John R. Houk
© June 7, 2010
Sujit Das wrote a rather lengthy essay about the dangers presented by a nuclear armed Islamic nation with emphasis on psycho-Iran.
Das takes the analogy of the anger felt by Americans when Japan sneak attacked the Pearl Harbor Naval base in Hawaii on the “Date that will live in infamy” – December 7, 1941. Political correctness was definitely NOT a part of America’s cultural fabric. After war was declared on Japan, Japanese-Americans (mostly U.S. citizens) were placed in internment camps out of fear of loyalty to the then hated nation of Japan. That was a definite injustice to Americans citizens of which a minority of Japanese descent actually did still honor the Japanese Emperor as a god.
The Allies of WWII had decided that the only outcome of the (assuming they would win) would only be complete and unconditional surrender of the Axis Powers. Because of Churchill’s desperation of Great Britain being the only nation that had not been overrun by the Nazi war machine, the principle Allied powers agreed to concentrate on defeating Germany first. (A good argument could also be made for Stalin’s desperation since the Nazis had driven to the USSR Capitol City of Moscow; however history paints a traitorous picture of the WWII Soviet Allie in which the Communist State became the new European threat.)
After Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender Japan had not collapsed to the point of accepting unconditional surrender and occupation. Many thought forcing Japan into an unconditional surrender would be at least a year or two away from Germany’s surrender. Britain was tired. The principle representation of the British in the Pacific Theatre was the Australians. The Soviets never formally declared war on Japan until it was obvious the Japanese would ultimately be defeated. In addition the Soviets had more of an agenda of shoring up their future defense which included making Eastern Europe a collection of fiefdom’s under the command of Soviet Communist political and military instruments. France had been occupied by the Nazis nearly from the beginning of WWII until an American led invasion of mostly Americans and Brits began the liberation of France on D-Day June 6, 1944.
It was fairly obvious that America’s resources and human lives would be the tap source for completing the subduing of Japan. In the course of WWII America had developed the ultimate weapon in history – atomic (nuclear) weaponry. Two Atomic Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki brought about Japan’s complete and unconditional surrender to a quick culmination. The last bomb was dropped on August 9, 1945 and the Japanese Emperor broadcast Japan’s acceptance of terms of unconditional surrender on August 15, 1945.
(In order to head off the whiners of the horror of America using nuclear weapons on a nation that was about to lose anyway; I am aware that current scholarship paints a picture that the Hiroshima bomb may have been unnecessary and that communication misinterpretation from the Japanese led to the definitely unnecessary bombing of Nagasaki.)
The obvious corollary Das makes in his essay is that the Islamic terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 was also a sneak attack that angered Americans. The biggest difference is that Japan was a visible sovereign nation and the Islamic terrorists are transnational clandestine organizations with near zero attachment to a sovereign nation. Das’ point is the Global War on Terror (GWOT) has been ongoing for quite some time and in today’s perspective will continue for an indefinite amount of more time. In the mean time rogue nations like Iran will undoubted acquire nuclear weapons and use them because of the psychology of the mindset of the Muslim mind, especially the Twelver Shia mind of Iran.
If Iran, a Sunni nation like Pakistan or the nuclear use of transnational Islamic terrorists will undoubted result in a nuclear response from the probable targets of Israel and/or America. In strategic terms the most efficient way to end radical Islam is to wipe out that which is the primary symbols of Islam – the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Das’ further point is he is playing a role of a person providing a warning to nations like Iran (or perhaps transnational Islamic terrorist supporters) that a nuclear strike with the purpose of destroying Israel and Jews will have long term consequences that could lead to the very acts of nuking Mecca and Medina to render Islam a minority religion without roots to remain militant. The concept is based on Muslim lore that one Ibn Ubayy took hold of his prophet Mohammed who wanted to exterminate the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa for resisting a 15 day siege. Ibn Ubayy gave Mo a veiled threat in which Mo thought it better to back down to Ibn Ubayy than to go against his request. Das is thus saying to Radical Islam and to Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in particular to look up and realize that a Holocaust of Jews will result in the destruction of Islam.
In the Das essay there is also an indication that Ahmadinejad is nuttier than Mohammed because Ahmadinejad is so dedicated to Twelver theo-political ideology of the return of the hidden Twelfth Imam that all warnings and logical thinking before nuking Israel will not be heeded. Twelver theo-political ideology believes the Twelfth Imam will return after great chaos threatens Islam. If Das is correct then you can see the path that Ahmadinejad will take regardless of repercussions and consequences.
JRH 6/7/10
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