Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Muslim’s & FOX News on Wilders’ Increasing Voter Support

John R. Houk
© March 16, 2010

ACT for America has sent an e-newsletter with an observation about Europe. This observation is that Europeans are beginning to wake up concerning an Islamic agenda to replace Western cultural norms with Islamization. The two occasions that has brought this observation are a referendum in Switzerland illegalizing the building of new Muslim minarets on Mosques and the sweeping victory of anti-Islamist Geert Wilders’ political party in recent local elections in Netherlands.

The ACT for America e-newsletter includes an AFP story reporting Wilders’ political party victory. I like a story by Diana West better which is favorable to the Netherlands voters’ decision to stand for Dutch culture rather than the increasing violence of Muslims who immigrated and started families. The multiculturalists and Muslims are expressing horror over the local political victory.

West story focuses on her surprise of prominent FOX News contributors condemning Wilders for his views on Islam. She views this is the ugly head of a Saudi Billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal who has bought a 7% interest in the FOX News parent company. She reports Talal and Saudi Arabia as Islamists who have supported the Taliban when they were in power in Afghanistan.

First read the ACT for America e-newsletter then read Diane West’s very valued opinion.

JRH 3/16/2010
Muslims react in disbelief

ACT for America
Email sent: Mar 15, 2010 at 11:23 AM

Muslims in “Disbelief” Over Pushback in the Netherlands

What is unbelievable is that no one is asking why the Dutch are pushing back!

Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom won local elections in a surprise vote two weeks ago (see story below).

This comes on the heels of the Swiss referendum banning minarets on mosques, which passed with 58% of the vote.

Predictably, Muslims and politically correct government officials and commentators are reacting with disbelief and warnings of a new wave of “hate.”

Here’s the question people should be asking.

Why are so many people, in two countries noted for their tolerance, pluralism, and commitment to multiculturalism, pushing back with their votes?

Clearly, increasing numbers of Europeans have reached a point where they have lost patience with the Islamization of their countries.

Clearly, Islamic militancy, expressions of supremacy, and an unwillingness by most Muslims to assimilate have pushed more and more Europeans to the breaking point. In spite of threats and criticisms by Muslim leaders, government leaders, academics, and the media, these Europeans are making their concerns known with their votes.

For years Europeans have been tolerant. Their reward has been the exploitation of their tolerance by the intolerance of radical Islam.

There is a lesson here for America and Canada. Just last week, two men were assaulted by an Islamist at a Muslim Day event in Tallahassee, Florida. To see the short video, click here.

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