Monday, September 17, 2012

Kamal Saleem is all about Christianity even if it Insults Islam

Kamal Saleem 9-14-12
John R. Houk
© September 17, 2012

Facebook pal Danny Jeffrey of Freedom Rings 1776 has alerted me of an ex-Islamic Terrorist Kamal Saleem who spoke at a Family Values conference evidently under the aegis of the Family Research Council (FRC). Jeffrey found the Saleem speech at The Right Scoop. The video of the speech runs an FRC banner below but has a lot Family Values organizations in the background.

As I was listening to Saleem’s compelling speech about deliverance from Radical Islam into a fervent Christian that sounds like a Preacher, I thought to myself I need to know about this guy. At the top of Google I found his website. Within the website I went to Saleem’s about page which is a must read if you listen to the Saleem speech which is relayed as a “MUST WATCH”.

The speech is a Jesus centered message and this is kind of action that needs to occur throughout Christian Churches and Evangelistic campaigns in the United States of America. THIS IS WHAT I POSTED ABOUT with blog entry “Islam Insults Christianity”.

This is what I am going to do. Below will be Danny Jeffrey’s Facebook thoughts followed by some very similar thoughts by The Right Scoop and then I will provide an eleven minute excerpt of The Right Scoop video. To watch Kamal Saleem in the video’s entirety HERE is The Right Scoop link. Then finally I am going to cross post Saleem’s about page from his website which I highly recommend to read.

JRH 9/17/12


September 16, 2012 7:25 am

I regard myself as spiritual but not religious. This man is extremely religious; we differ only on that premise, but if it is religion that has turned him into a great American patriot then I gladly grant him his belief and welcome him to our nation as my equal. He brought me to tears with his words and his salute to our military and again when he warned America that Hillary Clinton is in the process of implementing resolution 16/18 [SlantRight Editor: This is U.N. Resolution 16/18 is supposed to be a compromise of the Muslim inspired Defamation of Relations. Here are three links critical of U.N. Resolution 16/18 – HERE, HERE and HERE). The tears on this topic was for the stupid people of this nation who have no idea what resolution 16/18 is.

It strikes me as odd how a man raised to destroy America can come to love this nation, lead in the fight to protect it, be prepared to die for it. And out patriot our "Patriots" who will not even take the time to read about what is happening to this crumbling country. So many feel that they are showing patriotism by posting patriotic picture with catchy slogans and have no idea at all about the horrid reality we face.

This man is truly awake, while half of America is brain dead and most who claim to be awake are only sleep walking.

My friend, I welcome you to America. Love that flag as I do and I shall proudly stand and die beside you in its defense!
MUST WATCH: Kamal Saleem keynote at Values Voter Summit 2012

Posted by The Right Scoop
September 14th, 2012

I’m not kidding, this was amazing. Kamal Saleem, a former Lebanese Islamist terrorist, loves Jesus with much more enthusiasm than most Americans I know and he’s not afraid to show it. Not only that, but he sees what is going on in the Middle East and in this country right now and believes we have a duty to fight for this country. He is truly a patriot and you will be more than inspired by his amazing story.

Being an outsider, he has an interesting perspective on our liberty and one of my favorite lines from his speech was when he said, full of passion, “your liberty comes from your Bible, your Constitution comes from your Bible, your values comes from your Bible.” Words don’t do it justice, you’ve just got to hear him say it. It was amazing.

No kidding, this is a MUST WATCH:

VIDEO (Excerpt): Must Watch … Kamal Saleem

Kamal Saleem Biography

Born in 1957 into a large Sunni Muslim Lebanese family in the heart of the Middle East, Kamal Saleem was breastfed Islamic radicalism by his mother, and taught to hate Jews and Christians by his father. His cousin was the Grand Mufti of Beirut. Recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood for jihadi militancy as a small child, he completed his first bloody terror mission into Israel for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) at the age of seven.

Like a star U.S. college football running back, Kamal ran important terror operations as a young man in the service of Yassir Arafat, under the coaching Abu Yussif and Abu Zayed (PLO/Fatah). He has worked for, and dined with, Muhamar Kaddafi (dictator of Libya). He has “carried the ball” for Baath Party leaders and military attaches of Saddam Hussein (dictator of Iraq) and Hafez al Assad (dictator of Syria), for Saudi Arabian sheikhs and princes, and for Abdul Rahman (Muslim Brotherhood). Kamal Saleem fought with the Afghan Mujahadeen for victory against the Soviets… before he and his patrons turned their attention to the destruction of the West – and Western freedoms – through Islamicization. Above all, Kamal thirsted for jihadic death to America.

He was well prepared: After mastering every form of offensive and defensive terror tactic, Kamal Saleem slipped into Europe and then the United States to make Islamic converts -- and to radicalize them, along with assimilated Muslims, into vicious intolerance. He aimed to glorify Allah through “hot war” terror cells as well as the “cold war” tactics of demographic and cultural jihad – ironically exploiting First Amendment liberties to gut American freedoms of religion, speech, and the press. In his riveting memoir, The Blood of Lambs (2009, Howard/Simon & Schuster), Kamal writes of his childhood:

The teaching at mosque was like the teaching at my mother’s kitchen table, only full flower. True Muslims, the imams said, were to complete the conquest Muhammad had begun, to establish a global caliphate, or world dominance…[A devout Muslims should] become a missionary zealot [and] do the world a favor and rip it from its sin and lust and idolatry, whether by conversion or death….we learned Allah would some day judge us….we learned the doctrine of al toquiah, or lying to our enemies for the sake of Islam. And we learned that all our enemy’s property – his women, his children, his money, his house – belonged to us. We were to sleep with the enemy’s women and populate the world with faithful Muslim children. “No army should be more powerful than the army of Allah!” one imam or another would shout from the pulpit, sometimes brandishing a stick or a sword. “No nation should be richer than a Muslim nation….you must call for Shariah law!”… I did not know the word theocracy then, but that is what the imams meant. In response, we shouted the slogan of the Muslim Brotherhood: “Allah is our objective! The Prophet is our leader! The Koran is our law! Jihad is our way! Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope!” …. We hated the Jews, of course….we knew that if it were not for America, Israel would not exist…. The truth was that most Muslims saw the Palestinians as a scrubby little minority group, a burden on the rest of us. But their cause gave the Muslim fascists a reason to bark at America.

