John R. Houk
© June 29, 2010
I used to be big on the Birther agenda to prove President Barack Hussein Obama was not born in America or at the very least was not eligible to the Office of President of the United States of America. On a personal level I have determined the Birther cause will be an unsuccessful one as long as BHO is President. Honestly there simply is too much power invested in the Office of President that will gain access to documents for Birthers and Obama detractors. And because of Executive Privilege it may be quite some time after the BHO Presidency before documents are made available to historians who are more curious than agenda driven. That’s just my take on the corruption and lies that I believe BHO has sold to America as a man that would bring “change” and “transparency” to government during his Presidency.
The “change” part is the truth; however “change” is on a Leftist transformative level that I am certain most of the citizens voting for BHO had absolutely no inkling what he intended to transform America into. That transformation is a Socialist Democracy and a society into a Secular Humanist utopia.
The “transparency” part was and is obviously a lie. There was definitely more transparency under President G.W. Bush’s Administration than under the Obama Administration.
Now back to the Birther thought.
I posted a WorldNetDaily.com story recently about Tim Adams who currently is working on a Master’s Degree but formerly was an election official in Hawaii that had oversight over a staff responsible for Absentee Ballots. Adams’ became a Birther dream come true: In his capacity as a Hawaiian election official, Adams claims that there never was a long form Birth Certificate in Hawaii. Alongside the NO Birth Certificate claim is the Adams conclusion that Barack Hussein Obama was not born in Hawaii.
Adams is a good Democrat (although BHO may dispute that assumption). During the 2008 election cycle Adams says he was a Hillary supporter. Also Adams has the odd belief for a guy who says there is no long form Hawaiian Birth Certificate: He believes BHO is an American citizen eligible for his Office of President. The only thing that Adams stipulates is that Obama was not born in Hawaii. He cannot claim to know which State or what location BHO was born in except it was not in Hawaii.
With that in mind, WorldNetDaily is now reporting that Tim Adams is part of a Leftist campaign to find dirt on him to discredit anything he might claim. As Sarah Palin can agree with, character assassination is the specialty of the Left on those who may be viewed as a threat to Leftist integrity.
There is an irony as well. Since Adams sticks to his story that BHO is a Presidential eligible American citizen the Right is not necessarily pleased with him either. So the Right and/or Birthers have a bit of a conundrum which I am a bit surprised the idiotic Left has not exploited. Adams claims BHO was not born in Hawaii but is eligible for President. You would think that the Left would also try to discover the reason why Adams is a Presidential eligible American citizen. If Adams has logic similar to that concluding BHO was not born in Hawaii, then why doesn’t the Left discover Adams’ logic why BHO is a Presidential eligible American citizen?
The conundrum for the Right is they seem to have their cake but are unable to eat too.
JRH 6/29/10
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