John R. Houk
© June 23, 2010
I have to apologize to James Parsons who sent this comment related to my glowing appreciation of Sarah Palin endorsing Mary Fallin for Oklahoma Governor which means I pay attention to those she endorses:
Can you name one thing Fallin has done for Oklahoma? Was it the $800 Billion Bailout? Was the Puerto Rico bill she co-authored? Was the over $22 billion in earmark spending? Was it the approval of giving taxpayer money to corporation like American Airlines and the Gateraide plant to "create" jobs (which has seen job losses and plant closes since receiving that money? Please tell me which accomplishment you are most proud of...
Here is the reason for the apology: Parsons sent this comment Jun 21, 2010 at 10:30 PM. Today is June 23. Since I admire Sarah Palin I did not check up on Mary Fallin and Parson’s specific complaints that Limited Government Conservatives should pay attention to.
I could not find the time to do the simple research that would afford a proper response to James Parsons.
What I found out is that Mary Fallin quite possibly is not as Conservative as she claims she is today. Fallin’s primary GOP opponent Randy Brogdon (Brogdon’s website as of this writing has an annoying pop-up video that lasts about 15-20 seconds) definitely has a better long term record as a Conservative than Fallin does.
Here are some excerpts (mostly) about Fallin’s Conservative credentials that ranges from favorable, an anti-Conservative profile and toward pro-Brogdon:
WASHINGTON- Congresswoman Mary Fallin (OK-05) today accepted the “Ratings Award for 2009” from the American Conservative Union. The award is presented annually to Congressional members scoring 80 percent or higher on a variety of votes pertaining to taxes, government spending, cultural issues, defense and foreign policy. Fallin received a 96 percent rating for 2009, an affirmation of her consistent and conservative record in Congress.
“This award is a reflection of Representative Mary Fallin’s consistent support of conservative principles on a wide range of issues of concern to grass roots conservatives in 2009. At a challenging time when the fundamental principles on which the American system of government are being challenged, Representative Mary Fallin stands with those who are trying to preserve those principles," said David A. Keene, Chairman of the American Conservative Union.
“Conservative values have been the foundation of my service to Oklahoma for over 20 years,” Fallin said. “Now more than ever, these principles will see us out of the big-government, big-spending policies that have been the hallmark of this administration. I am proud to call myself a true conservative and will remain steadfast in my dedication to small government, strong national defense and traditional family values.” (Fallin.House.Gov posted 05/06/10)
The above data is a bit self-promoting but true nonetheless.
Congresswoman Mary Fallin is the early favorite for the GOP nomination. While serving as lieutenant governor, Fallin was considered a likely candidate for the governorship in both 2002 and 2006. She opted out of the 2002 contest, deferring to Congressman Steve Largent, and successfully ran for reelection. And in 2006, she decided to run for the seat of Fifth District Congressman Ernest Istook, who vacated the seat to run for governor.
The only serious obstacle to Fallin gaining the Republican nomination is State Sen. Randy Brogdon of Owasso. Brogdon has been at the forefront of the conservative movement and attempted to advance many conservative bills through the Legislature and has developed a loyal following among grassroots conservatives. Brogdon sports a 93 percent cumulative conservative rating on the Oklahoma Conservative Index. He first became known to many when he led the effort for the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) initiative petition in 2005, which would have placed limits on state government spending.
In previous campaigns Fallin has spoken in conservative generalities and avoided taking stands on most contentious issues. While that strategy has proven successful in the past, it is no longer valid the current political climate. Speculation is that Brogdon’s challenge from the conservative wing of the GOP has forced Fallin to campaign to the right. And, Fallin earned a 96 percent conservative score in the most recent rating from the American Conservative Union, the highest among the members of the U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma. But, prior to being elected Lt. Governor in 1994, Fallin served two terms in the Oklahoma House of Representative where she accumulated a less than conservative record. Her cumulative average score for that four years was a mere 59 percent. Fallin's vote for the bailout in the fall of 2008, before the shift in political waters, is expected to be a point of contention in the race.
