John R. Houk
© June 24, 2010
Could it be the latest sex scandal to hit the Leftists mean that from 1992 – 2000 America had a President and a Vice President sexual predator as leader and potential leader of the free world?
Thanks to scandal rag the National Enquirer (NE claims did not pay for the story) former Vice President (Big) Al Gore is alleged to have nearly raped a masseuse in 2006. Is this a new meaning for “Vice” President? Could the man who says Global Warming is the moral outrage of our time not understand what a real moral outrage is?
My God! This is the man who almost became the President of the United States in 2000. Dear God in Heaven! The Left accused President G.W. Bush of stealing the election so Vice President Rapist could become President Rapist. At least when President Slick Willie got caught with his hand in the cookie err – honey jar, he had a willing participant in Monica Lewinski.
You know Big Al’s wife has recently filed for divorce. I wonder if Big Al’s illegal immoral – uh – alleged sexcapades had anything to do with Tipper Gore’s desire to end a very long marriage?
The poor masseuse was made to fondle Gore’s ding-dong and then moved on to fondle her all over even to the point of jumping on her – uh – allegedly.
JRH 6/24/10
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