John R. Houk
© June 30, 2010
I get emails calling for the support of this organization or that organization in a fund raiser effort. The thing is I usually do support the organization but I only post the request if there is some substantive information or a target that I believe I have not posted about in awhile.
Move America Forward has sent such a fund raiser email this time. Their target is President BHO, Senator Reid and Rep. Pelosi. These three represent the current triumvirate of the Leftist agenda in America as well as appeasers who would rather transform America into a Socialist utopia than win the Global War on Terrorism.
The Socialist utopian agenda to Transform (the actual promised BHO “change”) America is to divert funds from our military strength to shore up government entitlements that will make America’s poor dependent on government and make the Federal government the supreme commissar and the people under the thumb of Federal directives rather than the government subject to responsible voters via responsible representation.
The Socialist agenda is to trivialize the heritage of Judeo-Christianity in America. The trivialization will lead to egalitarian Secular Humanist morality that undermines the Biblical Morality our Founding Fathers (YES, even the Christian Deists) based the rule of law in America under the guidance of the U.S. Constitution. As America experiences more and more moral degradation, America ceases to be good. When America ceases to be good, the grand experiment of America’s Revolutionary War will be at an end and America will cease to be a light guaranteeing global Freedom from intolerant despotism (either politically ideological or religious despotism).
Egalitarian Secular Humanism will affect more than just morality. It also affects the freedoms that are tolerated and intolerated. An example: A Christian cannot assert his/her beliefs because it may offend another religion or immoral sub-group.
The Socialist paradigm will end the one thing that has made America a prosperous nation: innovation derived from Free Enterprise Capitalistic economics.
There are probably more detractions caused by a Socialist-Secular Humanist paradigm that those that believe in Liberty can think of. I think you get the idea of the idea of the affect of the Unholy Triumvirate.
Here is the MAF e-newsletter seeking a donation to promote television ads that targeting the Unholy Triumvirate of Barack Hussein Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi:
JRH 6/30/10
Our Leaders Have Failed Our Troops - Please Stand Up for Our Soldiers
Sent by: Move America Forward
Sent: 6/30/2010 7:38 AM
If you are a patriot, an American who loves their country and appreciates the service of our troops, you are likely to be just as frustrated and disgusted as we are with the way the Obama Administration and many of our political leaders have treated the men and women in America’s military.
Move America Forward is absolutely fed up, as we’re sure you are, with the conduct of Obama, Reid and Pelosi! We’re responding with a TV ad to get Americans to Stand Up for Our Soldiers, and we’ve been trying to raise enough money to run it on television. We are still short about $5,000.00 to get the ad placed on TV so people can see it.
We’re calling on the American public to support our troops because Obama, Reid and Pelosi WON’T!
As a Senator, Obama was vehemently opposed to the War in Iraq that deposed the evil of Saddam Hussein, liberated that country ended a potential base for terrorists. He was confident that our troops would lose. When President Bush was advocating adoption of General Petraeus’ troop surge, President Obama did not support it, and he predicted failure. He has no faith in our troops, and he is WRONG!
“I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq are going to solve the sectarian violence there. In fact, I think it will do the reverse”
-Barack Obama
Senator Harry Reid famously deemed the war in Iraq a complete failure. In a press conference, Harry Reed boldly declared to the world, to our own troops, to our enemies watching on Al-Jazeera, “this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything.”
Harry Reid and President Obama both predicted the surge would be a huge failure, that the victory was unattainable, and that our troops were going to lose. Well our troops proved them all wrong! They fought the tough battles in Iraq, they did everything they were asked to do, and now they’re able to begin coming home with their heads held high, in victory.
But the battle isn’t over because our troops in Afghanistan are fighting a tough war that’s actually heating up! They need support, but the politicians like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi aren’t giving it to them. President Obama’s mind is elsewhere, he’s off at the G-20 summit, playing golf, or talking up his extreme-liberal Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan.
Obama is allowing our troops to languish in Afghanistan under restrictive rules of engagement while he thinks about more big government initiatives! The news networks are ignoring our troops as well. We can’t let our troops be forgotten!
We must fight to make a difference and show our troops that we support their efforts! We’re going to call out Obama, Pelosi and Harry Reid for not giving our troops the support they deserve.
We’re calling on the American public to support our troops because Obama, Reid and Pelosi WON’T!
Support the Ad Campaign
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Unholy Triumvirate
John R. Houk
© June 30, 2010
Our Leaders Have Failed Our Troops - Please Stand Up for Our Soldiers
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