Many conservatives wonder which is the true Mary Fallin – the conservative of today or the more moderate legislator of a decade ago. Perhaps the answer is neither. During her time in the Oklahoma Legislature, when confronted by the staff of the Oklahoma Constitution for an explanation of her non-conservative votes, Fallin’s response was always, “the people in my district are for that.” It may be that Fallin will take the conservative position as long as that is the position of the people she represents. (Excerpted from The Oklahoma Constitution May 10th, 2010 08:00:20 PM)
The above data makes an effort at neutrality but obviously slants toward Brogdon.
Progressive Action Score: 14
A score of 14 means that Rep. Fallin has acted to support 14% of a slate of progressive policies in the 110th Congress.
Right Wing Index Score: 43
A score of 43 means that Representative Fallin has acted to support 43% of a slate of conservative, wrongheaded policies in the 110th Congress.
Regressive, destructive, and downright unAmerican actions Representative Fallin has taken that contribute to a Right Wing Index Score of 43:
• On June 20 2008, Representative Mary Fallin broke faith with the Congressional Oath of Office, in which every member of Congress solemnly swears to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Rep. Fallin swore to do this, and yet voted for H.R. 6304, the FISA Amendments Act. The FISA Amendments Act not only makes the misnamed Protect America Act permanent, but even expands upon it in its gutting of the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. H.R. 6304 sets up a system:
• Rep. Mary Fallin voted YES to pass the ironically named Protect America Act. The Protect America Act is a law now passed by both houses of Congress which replaces judicial warrants with executive prerogative and substitutes blank checks for reasons. The Protect America Act gives the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence the power to spy on your emails, your web surfing, your telephone calls and other electronic communications. All this is carried out without a warrant, which is required by the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
• When the Head Start program of early childhood education came up for reauthorization in May of 2007, Rep. Howard McKeon tried to offer an amendment that would provide special permission for religious organizations to engage in employment discrimination when using government-provided funds to hire Head Start Workers. That sounds complicated, but what it boils down to is that the McKeon amendment would have let churches take government money to hire workers for the government-funded Head Start program, and yet refuse to hire particular workers because they were from the "wrong" religion.
The McKeon amendment would have let government resources be used to discriminate against people who were not religiously correct. It fortunately was rejected in a roll-call vote. But Rep. Mary Fallin didn't help in that regard. By voting YES for the McKeon amendment, Rep. Fallin showed an active disregard for the constitutional basis of American government. (Excerpts from ProgressivePatriots.com)
You have to know that “Progressive” is a euphemism for Leftist. That being said I am a Conservative that strongly supports the Patriot Act as a security measure during time of war. Regardless of the Obama Administration attempts to sell the thought there is no Global War on Terrorism, there is a war. Leftists (and some politically correct Conservatives) moronically try to sell that America is not at war with Islam. I assert that anyone that can read English translations of Islamic literature (non-terrorist or terrorist) can comprehend Islam is at war with America. To deny that the battle is against Islam is politically correct drivel designed to placate Muslim-Americans and Islamic nations that are lining up with American National Interests and National Security. Actually let me backtrack a bit. I can see America sanitizing the term war with Islam because of the necessity of serving the National Interests. Even if a Muslim nation is only half-heartedly supportive of America’s International Right to protect her citizens and Interests it is politically necessary to build a consensus with otherwise hostile nations.
Then there is Fallin’s support of government money being given to religious organizations that are operating a Head Start style program for early childhood education. The Left’s problem with that is a Left Wing Court validating a concept that is NOT even mentioned anywhere in the U.S. Constitution: Separation of Church and State.
The Left has chosen to interpret the portion of the First Amendment that says,
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, …
Tell me Leftists, Libertarians and a few Conservatives: Where does this clause say that Federal, State and local governments cannot allow “religion” to be represented or supported? NO WHERE!
