Brigitte Gabriel’s ACT for America is getting Cable TV airtime donated to them. The catch: they have to come up with the money to produce the show.
Folks this is awesome! Imagine a politically incorrect anti-Jihadist organization dedicated to exposing the negatives about Islam having airtime to educate America. Again, THIS AWESOME!
JRH 6/8/10
Our own TV program!
Brigitte Gabriel
Sent: Jun 8, 2010 at 11:46 AM
How to fight political correctness in the media?
How about our own television program!!
You read it right—so please read on!
ACT! for America is poised to launch its own TV program going into 40 million homes in the US.
We have been given, FREE OF CHARGE, cable TV airtime for 26 half-hour weekly programs.
The company giving us this free airtime, worth $300,000, owns cable networks that go into 40 million homes.
They also own state-of-the-art webcasting technology which will allow us to broadcast these half hour shows on the web in high quality, increasing our viewing audience. So even people who don’t get the cable channels on which the show will air will still be able to watch them!
Our plan for the show is a news/issues/talk format, with additional segments on ACT! for America activities, projects by chapters, legislative action alerts, and more.
Imagine what we could have said and done on our own show in the aftermath of the Ft. Hood jihadist attack. Imagine what we could be broadcasting to people about the proposed mosque at 9/11 “ground zero.” Or the “Gaza Flotilla.”
Imagine the truth we could get out without having to go through the filter of the politically correct media!
But to make this TV program a reality, I need your help.
While we have been given the air time, we must raise the money to produce the shows. A typical show of this kind costs $50,000 to produce, but we have ways to do a high-quality production for only $11,500 per show.
This means we have to raise $299,000 to produce all 26 shows—which will be aired not once, but twice, for a total of 52 showings!
To date we have raised $125,000 for production, so we’re 42% of the way there.
To raise the additional $174,000 I have designated the month of June as “ACT! for America Media Month.”
- • We need 1,000 people who will make an average one-time gift of $50.
• We need 500 people who will become Patriot Partners with a monthly commitment averaging $15 a month for one year.
For some of you who would like to sponsor an entire show for $11,500 we want to give you this opportunity—and recognize you on the air by crediting you “This show made possible by the generous contribution of (your name).”
If we can reach these goals, the total amount donated and pledged will be $140,000. I am confident we can raise the remaining $34,000 from donors at events we will be having in the next few months.
Can I count on you to respond today—even this very minute?
- • To make a one-time gift online, simply click here.
• To become a Patriot Partner, please click here.
Our online donation process is safe, simple and secure.
- • If you prefer to mail a contribution instead of donating online, you can print out a reply form by clicking here.
This is an historic moment for us. Words alone really can’t describe what this means.
No other organization in America doing what we do, committed to combating the threat of radical Islam and global jihad, has its own television program.
Through cable TV and the web, we have the potential to reach millions of people with an unfiltered, unvarnished, “non-politically correct” program.
But we can’t make this golden opportunity a reality without your help.
- As a special “thank you” to every person who responds to this appeal, I will send to you an autographed DVD of our very first program. This will be in addition to the gift you will receive based on the amount of your monthly or one-time gift (these are described on the online donation page).
Those who sponsor one or more programs will be acknowledged on the program in whatever way they choose and receive an autographed DVD of that program.
In the years to come, when ACT! for America’s presence is everywhere on TV and radio, you’ll be able to point with pride to your autographed copy of the FIRST television program we ever produced or the show you sponsored.
A program made possible with your generous financial support. This could well become a collector’s item.
So please, don’t delay. The sooner we raise the funds for production, the sooner we can be on the air.
- • To make a one-time gift online, please click here.
• To become a monthly contributing Patriot Partner, please click here.
• To print out a reply form to mail a contribution, please click here.
Thank you in advance for helping us make this historic opportunity a reality. I am humbled every day by the generosity and volunteerism of our ACT! for America members like you.
Always devoted,
Brigitte Gabriel
President and CEO, ACT! for America
ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure..
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