John R. Houk
© March 27, 2011
I received a comment from the ever ubiquitous "anonymous". Anonymous is usually but not always a complainer. In this case anonymous wrote a pro-Palestinian comment that was deleted as spam by blogger spam software or was deleted by anonymous. The comment was a response to “Palestinians Hate Jews.” Since I would like to respond to anonymous' pro-Palestinian comment below is that person’s comment to read:
how do u know what it is in the page?? all the postes and the comments are in the Arabic languages. I can read arabic and there is no raciste or hate or terroriste in the Intifada page!
who is the real terrorist?? who kill the babies in Palestine?? and why?? I find it very ridiculous that the people survived a holocaust take it as an excuse to do another massacre. If one or two Israelis are killed that always becomes a big news. The inside story is Israel itself is killing and shooting number of Palestinians everyday, detaining thousands and that never becomes a news in the western media. What a two faced hypocrisy! Needless to say that IDF is a terrorist organization and settlement of Israel was the biggest mistake. If anyone has to compensate for so called holocaust, it should be Germany or anyone from Europe. Palestine must be free now. It's been proved that Israel is the center of all global problem and chaos. Free Palestine, End the Zionist occupation of Palestinian land.
I will respond in the next comment. (As I was writing in the Blogger comment section I discovered I exceeded the character limit; thus is the reason for turning my comment into a post.)
Anonymous said:
"how do u know what it is in the page?? all the postes and the comments are in the Arabic languages. I can read arabic and there is no raciste or hate or terroriste in the Intifada page!"
You are correct; I do not speak a lick of Arabic. Nonetheless, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) is a reputable watch dog of the lies of Palestinian media which continuously calls Jews the children of apes and pigs and calls for the death of all Jews in no uncertain terms. You and I both know the translation is accurate. And yes you are correct to claim that there is no direct call for Palestinians to march and destroy Israel and kill Jews like the Fogel family (Father, Mother, infant baby girl and two young sonsM).
You do know that the so-called "intifada" are violent acts of rage that targets all Israelis and not just the Israeli police of military. You are correct there was no racist projection on this particular intifada page; however the call liberation implies a focus on Jews and the Jewish Homeland.
Anonymous says,
who is the real terrorist?? who kill the babies in Palestine?? and why??
DUH! The real terrorists are the Arabs that claim to be Palestinians who DO KILL MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN (Hello! The Fogel family is only the most recent example). If Arab children living in Gaza, Judea and Samaria are killed it is the result of human shielding or the idiocy that a terrorist can hide within their family to avoid being hunted down like a dog participating or planning a Palestinian Terrorist act against Jews in their Home Land. In essence the Arabs are responsible for the death of their own children if they as collateral damage from Israel responding to a terrorist attack. The Palestinians hide behind the fallacy of "liberation" like cowards that murder in the darkness of evil and expect to be heroes of light for doing so.
Anonymous said,
"I find it very ridiculous that the people survived a holocaust take it as an excuse to do another massacre."
There is NO excuse for a massacre because the Israeli government has not perpetrated one massacre! That is just a plain Palestinian propaganda lie! However a reading of Palestinian media both in print and in media will demonstrate the programming and the intention to execute a second Jewish Holocaust upon Israeli Jews.
Anonymous said,
"If one or two Israelis are killed that always becomes a big news. The inside story is Israel itself is killing and shooting number of Palestinians everyday, detaining thousands and that never becomes a news in the western media. What a two faced hypocrisy!"
If one or two Israelis are killed, REALLY!? That is a load of Palestinian crap, again! There have been more Israeli Jews and Muslims that have embraced a sovereign Israel killed by Palestinian terrorists than any Palestinian that has been killed as the result of collateral damage of being a human shield or endangering themselves by actively harboring terrorist murderers or cheering when an Islamic terrorist kills them self and the innocent men, women and children in an explosion. There is “NO KILLING LYING PALESTINIANS” every day. Now anonymous is correct that thousands are detained; however Arabs detained by Israel are either murdering Islamic terrorists or are part of the planning to murder Jewish men, women and children. These detained dogs are not innocent angels just because they call themselves Palestinians and wickedly play the victim when they are actually victimizers.
Anonymous says,
"Needless to say that IDF is a terrorist organization and settlement of Israel was the biggest mistake. If anyone has to compensate for so called holocaust, it should be Germany or anyone from Europe."
