John R. Houk
© November 16, 2009
Leftists must certainly fear the charisma of Sarah Palin. They have already begun dissecting her new book catching discrepancies. One has to wonder why the MSM did NOT embrace the same scrutiny about President Barack Hussein Obama’s lies and/or deceptions about his protectiveness over his original birth certificate or his school records. This is not to mention his connection to racist spiritual leaders and avowed Marxists. Most of this stuff should have been met with transparency rather than paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for legal bills in clouding transparency.
Yet Sarah Palin has been vilified ever since she hit the national spot light via Senator McCain’s choice of running mate to entice Conservative Republicans to look away from some of the issues that instilled mistrust. It is part of this vilification that drove Sarah Palin from the Office of Governor of Alaska. Palin’s spot light did not include independent wealth or moneyed Leftist organizations (or individuals) to pay for the legal bills to fight back the Alaska State Congressional Dem inquisition to discredit Palin’s stature.
Incidentally the multiple ethics violation accusations have all been dismissed. The Alaska State Dems even failed to latch on to the most palpable scandal; viz. the firing of Alaska’s head of law enforcement. The sour grapes produced by being fired left recrimination for not going after the ex-husband of Palin’s sister. Evidently the sister’s ex-hubby was a wife abuser which included threatening the sister and their father. Palin’s reason for firing was is irrelevant since Alaska State enables the Governor the prerogative to dismiss. After the MSM did a great job of covering the opinion of the fired Chief, there was little covering of the Chief’s lack of substantiation.
Then there is President Obama. Only an idiot can believe the President has adequately participated transparent full disclosure as he promised in his deceptive campaign. The Left and the MSM still continue to ignore Obama and continue to plow the field of dirt to stick on Sarah Palin. The conclusion for Leftist examination of Palin can only be one thing. That thing is fear. The fear is Sarah’s stature will influence future voters as either a force to reckon with or perhaps even a potential Conservative Presidential candidate.
Thus there will be some excoriation of Palin’s book recently released: “Going Rogue: An American Life.”
JRH 11/16/09
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