John R. Houk
© March 20, 2010
I was going to spend my week-end warning of the Marxist potential that Obama Care could evolve into a Marxist transformation of America. As I stated I am for Universal Healthcare but NOT the Obama way. But my first emotion these days is exposing Islam as an un-American religion for this is actually more dangerous than the evils of Marxism/Communism although both seem to be in temporary alliance to alter the fabric of Judeo/Christian America.
Why is Islam more dangerous? The success rate of implanting Islam in Christian areas then obliterating Christianity has a far better record than the success of Communism has. After all the Soviet Union did fall and Christianity is making an increasing come back in Russia and the former Soviet-bloc satellite nations. Whereas Islam was brought by force: Christianity has nearly been eradicated.
The Western portions of Asia and North Africa were stalwart bastions of Christianity until Mohammed’s religion forced Islam down the throats of the inhabitants via violence, intolerance and repression. As people grew weary of the life of repression under Islam they converted to Islam to experience a better life. After conversion to Islam, mass indoctrination occurred to breed and inculcate hatred toward Christianity and Judaism by effectively borrowing Judeo-Christian imagery and twisting them into Islamic myths thus making it easier to transform society away from the inherent peacefulness of Judeo-Christianity. Hence the existence of dhimmitude as well as the persecution of Jews and Christians, who chose to remain faithful to their religion in western Asia and North Africa.
Flashing forward away from the days that blood thirsty Islam repressively spread their theo-political faith to the present, we see that a militarily inferior theo-political cult has adherents that realized a better life exists in Europe and America relating to employment and the European brand of socialism that exist to make life comfortable while out of work. Thus Muslims began to immigrate in mass to Europe and to a lesser (yet increasing) extent to America. Instead of melting into a culture which is so diametrically different from Islam, Muslims chose to populate specific neighborhood communities to utilize the benefits of dar al-harb while attempting to bring a piece of dar al-Islam to their community.
As the birth rate of these Muslim enclaves increased to the second and third generation, the enclaves expanded. The expanded Muslim communities and the feeling of not fitting into society did not click with Islamic Supremacism. When the purist Muslims began to find a voice among younger and recently immigrated Muslims, these communities began to become volatile in Europe.
The Left Wing concept of multicultural diversity began to enable the Muslim minorities to press for special privileges peculiar to Islam. These peculiarities are relative to Islam’s Sharia Law which in most cases differs widely from Western Rule of Law.
In America it is my opinion that the premiere organization that openly attempts to educate Americans that Islam is not compatible to the West as well as being a religion of hate is ACT for America which is educational and community based. ACT is seminar oriented in its activism. As far as America is concerned ACT does not engage in violence or place itself in a position to cause a community riot.
Britain has a couple of truthing-out Islam organizations in a political party known as the British National Party (BNP) and the non-partisan English Defence League (EDL). Both the BNP and the EDL is anti-Islamic and Right Wing. The former is a political party with a history of racist fascist history. The latter is non-political hoping to garnish the support of the whole British socio-political stratosphere excluding radical British-Islamic citizens. The British Left makes a huge effort to associate the EDL with the more political BNP. The leadership of the EDL denies any affiliation to the BNP especially distancing itself from BNP Whites-only rules.
The difference between the British EDL and America’s ACT for America is their approach to expose Islam. ACT is seminar, community and physically non-confrontational in its approach to expose Islam. The EDL is confrontational in that it leads protest parades that have often ended in riots with the British radical Left or British radical Muslims. Although officially the EDL expresses non-violence in its public literature their method of recruiting from British sports fans particularly among soccer (called football everywhere else but America) fans. Presuming you are an American reader and don’t keep up with the world’s favorite sport of soccer, you should be aware that soccer fans can be so unruly that a riot can break out in stadiums or bars. Evidently Britain actually has fan clubs that are organized as hooligans to bash the opposing fan’s head in the name of their favorite team. This is the base that EDL initially recruits from.
Now here is what caught my interest in EDL. One of my Facebook buddies is a fellow anti-Islamist (Islamic) that goes by the moniker of 1683 AD. In case the link does not work you should be aware that I believe the Facebook group is available only by invitation. The date is a reference to European Christians under the leadership of Polish King Jan III Sobieski defeating the Ottoman Turks at the Gates of Vienna. Sobieski’s victory sealed the last time any Muslim serious threat to ravage Christian Europe as Islam did to Christian West Asia and North Africa.
1683 AD’s post promotes using the EDL method to organize against Islam taking the West like a Trojan Horse Politically within the bounds of the Western Rule of Law. Note that 1683 AD must be British however an American has to wonder if a more robust campaign to confront Islam might be a good addition to the ACT for America agenda to educate America about the truth of Islam.
Below is 1683 AD’s post since I am unsure if any link to this Facebook group will work for anyone who is not a member.
JRH 3/20/10
ACT: Forming a group and making it grow.