And yet another load of crap that the IDF is a terrorist organization. If anything the IDF is the major element of protection from Arabs that call themselves Palestinians executing the second Jewish Holocaust. The Jews did not come from Germany and Europe! They received the boot from a European Roman government that did not like Jews governing themselves in their own Homeland. A significant amount of the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians cannot trace a heritage to the Holy Land area of the Middle East past the late nineteenth century or early twentieth century. Why? Because Jews immigrating back to the land of their ancient heritage made an unworkable land into a productive land. The demands of production required labor. That is when Arabs began flowing in the land administered by Ottoman Turks from Damascus (present day Syria) and after WWI the British Mandate termed Palestine from other Arab locations looking for work. Which incidentally worked great symbiotically between Jews and Muslims until Muslims like Grand Mufti al-Husseini bought into the Muslim Brotherhood pan-Arab and pan-Islamic nationalism. This nationalism became racist Islamic Supremacism in which non-Muslims could not form a nation in a land once conquered by Islamic imperialism. Also al-Husseini had visions of carving a ruling niche over a significant amount of territory as other Arab tribes had been granted by the British and French. Since al-Husseini was a Jew-hating bigot he plugged into al Banna's and Adolf Hitler's concept of a final solution for Jews. This is the kind of sick nationalism that bread like cancer to a once symbiotic relationship between Jews and Arabs in the Holy Land.
When Israel won their independence from Jew-hating 6 or 7 invading Muslim armies, Muslim nations defeated by a tinier Jewish army took vengeance on Jews living in the Middle East outside of the Holy Land. Did you know that Jewish refugees that had their land confiscated and Synagogues burnt to the ground and all their possessions confiscated numbered more than the Arabs that ran away from their homes expecting to return after a supposed butchery of Jews they hoped would lose the war in 1948? Anonymous the only hypocrisy here is from Arabs and gullible American-Europeans believing the lying propaganda of Palestinians.
Anonymous says,
"Palestine must be free now. It's been proved that Israel is the center of all global problem and chaos. Free Palestine, End the Zionist occupation of Palestinian land."
Anonymous you are correct, Palestine must be free. But not for Islamic Supremacist Arabs who have no real long term connection to the Land of Israel. Keep Israel free! Disseminate Arabs among Arabs and keep Israel for Jews, their God-given land.
JRH 3/27/11
One of the major weapons in this propaganda war against Israel is the “Remember these Children” website which compares the numbers of Arab children who have been killed in the conflicts to the number of Jewish children murdered by terrorists. The Arab list totals 1,437 since 2000 and the Jewish list totals 130. Not withstanding that such reporting is unsubstantiated, After visiting the site, I noticed that according to this report, most of the Israeli children were murdered in drive by shootings and human bombs exploding themselves in restaurants, buses and markets. In other words, the Arab terrorists targeted those children and murdered them in cold blood. For all of the Arab children, on the other hand, the site identifies the causes of death as gun shot wounds or explosions during the firefights with Arab Hamas fighters. What were their children doing in the middle of a war zone? That is clear and convincing evidence that the Hamas thugs where using the local children as human shields. Soldiers are trained to return fire when fired upon. The bushwhacking urban guerrillas who fire at enemy troops from a neighborhood full of children are the ones causing the deaths of those children. More at http:moshesharon.worpress.com
ReplyDeleteMoshe that is exactly the very thing I am writing about. The statistical outcomes by pro-Palestinians rarely clarifies how the numbers were derived. As you wrote if the comparison of numbers were accurately reported on how deaths occured then the murdered Israelis would far outnumber the tally of actual deaths reported by acts of terrorism against Arabs that call themselves Palestinian.
ReplyDeleteGreat site , thank you
ReplyDeleteNew video : I am Palestine
The 'Land of Israel' ?
ReplyDeleteAs Israel has never legally annexed any of the territories it has illegally 'acquired' by war since the day it was declared, the 'Land of Israel' would be the actual Sovereign territory of the State of Israel, which was declared as the Jewish Homeland May 15th 1948 "within frontiers approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its Resolution of November 29, 1947" Confirmed by the Provisional Israeli Govt May 22nd 1948 in it's statement to the UNSC BEFORE it made any claims to any territory "outside of" Israel on 31st Aug 1949 AFTER it was recognized "within frontiers approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its Resolution of November 29, 1947", AFTER it was accepted into the UN, "within frontiers approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its Resolution of November 29, 1947".
"(PMW) is a reputable watch dog of the lies of Palestinian"
As you don't speak Arabic, can you corroborate the PMW translations? By who?
