocent Jewish men, women and children. Thousands of suicide bombers will come--not with backpacks filled with nails and screws, but with dirty bombs that will kill hundreds of thousands.
God has spoken to me to urgently produce a major prime-time prayer special to mobilize millions of intercessors NOW. War does not have to happen. God can intervene and change the future...but we must do our part.
Click Here to Watch This Powerful Special Program: http://vimeo.com/8449568
I gave a warning throughout the 1980s and 1990s. I raised my voice to cry out that the terrorists would come to America. On 9/11 we all watched in horror as those unheeded warnings came true. I'm telling you today that unless we act it will happen again...and when it does, the unspeakable horror will make 9/11 look like the good old days.
Thank you to the 500 who have already responded to this urgent request. According to the eternal promise of God in Genesis 12:3, I pronounce His blessing upon them and pray, "Blessed be those who care for the deliverance of Israel and bless the Chosen People."
Sponsor This TV Special Today: https://www.donation-net.net/CTBF/AIBookandDVD.cfm?dn=1032&commID=134221315&ID=456632
I cannot air this special without your help. The liberal media does NOT want this message to get out. They will not extend credit to us. We must pay for the airtime on local stations in advance in order to communicate directly to the American people. I cannot do that unless you help right now. Only the truth can set us free and leave a legacy of hope and peace instead of a legacy of despair, death and destruction. But we must act!
And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: "Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king's palace any more than all the other Jews."
For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Esther 4:13&14
This is our moment. This is our "such a time as this." And we must respond if we expect to receive deliverance.
When you become a prophetic prayer sponsor, I will send you the DVD of this powerful television special as well as a copy of my newest book, Atomic Iran. If you already have a copy it makes a wonderful gift for a friend, family member or pastor.
When you send your gift of $100 or more, in addition to the DVD and the book, I will send you a copy of my prophetic message to the nation of Israel and my address to the Knesset (their Congress).
SEND YOUR GIFT AND BECOME A PROPHETIC PRAYER SPONSOR TODAY: https://www.donation-net.net/CTBF/AIBookandDVD.cfm?dn=1032&commID=134221315&ID=456632
There is still time to avert this disaster, but only if we act immediately. I urge you to send your best gift today to help us air this powerful prayer special so that we can leave a legacy of hope and freedom instead of one of disaster and despair.
I want to wish you a Happy New Year and ask for your support to help us protect Israel and our global Jewish family.
While there is time for you to get a 2009 tax deduction, please include JPT in your charitable giving! After all, I know you, like me, care deeply about Israel.
The threats from Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and from anti-Semitism globally are real--and must be stopped. Your significant tax-deductible help is needed!
Click here to give a donation online today: https://www.donation-net.net/CTBF/AIBookandDVD.cfm?dn=1032&commID=134221315&ID=456632
Please donate now to help enable the press and the public to see the real wonders of Israel--an innovative and open democracy that is defending her citizens from terror while working for peace!
Your Ambassador to Jerusalem,
Dr. Michael Evans
Jerusalem Prayer Team
P.O. Box 30000
Phoenix, AZ 85046
FAX: 281-257-2476
To make your donation by telephone, please call 1-888-732-2388.