The clause merely says that CONGRESS cannot make a religion the State Religion. Factoring in Original Intent from the days the first nine States made the Constitution effective in 1789 (Bill of Rights ergo First Amendment 1791), the word “religion” intended the meaning of the Christian religion. Clearly the First Amendment about religion was intended to prevent the Federal Government through the power of Congress to establish a State Christian Church (Denomination). The intent had nothing to do with the Federal Government (and definitely not on the State level) with the prevention of taxpayer supported programs or funds to be invested in religious operations that were for the common good for American citizens. The next clause brings home the extra-Constitutional concept of Separation of Church and State is ludicrous:
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (for clarity’s sake, “free exercise thereof” references religion)
Herein Mary Fallin’s support of funds being granted to a religious organization for the common good was awesome even if the Leftists defeated it.
Let’s look at more excerpts:
… Mary’s another fiscal conservative with policy experience, political backbone, and real world knowledge that will serve the entire state well as she proves her mettle as Oklahoma’s next CEO.”
Added Palin, “Mary truly understands public service, and she served her state with distinction in Congress and as the first Republican and first female lieutenant governor in Oklahoma history.”
Reaction from Randy Brogdon, who is also running for Governor in Oklahoma and who was the first state Senator in 20 years to receive a score of 100 on the Oklahoma Conservative Vote Index, was swift. Wrote Brogdon in an e-mail that was distributed by his campaign, “It's perplexing why Gov. Palin, a self-described conservative, would endorse someone who supported the Wall Street Bailout and was key to adding hundreds of billions to the national debt. The simple truth is that an endorsement from Ronald Reagan himself wouldn't change the fact that Mary Fallin supports Big Government bailouts and pork barrel spending.” Brogdon, a Tenth Amendment champion, also stated: “Mary Fallin can line up endorsements until the cows come home, but at the end of the day it's the Oklahoma voters’ endorsement on July 27th that decides the election. And while Gov. Palin might not know who the true conservative is in the Governor's race, the people of Oklahoma do, and I plan to spread my conservative message to as many voters as possible in the upcoming weeks.”
Brogdon’s frustration is understandable. Love her or hate her, a nod from John McCain’s former running mate would have brought his campaign a certain je ne sais quoi. According to a recent Sooner Poll telephone survey, Fallin handily leads in the gubernatorial race, although Brodgon is a straw poll favorite, and he was enthusiastically endorsed by the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee.
Is it hard to discern how Palin makes her selections? You betcha. While she is fond of mama grizzlies, she also endorsed Rand Paul, who is running for the U.S. Senate in Kentucky and is popular with Tea Party populists.
Brogdon, however, offers one clue, “It is obvious that Palin's endorsement (of Mary Fallin) is more about her bid for president in 2012 than supporting Oklahoma's values of limited government and controlled spending.”
Fallin’s overall Freedom Index rating for the 110th Congress was 62 percent, and for the 111th Congress (original link: http://www.thenewamerican.com/files/TNA_Freedom_Index_111-2-1.pdf)it is 90 percent; Gun Owners of America gave her a grade of “A”; NumbersUSA’s Immigration Report Card gave Fallin a grade of “A”; the American Conservative Union gave her a score of “96”; and National Right to Life gave her 100 percent.
But the Oklahoma Constitution, a conservative newspaper, reports that among the Oklahoma congressional delegation, “Mary Fallin had the second-highest (Congressional Quarterly) score in support of [President Barack] Obama, backing Obama’s legislation 50 percent of the time.”
Fallin is, at best, a mixed bag. Principled on some issues near and dear to right-of-center voters, less so on others, but clearly committed, as befits the career politician and establishment Republican that she is, to seeing government as the tool of intervention, not as the problem. Fallin also has personal baggage from her days as Lieutenant Governor, when she was involved in a high-profile divorce and weathered accusations of a too-friendly relationship with a state trooper who was a member of her security detail.
Brogdon, conversely, who has 30-plus years as an entrepreneur and has been married for 37 years to his high-school sweetheart, brings private-sector sensibilities to his ideas about the proper role of government. He’s all about individual responsibility, personal liberty, and economic freedom. He proposed a measure to opt out of ObamaCare, has opposed the Real ID Act, and “stands with Arizona” — his way of saying he supports S.B. 1070.