By Michael Anderson
September 19, 2010 9:12 PM
1683 AD Facebook Group
"To stand in silence when they should be protesting makes cowards out of men". - Abraham Lincoln
In order for our movement to take hold, it needs to boldly move out from the confines of internet discussions and become recognized as a viable force which is clearly visible in the "real world". It is only through a manifestation in the real world that we will be taken seriously by government and media "leaders" and became an inspiring force for those in the public who support our positions but are currently afraid to take a public stand.
Essential to creating a public presence in any country is the formation of a group or organization. In this text we will set forth possible strategies which can assist any potential (or existing) organizer in that regard. You are encouraged to consider two things while reviewing this presentation. First, it only takes one person to get a group going. Second, everyone can't always expect "the other guy" to be that person. Therefore, please read this with the perspective that you are the one person in your area or nation whom destiny has chosen to help save Civilization from ruin.
At this point in time (early 2010 as of this writing), only one organization in the entire world has arisen and made itself consistently present in the streets to fight the Islamic Supremacist threat. That organization is the English Defence League (EDL). Since this organization has been quite successful, with a seemingly meteoric rise, we shall look to the manner in which it was formed as a possible template for all potential group organizers to consider. The most receptive nations for the EDL-style approach would be in Europe. We shall also set forth another path for creating groups. Anyone attempting to form a group will have to determine which of these two basic launch strategies would be most appropriate for them. Of course, alternative strategies would be welcomed for consideration by 1683 AD. Expansion of the depth and breadth of a group which was started through one of our two options will essentially consist of eventually grafting on the path which was not selected for launching the group, at a suitable point in time.
Our discussion on strategies for group formation begins with the fan club approach, as pioneered by the EDL. First, some background. The EDL came forth when the fans for English soccer teams became disgusted by the outrageous actions being taken in the United Kingdom by advocates of Islamic Supremacism. They decided to set aside team rivalries and work towards the common goal of defending their nation against a common foe. Retrospectively, we can see why such a potent force came to the fore. First, the founders were devout sports fans. As such, it is reasonable to deduce that they are believers in competition and earnestly striving towards goals. They understand that it is only through risk and hard work that desired goals can be attained. Furthermore, they have a strong loyalty mindset, as demonstrated by an intense devotion to their respective teams. Contrast these qualities with what is generally found in Leftists. It is safe to assert the most of them eschew sports and the pursuit of goals through fair competition in any endeavor. Their take on sports is that everyone should receive "participation trophies" and that there be no winners. As for loyalty, they are typically the first in line to denounce their own nation's traditions, culture and achievements. Burning their own nation's flag is a virtual rite of passage. The result of all this is that when considering sports fans, one has a virtually self-selected pool of people who are pre-disposed towards standing up for their nation against any enemy. Add to this the youth factor and you have considerable dynamism.
In contemplating the preceding, it would behoove any potential organizer of a group against Islamification and the Islamic Supremacist agenda in a country besides England, who favors the EDL precedent, to begin by seeking out compatriots and like-minded individuals among fellow sports fans. Of course, this does not mean you would arbitrarily limit yourself solely to sports fans. But they should have a strong emphasis. Thus, if you are a member of an active sports fan club, pub group or simply have a large number of friends who are sports fans, you can start by initiating discussions with them and gauge their interest. Open their eyes to what is going on. Steer them to facts and information on the internet. Gradually, your core group will grow. In any case, you will need to begin with a period of education and consensus building, as mentioned above.
Let's assume you have been able to form a small, core group of aware individuals from your sports fan associations, perhaps a dozen or so. This would appear to be a sufficient number for the commencement of visible, uncomplicated public activities which could draw many others into the group. Initially, such activities could simply involve the wearing of attire which is reflective of your beliefs at any fan club meetings, pub gatherings, tailgate parties or at the games themselves (while seated together). This will help facilitate discussions among those whom you encounter; discussions which will likely be sympathetic due to the basic attitudes of sports fans as discussed above. Your trusted, core membership could discretely evaluate people during such encounters for membership. Eventually, a good sized organization with an outlook similar to the EDL will arise. Once you feel confident of having established a good foundation for your group, promotion on the internet via http://www.meetup.com/ and http://www.facebook.com/ could be contemplated. Discussions could be started on internet forums.
The one advantage that the EDL had in its formation was the actions of Islamic Supremacists which so outraged many in the nation, spurring rapid growth. Similar instances will almost certainly happen again. When they do, use them as a focus point and follow the EDL example.
Another way to engender sports fan involvement would depend on an active exportation of the movement from the UK by the EDL or independent sports fan clubs. Essentially, the membership of such groups could, when traveling to Europe to watch various games, abandon or reduce all cheering for their home team and instead chant to the opposition fans something like "join us" or "wake up". The "two beat" strategy as discussed in another post could be used with effect in the stadiums. UK coordinators could make a concerted effort to have their traveling fans dress in EDL or similar attire; or perhaps defence league attire which is designed to be reflective of the host country. They would be urged to set aside all team rivalry and be overtly friendly to the host team fans. Basically, they should be urged to see themselves as doing something which will actually make an impact on the world. Which they will be doing. Of course, it would help to communicate these intentions in advance to any prospective allies abroad. The beauty of this general approach, should it take hold in European sports stadiums, is that it would be difficult for the press to hide. The home television audience would see a great awakening live, on television, and become emboldened to join in.