"which continuously calls Jews the children of apes and pigs and calls for the death of all Jews"
Continuously? Or the once, repeated over and over. A search count resulting repeats of the same instance is not continuously. We can see the same by Israelis calling for the death of all Arabs You do speak Hebrew?
"Arabs detained by Israel are either murdering Islamic terrorists or are part of the planning to murder Jewish men, women and children. These detained dogs ..."
A) who calls who animals ? (get yourself a proof reader ) B) Thousands of Palestinian held without trial are not actually shown to be guilty of ANYTHING.
"The Jews did not come from Germany and Europe! They received the boot from a European Roman government"
They must be very very VERY old. BTW it was not the Palestinians who 'booted' them from Palestine or from Europe.
"Jews immigrating back to the land of their ancient heritage made an unworkable land into a productive land."
Twaddle. /// "The narrow canon in which Nablous, or Shechem, is situated, is under high cultivation, and the soil is exceedingly black and fertile. It is well watered, and its affluent vegetation gains effect by contrast with the barren hills that tower on either side"
"Sometimes, in the glens, we came upon luxuriant orchards of figs, apricots, pomegranates, and such things, but oftener the scenery was rugged, mountainous, verdureless and forbidding"
"We came finally to the noble grove of orange-trees in which the Oriental city of Jaffa lies buried"
"Small shreds and patches of it must be very beautiful in the full flush of spring, however, and all the more beautiful by contrast with the far-reaching desolation that surrounds them on every side"// MARK TWAIN
Bayard Taylor 1852 “one of the richest districts in the world”
Laurence Oliphant 1887, "a huge green lake of waving wheat, with its village-crowned mounds rising from it like islands; and it presents one of the most striking pictures of luxuriant fertility which it is possible to conceive’"
Moshe Sharon
ReplyDelete"What were their children doing in the middle of a war zone? "
Being prevented from leaving the war zone by Israel having all the crossings closed, including those with Egypt, under the 2005 agreement. Where was there to go except somewhere else in the war zone. r Geneva Convention 1V…Section II..Occupied territories..Art49…The Occupying Power shall not detain protected persons in an area particularly exposed to the dangers of war unless the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand.
The British in WW2 protected their homes and civilian infrastructure by having anti aircraft guns amongst their homes and infrastructure. It's where folk being attacked defend themselves from. I guess you believe they should stand in an open field miles away in order to protect their homes?
"Not withstanding that such reporting is unsubstantiated,"
How odd. The give the time location and cause of death for every child
Thanks for your views "Talknic; however your views are skewed to reality. Current day Israel a fraction of its Homeland heritage today. The only reason Israel exists at all is because the outnumbered novice army held off multiple invading Arab armies in 1948. Now that is an act of God and evidence that allah is a man-made creation.
ReplyDeleteMark Twain's full context statement still asserts the desolation of the area. Today under Jewish management the Land of Israel flourishes even when it is not spring.
The Arab invaders of 1948 threw out any UN convention on the Jewish State or Palestinian State. So tell me why Transjordan did not taken Arab refugees after the 1948 invasions stalled? That land was designated as part of Palestinian Mandate from the League of Nations and intended for Arabs. For that matter, why did not Transjordan create a Palestinian State on the so-called "West Bank" in 1948. Instead Transjordan changed the name of their nation to Jordan and annexed the land as a spoil of war and proceeded to desecrate long standing ancient Jewish ancient landmarks way older than Mohammed as well as preventing Jews from the Wailing Wall after 1948. In case you are propagandized by Palestinian revisionists the Wailing Wall is what is left of the thousands of years old site of the Jewish Temple. Again a landmark way older than Mohammed!
So anonymous keep your propaganda to yourself and dwell on the actual truth!
Enough with Israel. A ruthless cold-blooded killers operating within its own framework that gradually and astoundingly was adopted and slightly altered by majority of the world and became known as "christianity". You label anyone who tries to question or challenge you as "evil" and "intolerant". You are so alive and thriving because of defectors, but even they realise the horrors that await those who stand up to your unseen but lethal indescribable cruelty and reactionary atrocities commited against all non-jew humankind. The time is coming when everyone will realise the true nature of devil's seed and assimilate you for greater Good once and for all. The End.
ReplyDeletePtmn history and current events is the evidence of who is the real intolerant people; i.e. Muslims especially in the Middle East. Arabs that call themselves Palestinians constantly propagandize hate and intolerance of Jews and Israel in their media and their education system. Talk about cold blooded killers? Look in the mirror or at an Arab that calls himself a Palestinian.