Will Randy Brogdon’s staunch constitutional message win over the hearts and minds of Sooner State voters? Or will the celebrity imprimatur of Sarah Palin seal the deal for Mary Fallin?
Oklahomans will conclusively provide answers to those questions next month. (New American 21 June 2010 14:00)
This is definitely a Brogdon slanted article.
Oklahoma Leftists had a field day with a Brogdon comment about fried chicken:
State Senator Randy Brogdon is refusing to apologize for a remark that offended the Oklahoma Legislative Black Caucus during debate of the federal health care mandate.
"Are we going to have to purchase fried chicken tomorrow for dinner?" Brogdon asked, referring to the federal mandate.
Brogdon maintains that he used the chicken dinner analogy because he has just eaten that for lunch. He has now come under fire for that comment which he calls a liberal attack.
But it's not just liberals who took offense to Brogdon's remarks.
"There's probably nobody in the building who disagrees more with the President Obama on health care, however, my concerns are the debate should always be about stereotype or anything else," State Rep. T.W. Shannon (R) said.
The legislative Black Caucus, of which Representative Shannon is a member, quickly denounced the remarks. NEWS 9 caught up with its chairman.
"The fact that the conversation went toward eating fried chicken, that troubles me," said State Rep. Jabar Shumate (D). "We had a substantive debate on the topic, the issue, and so I'm disappointed that Senator Brogdon didn't just keep it there."
But Brogdon insists his comment worked in the context of the debate. (News9.com Mar 25, 2010 12:47 PM CDT)
This is an ouch for Brogdon however the faux pas probably does not define his common thinking anymore than a respectable Black person might be defined by referring to a disagreeable White person as a honky.
Here is some more Leftist twisting directed at State Senator Brogdon:
A state senator is coming under fire for comments apparently supporting militias, but the senator said his words have been taken out of context.
Gubernatorial candidate and State Senator Randy Brogdon claimed he never said the word "militia" when he was quoted by the Associated Press as saying "the second amendment deals directly with the right of an individual to keep and bear arms to protect themselves from an overreaching federal government."
"I'm talking about protecting ourselves. As governor of this state, I will do everything within our constitutional authority to keep Congress within our constitutional authority," Brogdon said.
Brogdon also admitted to calling the federal government overreaching.
"Congress is so far overreaching into state's business. It is crippling our economy, the bailouts, the stimulus, Obamacare," Brogdon said.
The Associated Press reported that Brogdon said a militia could be used as an auxiliary state force during times of emergency because the Oklahoma National Guard falls under federal control.
"If we had another ice storm or bombing, it would be very calming and reassuring to know that the chief executive officer, the governor of the state, has a state guard that he could pull from that could help out in these perilous times," Brogdon said, as reported by the Associated Press.
Some Tea Party members have pledged support of Brogdon's cause and candidacy. One state Senate Republican said that's fine as long as violent and hateful speech are not part of the endorsement.
"I would encourage people that have rallied to have their voice heard at tea parties to distance themselves from the small segment calling for something else," said State Senator Steve Russell.
Late Tuesday afternoon, the State Republican Party said it will not support any group that talks of forming a militia. (NewsOn6.com Posted: Apr 13, 2010 3:43 PM CDT Updated: Apr 14, 2010 11:15 PM CDT)
So Parsons it looks like Brogdon is a fantastic Conservative and definitely more Conservative than Mary Fallin. Here is the thing though. The Leftist propaganda machine is already preparing to roast Brogdon if he wins the GOP nomination for Governor. Although I would absolutely vote for him at the November 2010 election, I believe Leftists will successfully paint Brogdon as an extremist. I am concerned Slanted Right Oklahoma will only vote for someone labeled a right wing extremist only if the Democratic nominee is successfully labeled a left wing extremist.
So I have to keep my opinion of Fallin for Governor.
JRH 6/23/10

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