Embed this title into your minds: “The Slaughter of Israel”.
This is the title of the latest essay I have received from Ari Bussel. Bussel writes of the Western World and the Muslim World and their intention of creating a sovereign nation to be called Palestine and how such a nation will likely terminate the existence of Israel and lead to another slaughter/Holocaust of Jews. Bussel’s solution: Change the paradigm of creating a Jew-hating Palestinian State.
It is unlikely that the Muslim world will ever consider a paradigm change. It is shameful for the Western World to insist the perpetuation of a Palestinian paradigm. What is left? Even if it fosters the hate of the entire world, Israel has a moral responsibility to Judaism and to Jewish ancestry to change the Palestine paradigm.
Long live Israel! May the eternal victory and safety of Jews come by Israel resisting and denying the existence of the non-entity created merely to destroy Jews and prevent the Land of Israel from existing! Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza have the eternal heritage of Jewish history that far surpasses the existence of Mohammed and Islam.
JRH 6/10/10
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