John R. Houk
© June 28, 2010
Senator Lisa Murkowski is a Republic incumbent from Alaska. The Tea Party Express has labeled her a RINO. They are supporting a GOP Conservative for the Alaska primary. From the language of the endorsement it sounds like it may be a long shot; nonetheless I am all for replacing RINOs.
The GOP Conservative running against Murkowski is Joe Miller.
Sarah Palin endorsed Joe Miller on her popular Facebook page:
Contested primaries are so good for America’s political process! Competition makes everyone work harder, be more efficient, debate clearer, and produce more. So, Alaskans should be thrilled that Joe Miller jumped in the GOP race and is ready, willing, and able to serve us as our next United States Senator.
I’m proud to join so many other long-time Alaskans in supporting Joe Miller in the upcoming Alaska Republican Primary. Joe is a true Commonsense Constitutional Conservative, and we’re thankful he and his family are willing to offer us a choice in Alaskan leadership.
I share Joe’s belief that we are at a critical time in our nation’s history and the status quo will no longer do. Unfortunately, Lisa Murkowski and much of the political establishment have recently evolved into being a bigger part of the big government problem in Washington, and they’ve strayed from the principles upon which they had espoused. They ushered in the largest increase in federal domestic spending since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society; it’s an increase in government that political machines may embrace, but “we the people” reject because we know it’s unsustainable and immorally burdensome to future generations. (Read the rest of the Sarah Palin Endorsement)
Here is the Tea Party Express e-newsletter:
JRH 6/28/10
Help Us Defeat a RINO - And Elect a Conservative!
Sent by: Tea Party Express
Sent: 6/27/2010 7:05 PM
Thanks to your efforts, a number of Tea Party Express candidates have won races this year, and a number of our "worst offender" targets have been defeated.
Now we need to turn your attention to a very important race coming up: the Alaska U.S. Senate race. I've spent the better part of my life living in Alaska, being raised there and graduating from college in the state.
Senator Lisa Murkowski is the RINO Republican incumbent who must be defeated. She's in tight with the Republican leadership in Congress. And sadly she is one of the worst offenders in the Republican Party in going along with the tax-spend-bailout agenda of the Democrats.
In recent years she has voted more with the Democrats than any other Republican in the U.S. Senate - and we know there are some notable RINO Republicans in the Senate.
Here's a clue as to how bad Murkowski is - just witness the recent push for ObamaCare. When Gov. Sarah Palin put out the warning alarm about the "death panel" provisions in the legislation working its way through Congress, Senator Murkowski stepped forward and defended the bill. Consider the headline of the August 11, 2009 story in the Anchorage Daily News: Murkowski: Don't tell lies about the health-care reform bill."
Once ObamaCare was passed by Congress, there were immediate efforts by Conservatives to organize a push to defund or repeal ObamaCare.
What did Senator Murkowski do? She went on TV and said we shouldn't try to repeal ObamaCare. Watch her yourself:
Lisa Murkowski needs to be defeated.
And fortunately there is a fantastic tea party conservative running against her: Conservative Republican, Joe Miller.
Miller was recently endorsed by Gov. Sarah Palin, and we at the Tea Party Express endorsed Joe Miller shortly thereafter. We are excited about the opportunity to replace a big government failed politician - in this case Lisa Murkowski - with a constitutional conservative, Joe Miller!
We have a lot of momentum with the recent victory of tea party conservatives, but this race is going to be tough - Lisa Murkowski is a very entrenched incumbent, and she has $2 million sitting in her campaign bank account.
So we need your help to fight back and help elect the constitutional conservative in this race, Joe Miller, to the U.S. Senate.
We need our first advertising effort in this campaign to be BIG. If we're going to take out an entrenched incumbent, we're going to have to make a big splash and grab people's attention and get them to focus on her failed record.
So we need the support of as many of our Tea Party Express members and supporters as we can get. We also need your help to get friends, family members and others to pitch in. We will literally need tens of thousands of conservatives to pitch in and contribute to our campaign for Joe Miller.
You can contribute as little as $5 all the way up to the maximum allowed $5,000. To contribute right now - JUST CLICK HERE.
If you prefer you can mail in a contribution payable to "Tea Party Express" to our headquarters:
Tea Party Express
770 L Street #1020
Sacramento, CA 95814
Now let's go win this race! We've got a lot of work still left to do if we are truly going to change Congress in the 2010 elections.
TPE Says, ‘Defeat Lisa Murkowski in Alaska’
John R. Houk
© June 28, 2010
Help Us Defeat a RINO - And Elect a Conservative!
Paid for and authorized by the Our Country Deserves Better PAC/TeaPartyExpress.org, a federal political action committee, which is responsible for the content of this message. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Contributions are not tax detectable for tax purposes.
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