Coupled with these overt and highly visible public actions, leaders in the UK could use the internet and urge the leaders of fan clubs in other nations to take up the banner and begin promoting the cause from within their own clubs. UK members could be encouraged to make supportive posts on host team forums. We could essentially create a new D-Day invasion from a U.K. launching pad. Of course, interested groups in Europe could take the initiative and ask the EDL for participation and guidance in any contemplated efforts.
We will now move to a different focus. Depending on your situation, it could be a way to expand membership rolls beyond a sports team foundation (had you had you started with the sports fan approach), or it can be seen as an alternative approach to what has been discussed thus far for starting a group. If you had started with a sports fan approach, you should seriously consider the following and not rest on your laurels. In order to truly reach society you need representation from as many sectors as possible. For example, the fan club approach will primarily bring a lot of young people. Therefore, we cannot neglect reaching out to the massive number of people of older generations.
In this second of two approaches, we begin with one person having a concern with the Islamic Supremacist threat and the overall Islamification of the West. The first instinct might be for such a person to promote the formation of a real-world group on http://www.meetup.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/, with invitations for people to meet somewhere. However, such an approach in which the intent to organize is open for all to see would make the organizing effort immediately vulnerable to disruption, infiltration or both. There is a better way.
The organizer should first consider seeking potential participants in settings where there is a significant likelihood of finding like-minded people. In having the organizer approach likely candidates in these settings, they can be reasonably assured of receiving honest responses; the prospect of any approached person to instantly create a scheme to infiltrate would be a bit implausible. This strategy relies upon basic generalizations about the membership of different groups. It may not be 100% accurate, but it should be close.
Settings which would be worth exploring include meetings or conventions of the following: veterans; retired police officers; Tea Party members (in the U.S.); pro-life advocates; anti-Mosque groups; pro-Israel groups; anti-immigration groups; hunters and gun enthusiasts. Meetings of certain political parties are also an obvious choice. Meetings and gatherings of the fans of conservative talk radio show hosts are a possibility, particularly in the U.S..
Approaches to the congregations of various religions could bear fruit. However, introductions to such individuals should be made in a humble manner on nearby sidewalks and not within their respective houses of worship. Liberal congregations, like those which fall for the trap of seeking "understanding" (in other words, appeasement and surrender) should be avoided. The list of potentially receptive religions can be quite extensive and include: Judaism; Hinduism; Buddhism; Christianity; Animism; Zoroastrianism; Santeria; Paganism; Baha'i; Sikhism; Wicca and others. Atheists, Agnostics and Humanists might also be worthy of approach. We must also consider religions which are often castigated by society as a whole, such as Scientology, Hare Krishna, the Unification Church and others. All of the preceding have one thing in common: they are guaranteed to be subjugated under Islamic Supremacist rule in the new Talibanate. If you have any personal difficulties with any or all of these religions or beliefs, we would ask that you sublimate them and keep in mind that you do not believe any human being should be subject to the fate which Sharia law holds for non-Muslims. None of these listed religions promote the conquest and subjugation of others.
Even speaking with employees at the factory gates or doors of companies which would be certain to disappear under Islamification, such as gambling institutions, pork producers, alcohol producers, bars, and various "sin" enterprises could reap positive responses.
In contemplating all of the above options, it would be preferred that the people making the approaches also be from the corresponding community or at least have a firm grounding in their specific beliefs or concerns.
Assuming that various introductions have been made and contact information secured (particularly e-mail addresses), the next step would be to conduct periodic meetings to get acquainted and formulate plans. In those meetings, various tactics as discussed in other 1683 AD posts, as well as self-generated ideas, could be entertained.
If a group had started out in a non-sports fan approach and established a degree of stability, it should at some point seriously consider using its resources to help jumpstart a sports fan revolution, as discussed previously, to bring tremendous energy and vitality. Likewise, as discussed above, those groups which have begun with sports fans should diversify its membership base to include the recently described strategy of approaching various groups. The goal of all of this is to bring about a greater exposure of our cause into more diverse sectors of the population. We are ending up with a type of ying-yang approach.
No matter what approach is taken at the outset, a worthwhile goal in the early stages is to attain a level of passion and enthusiasm for our cause within the general population which parallels what was attained within the U.S. in 2009 and 2010 with the Tea Party movement. The main reason that it attained such a degree of success is that people were starting to see how the plans of the Marxist U.S. President and his allies were going to affect them directly, in an adverse manner. With this in mind, we need to find effective ways to impress upon people the horror which awaits the entirety of Civilization within only a few decades if Islamification and the Islamic Supremacist Agenda are not halted. Since many in the Western nations are effectively lacking in free speech through restrictive laws and the media is in a full appeasement mode, the fight will be exceedingly difficult. But there are tools which our grassroots organizations can use to break through the barrier. 1683 AD will do its best to offer them for utilization.
Community Organizing with an American Purpose
John R. Houk
© March 20, 2010
ACT: Forming a group and making it grow.
Facebook Group
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