Friday, July 6, 2012

There are NO Winners in Syria’s Civil War

Syria- Malankara Metopolitans
John R. Houk
© July 6, 2012

Danny Jeffrey posted this letter from a Facebook friend who had received it from a Christian residing in the turmoil in Syria. I had posted Danny’s thoughts on Syria (FIRST RATE PROPAGANDA AND FOX NEWS IS INVOLVED) underneath my thoughts after Googling on the Houla Massacre the subject matter of Danny’s post.

I think this is a fair summary of the Christian’s plight in Syria:

§  The majority population of Syria is Sunni Muslims.

§  The Rebels in Syria are dominated by Radical Muslim Sunnis.

§  President Bashar al-Assad is a good righteous President dedicated to bring democracy to Syria.

§  The Assad regime is dominated by the minority Shia Muslims.

§  The Assad regime is dedicated to bringing a level political situation to Syria including protecting the Christian minority in Syria.

§  Sunnis do not care if Syrian Christians are ethnically cleansed.

§  Israelis do not care if Syrian Christians are ethnically cleansed.

§  President Barack Hussein Obama does not care if Syrian Christians are ethnically cleansed.

§  The world wants to remove Assad because of his friendship with Iran.

§  Saudi Arabia is orchestrating the world to buy into the Sunni Radical Muslims as leaders.

§  The world is unjust and is following the Sunni butchers to rid Syria of Bashar al-Assad.

This Christian is distressed and hopeless about Christianity in Syria if Assad is removed. I absolutely believe the assessment of the future of Syrian Christians if Shia Alawite Bashar al-Assad is removed (probably killed or exiled to Iran).

On the other hand I believe the Christian has bought into the propaganda of the Assad regime. Christians may survive in Syria under Assad but the lot in life will not be as full participants in a representative democratic government because there is no such thing under the Assad regime. Bashar al-Assad inherited the reins of dictatorship from his father who was highly involved in mid-20th century Arab wars to eradicate Jewish Israel off the earth.

There is a reason for the move of Syrian Sunnis toward radical Islam. It is to remove the hopelessness of the Oppression of  the Alawite Assad family rule has executed upon the majority Sunnis. Is Assad oppression a reason to butcher Syrian Shias and Christians?

There is no justification for massacres of the Sunni majority, the Shia minority and the Christian minority. Alas the only thing that will save Syria from savage massacres is to end the tribal mindedness of Syrian Arabs and the secularization of Islam (Sunni and Shia).

NONE of those situations will ever happen in Syria without bloodshed. AND that bloodshed would have to occur with the goal of ending familial tribalism and the secularization of Islam. The current antagonists in Syria indicate there is no such reform on the horizon for Syria.

I have to believe fear and propaganda is the foundation for Christians supporting Assad and therefore the brutal Mullahs of Iran. I am convinced Saudi Arabia is probably involved in some subterfuge in Syria for the simple matter that Syrian chaos benefits Saudi National Interests concerning their primary Middle Eastern enemy Iran.

As to Israel and President BHO, I believe the Christian in the letter is in a state of hopelessness in the analysis of uncaring by Israelis and the American government. Israel is a loser by whoever wins the civil war in Syria. The common thread of Jew-hatred that has brainwashed into every citizen in residing Middle Eastern nations will be the same by whoever wins. I believe the Obama Administration and some foolish Senators interest in removing Assad is the result of bad geopolitical thinking in poking a thumb in the eye of Iran by ridding the Mullahs of a client state. If Assad falls though, it will change nothing for America. The common thread of the perception of hating the Muslim big Satan (USA) and the Muslim little Satan (Israel) will continue until a war to end wars occurs in the Middle East.

And so, God have  mercy on the Christians in Syria. Syrian Christians are stuck between the Mohammed-style radical Islam of the Sunnis and the Alawite Shias need to rule at any cost to survive because of their own oppressive sins toward Sunnis.

JRH 7/5/12
DO NOT BELIEVE the crap in the news about Syria!!!
Jul 2, 2012 7:59pm

John, thank you for joining the effort. This is a letter from a Christian in Syria to a FB friend - Terry Cook.

DO NOT BELIEVE the crap in the news about Syria!!!

From a beloved Christian sister in Syria:

We are all suffering here in Syria & have had to leave our homes in Homs & come to Aleppo. These animals, the "free Syria" [SlantRight Editor: Free Syrian Army] thugs have all but burnt our city. We Thank God we have family here where we are welcome & safe for the time being. Unfortunately I don't think we will ever see our homes again.

We Christians have been advised to keep a low profile & to stay indoors for our safety. We were lucky to get out of Homs when we did as forty three Christians were kidnapped two days after we fled. These non humans are using our brothers & sisters as human shields so the Army cannot fire upon them.
Terry I don't think many in the western world understand what is needed of a ruling party in order to enforce a free & just society for all people. Any country in the Middle East like Syria whose population is eighty seven % Sunni Muslim, have to have a strong regime to ensure the minority are treated equally. It has been difficult for our President to introduce Syria to a form of western style democracy, but this is what he had been working hard to achieve. He was working hard to open Syria up to the world by the introduction of the internet & tourism etc. He had lifted our economy by 5% just before this invasion.

The REAL problem is that many of the Sunni hard liners do not want democracy, it goes against Islamic Sharia law. They with the aid of Saudi Arabia instigated this all from outside Syria. They are not the only ones behind this as many in the region have their purpose of wanting to rid Syria of it's President & install one that is more "Controllable". Iran is the real target. Saudi Arabia want the Shiites eradicated, Israel want them disarmed, those controlling American foreign policy agree with Israel & accept the bribe from Saudi Arabia. Syria is the minor stumbling block to their plan so they must control it. Fine Terry but what about us? Does Saudi Arabia care if us Christians are eradicated? No they don't. Does Israel really care if we are eradicated? No I am sure they are not. Is Mr. Obama losing sleep over us Christians? No I don't think so! If many in the west understood our plight & the reason behind this farce invasion then just maybe Terry we might survive. One of the greatest crimes in history will be if this intervention on our country results in the killing of this VERY just President.

Sorry for rambling Terry I am just so overwhelmed at the injustice in this world & the way the free world are aiding Satan (Islam) to reign.
There are NO Winners in Syria’s Civil War
John R. Houk
© July 6, 2012
DO NOT BELIEVE the crap in the news about Syria!!!

SlantRight Editor: I ran a spell check on the Christian’s letter. I did not change the grammar, just the spelling of a few words. If you choose to you can read the pristine original at the link provided at the beginning of the letter.

About Danny Jeffrey from Freedom Rings 1776

I'm sixty seven and since Ronald Reagan left office I have watched my country slowly deteriorate as freedoms are lost and the value of our currency dwindles. This has been a slow but steady decline until Barrack Obama entered the White House. I will not refer to this man as President. That is a job that deserves respect and he has earned none at all. I am convinced that were it not for the Tea Party stirring up the public we would now be living under a total dictatorship. He seeks only power and has no loyalty at all to the United States, and as long as he is in office I shall write to any who will read and speak of what he is and what he is doing to this country.


  1. Wow, coming from a believer in the middle of this turmoil; we should read this carefully as I feel it has much truth to it. Lord please work on the hearts of your people in the Western world, to the harsh reality of the plight of today's fellow Christians in Syria and elsewhere.

  2. I am not a prophet; however Syria is a classic example of the beginnings of the Last Days. Prayer indeed is needed.
