Gary H. Johnson, Jr. has taken a theme of economics in Islam and has spun a remarkably easy to understand history of Islam that has led to what many today would call radical Islam. Johnson roughly begins before the birth of Mohammed and finishes in the present with a brief description of Shariah Compliant Finance.
Johnson brings clarity to the influence of Imam Taqi al Din Ahmad ibn Taymiya. Taymiya is the Muslim scholar most referenced by anti-jihadists who correctly expose the ultimate nature of Islam’s theo-political agenda. That nature is to spread an imperial cultural discipline globally securing compliance with the enforcement of Islam as superior to all ideology or religions that exist. To institute that superiority violence is the primary vehicle hence the aversion to Western civil rights.
Taymiya of the most conservative Islamic school of thought known as Hanbali is the major influence on an 18th century Muslim Arab Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al Wahhab. It is from al Wahhab that the term Wahhabi Islam has come into existence. Wahhabism is the Islam of Osama bin Laden and Saudi Arabia.
Johnson also provides the best explanation of the term Salafist as opposed Wahhabist I have ever read. Johnson’s essay is entitled, “A Brief History of Islamic Economics.” If you wish to understand about why Islam is inimical to the American Way, this essay is a fantastic first step.
JRH 11/18/09
I am uncertain if Al Sunna's sincerity. The link to Islamic Knowledge is an all Arabic website.