As a function of a near-fatal auto accident in that very nation, however, Kamal Saleem for the first time confronted what might be called the very best of the Judeo-Christian ethic: Rescued from the wreckage and nursed back to health by devout Christians, he defected entirely from Islamic militancy --as well as Islam itself. Like Ayaan Hirsi Ali of Somalia and the Netherlands, Kamal became an “apostate,” marked for death; there is no safe exit from Islam – especially for a high-ranking operative of the Muslim Brotherhood, PLO and international Islamist terror.

Kamal Saleem eventually married an American Christian woman. It was not until well after the devastations of 9/11, however, that he “came out of the closet” to reveal his dark past to his wife, Victoria, and begin a dangerous, politically-incorrect, yet peaceful public “crusade”: Today, Kamal aims to alert Israelis, Europeans, Americans – Jews, Christians, Muslim moderates, agnostics, seculars, feminists, gays, journalists, artists and average citizens – of the absolutely determined, genocidal forces working feverishly, even now, to destroy them, global human rights, and Western liberty itself. Out of near- absolute, realpolitik certainty that a sovereign and armed Islamic state in Judea and Samaria would yield the destruction of the State of Israel, Kamal Saleem today seeks to boldly warn Israeli and American leaders and citizens against the siren song of a “Two-State Solution.” He also argues for U.S. fortitude regarding Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran, where nuclear capabilities are within reach of Holocaust-denying – yet Holocaust-approving – Islamo-fascists.

Today, Kamal Saleem educates state and federal political leaders, military leaders, intelligence specialists, security officials and contractors, law enforcement agencies, foundations, non-profits, churches, synagogues, universities, military academies and receptive Muslim audiences on what he knows of the deadly enemy without – and the cancerous enemy within. He loves all his brothers and sisters of Muslim descent – but hates violent, intolerant Islasmism (sic) with a passion. Just as good souls in World War II might have loved the German people while hating the murderous, anti-Semitic system of Nazism that engulfed them, so Kamal Saleem courageously calls upon all Muslims to reject the engulfing, toxic system of Islamist hatred.

What explains such a personal change? Can it somehow be exploited to defend the West in what scholars Samuel Huntington and Bernard Lewis have called “the Clash of Civilizations”? Today, Kamal Saleem and millions of ex-Islamists indeed embrace the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Jesus and all those of Muslim descent who crave peace: Y-hw-h of the Torah, Tanakh and Bible – not the Islamist’s “Allah,” who like Baal and other pagan “gods” demands the degradation of women and the bloody sacrifice of one’s own children, in exchange for Paradise and 70 attentive virgins.

Like traditional Jews as well as their Christian offspring for centuries, Kamal rejects the Islamist (and sometimes, secular) concept of a worldwide “House of Peace” brought about by forced conversions, fascist militancy, and totalitarian coercion and control. With devout Jews, Catholics and Protestants worldwide and throughout Western history, Kamal Saleem today believes that ultimate “Peace on Earth” comes through a Davidic, Messianic Age brought about by Heaven, not through violent human machinations. In the meantime, Kamal argues that First Amendment freedoms in America and analogues among its Western allies – as well as the very lives of their free citizens – are in grave jeopardy: A fast-expanding fifth of the world – 1.5 billion people – are Muslim, and a growing percentage of them, perhaps 15%, favor Islamist objectives of violence, WMD’s, Shariah, demographic/cultural jihad… and death or enslavement for unbelievers.

Kamal Saleem argues that realists must act now, with courageous determination, to run effective offense against the Islamists who would destroy or enslave us all – from Kandahar to Karachi, from Islamabad to Teheran, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, from London to Madrid to Mumbai, and from New York and Washington to Chicago and L.A. As a function of his own story, Kamal Saleem argues for one largely overlooked “psy-ops” weapon in the battle for Muslim hearts and minds, and for the very survival of the West: The calculated, methodical deployment by capital of courageous “missionaries” entirely unrestricted, at a personal level, in the use of Jewish and Christian moral suasion in humanitarian, military, security and civil roles among Muslim populations within the Islamic world – and in European and American cities and universities: The USA simply cannot defeat confident Islamist ideology and asymmetric tactics with multiculturalists platitudes.

A gifted, passionate communicator (click here for a sample) Kamal Saleem has shared his intimate knowledge of Islamist tactics and conquest plans with audiences at Berkeley, Michigan, and in the Ivy League; in synagogues, mega-churches, foundations, and the United Jewish Appeal (Aspen); on major U.S. media and talk shows; and with U.S. military leaders, security agents, the U.S. Air Force Academy, private contractors, and law enforcement specialists.

Kamal Saleem is all about Christianity even it Insults Islam
John R. Houk
© September 17, 2012

MUST WATCH: Kamal Saleem keynote at Values Voter Summit 2012

© 2009-2012 The Right Scoop
Kamal Saleem Biography

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