John R. Houk
© June 21, 2010
The premier Internet source of Birther Conspiracy Theory is WorldNetDaily. I used to be a Birther myself however I became convinced that there was so much conflicting, faked documents, mysterious cover-ups and unanswered yet legitimate information to place President Barack Hussein Obama into a criminal spotlight that I pretty much abandoned the Birther path to derail BHO’s Presidential Office. I simply feel there is too much political clout shielding BHO mysteries. Indeed, I believe the dots to Obama’s Birther issues may not be substantiated until long after his Administration has dipped into the annals of history.
On the other hand WND has found a guy who was responsible for monitoring eligibility to vote in the State of Hawaii. Tim Adams has since departed from that job and is working on a Masters degree in Kentucky. Adams asserts there is zero proof that BHO was born in Hawaii. Yet Adams appears not to have a Birther vendetta because he also paints a picture of not knowing where BHO was born but that he was born out of the State of Hawaii to an American citizen; i.e. BHO’s mother Stanley Ann Dunham.
The WND article has Adams stipulating that he has no doubt that BHO is an American citizen and if there is any question to his eligibility for President it was probably in a deficiency in the Democratic Party vetting the particulars that might come up such as the location of birth.
Of the course the race card is brought up in the article. When the Left is confronted with potential damaging truth the tactic of the day is to deflect from the actual issue by creating a polarizing unrelated issue.
Regardless of any Slanted Left obfuscation, the Adams’ claim that BHO was not born in Hawaii screams of cover-up at least on the Hawaiian State level and undoubtedly has connections to national strings. Again I doubt the strings will attach to President Barack Hussein Obama because the presidentially powerful have become adept at providing plausible deniability from both major political parties.
JRH 6/21/10
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