Leslie J. Sacks writes about radical Islamic Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan leading Turkey into a confrontation with Israel over the Terrorist Flotilla that attempted to infiltrate Gaza.
Something to think about as you read the Sacks article: Turkey is officially an ally of America and a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which established under American leadership shortly after WWII to confront the Communist threat of the former Soviet Union. War weary free Europe put all its security cards into American military might (actually nuclear might) as a shield to prevent Soviet expansionism that threatened to leap frog from its Communist empire that included Eastern Europe.
Erdogan’s confrontational posture toward Israel could actually lead to war with Israel. What would the Obama Administration do if Turkey and Israel engage militarily? What will the Obama Administration do if Turkey suddenly lines up Islamic terrorists such as Hamas and Hezbollah? What will the Obama Administration do if Turkey joins rogue nations Iran and Syria in their ultimate agenda of the utter destruction of Israel and probable Second Holocaust of Jews? After all, Turkey has used genocide in the past to preserve an Islamic Turkish nature of their nation in the past: Armenians, Greeks, Assyrian Christians and history of Turkish perpetrated genocide.
JRH 6/6/10
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