John R. Houk
© March 10, 2010
I am a huge supporter of free-market Capitalism. Capitalism is the only path to better oneself with the power knowing how money works and hence ownership of your efforts. You work and receive the reward of your ideas and productions with a little self-discipline applied. Unfortunately in an unredeemed world, good (honesty) and evil (dishonesty) both exist depending on the level of virtue one possesses.
Good Capitalism brings honorable prosperity. Evil Capitalism brings dishonorable prosperity and if caught breaking the rule of law then fines or imprisonment. If the dishonor does not break the rule of law evil Capitalism brings immoral gain in which clients and/or customers should consider in dealing with morally dishonest business.
Does anyone consider business that takes place between your nation (or foreign business licensed as home agents) and your nation’s enemy a breach of honest Capitalism? Not only is it dishonest Capitalism it is a betrayal of your nation!
United Against Nuclear Iran reports several companies operating under dishonest Capitalism. Dishonest Capitalism is fuel of socialists and Marxists that call Capitalism evil for dishonesty is indeed evil. What American enemy are companies/corporations doing business with? That is the rogue nation most responsible for sponsoring Islamic international terrorism is Iran.
JRH 3/10/10
New York Times Confirms that "Toxic" American-Based Companies Such as Shell, Ingersoll Rand, and Mazda Do Business with Iran while Receiving U.S. Taxpayer Dollars
Contact: Kimmie Lipscomb
March 8, 2010
New York, NY - On Sunday the New York Times confirmed that U.S. companies such as Royal Dutch Shell, Ingersoll Rand and Mazda are doing business with Iran's brutal regime while receiving U.S. taxpayer dollars. UANI lists these companies on its Iran Business Registry, and has targeted them for conducting business with a brutal regime that is illegally developing nuclear weapons. On June 30, 2009 UANI first called on Congress to guarantee to every American that their tax dollars are not paid to companies that do business with Iran. Taxpayer support of such companies directly strengthens a regime that is developing nuclear weapons and that has brutally repressed its own people.
In response to the story, UANI President, Ambassador Mark D. Wallace said "American-based companies such as Ingersoll Rand continue to operate in Iran and produce the machinery on which Iran's nuclear program and oil and gas development depend. At the same time, these companies benefit from millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars. UANI has also targeted Royal Dutch Shell for its extensive business in Iran and its failure to disclose adequately such business to shareholders and the SEC. Given the extent of their business in Iran, such companies are too 'toxic' to do business with the United States. The U.S. Government should end all contracts with companies that do business in Iran. Companies must choose: do business with Iran or do business with the U.S."
UANI maintains on its Iran Business Registry a list of over 200 companies that have been reported to do business in Iran. With the support of its tens of thousands of activists, UANI asks these companies to end their business in Iran.
Click here to read the NYT Story.
Click here to read the ABC Iran Act.
Click here to view the Iran Business Registry.
Click here to read UANI's June 30, 2009 Press Release.
When Capitalism is Evil
John R. Houk
© March 10, 2010
New York Times Confirms that "Toxic" American-Based Companies … with Iran …
©2008-2010 American Coalition Against Nuclear Iran - a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
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