John R. Houk
© June 14, 2010
World Net Daily the internet media power house that is often disdained by the Left and questioned about its journalistic bona fides by the Center and to a certain extent by some Center-Right thinkers.
WND has also been on the forefront of the Birther movement to discredit President Barack Hussein Obama’s origin of birth to call into questionability his eligibility for the Office of President according to Constitutional law.
There was a time I was firmly in the Birther camp; however I became satisfied that the Kenyan birth theory was a difficult thing to prove because of all the charlatan documents that had come out to embarrass President BHO. Also since the Constitution gives Congress the power to define the circumstances of a Natural Born Citizen, I felt a Democratic Party Congress would simply refine the definition for a National Born Citizen to merely have at least one Natural Born citizen as a parent. BHO definitely falls into that mold regardless of the authenticity of where he was born.
On the other hand even if Congress accommodated a more refined definition to both satisfy the U.S. Constitution (which Leftists believe is a living instrument that evolves to the standards of the present) and Presidential eligibility, then it would become undeniable that BHO is a liar and untrustworthy and would undoubtedly lead to a rejection by the voters in 2012. Or if the information came out after a 2012 reelection (God Forbid!) then the rest of a second term would be all about making BHO an impotent Executive and for investigators to discover other lies that could be construed as high crimes and misdemeanors that are impeachable.
Here is a recent article in which WND claims that a former employee of Hawaii who was a senior Elections Clerk claims there was NO Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) from Hawaii.
JRH 6/14/10
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