John R. Houk
© November 9, 2009
I just read an essay by Ari Bussel that I was pleasantly surprised to read. I really don’t know much about Mr. Bussel except from the occasional essays he sends to for posting. I have to admit I don’t post all of Mr. Bussel’s sent essays.
I have kind of had the impression Ari Bussel is a Center Left kind of guy who is very pro-Israel. Once in awhile his hawkish nature shines through. That is not a complaint! The world needs more outspoken individuals willing to say the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians are full of bologna.
Most Leftists (AMAZINGLY among Israeli Leftists as well) are willing to fall into the delusion that a separate Muslim Arab State consisting of Jew-hating Arabs will bring peace to the Middle East. Hence there is a push in the West for a separate sovereign Palestine.
The so-called Palestinians sole goal in existence is to either deport Jews from their own homeland or to exterminate them in order to eliminate the existence of Israel.
My very un-Left-like and definitely politically incorrect stand is to deport the Arabs into the surrounding Arab nations that created the Arab refugees in the first place.
Ari Bussel does not sound off like that but he implies it by saying Israel needs to make some tough choices to survive. Bussel fails to provide choices and rather simply suggests Israel needs to make some rough decisions concerning the Arab minority within Israel.
You know what I think about those rough choices or decisions. I wonder what Bussel had in mind?
JRH 11/9/09
Tough Choices
By Ari Bussel
Sent: Sun 11/8/2009 3:46 PM
Many are worried that, if left on its own, the Jewish state will at one point have a non-Jewish majority. Thus, they claim, by democratic process alone, Israel will become a country of all its citizens, i.e. cease to be a Jewish state. Recognizing what they call “the inevitable,” some call for the creation of two separate states.
I call them those of little faith. They surrender in advance, yielding to an idea that will bring only one solution: The Destruction of the Israeli (Jewish) State. Regrettably, many “centrists” in Israel have accepted the supposition and persuaded themselves this is the right course of action. They, it seems, have lost faith in themselves and in their right to exist.
The majority of Muslims in the area have a very high birth rate. Coupled with a supply of fresh water, availability of proper sewage, state-of-the-art medical attention and other provisions by the Jewish State, including monetary support, and an increasing life span, the Muslim-Arab population in Israel seems to have the upper hand in the race to populate the country.
In contrast, most Israeli families are similar to those in the United States. The single exception is the religious Jews who resemble, in that respect, the birth rate of the Muslims. They, however, are just a minority (for instance, the 300,000 residents of Judea and Samaria) and constraints – such as lack of physical dwelling places that applies only to them and not to their Muslim Arab neighbors – have an effect as well.
One solution to the race to populate the country is to encourage Jewish Israelis to have more children. On a parallel plane, support by the Jewish State to Muslim Arabs (such as monthly child support and free healthcare) can be limited, making a family less comfortable than just having a new child every year. As long as someone else is paying, why not continue, worry-free?
I am also not worried about requiring every citizen an equal burden, equal responsibility under the law. Enforcing such expectation (for instance, dismantling illegal settlements, destroying structures built without permits, enforcing mandatory national service, etc.) should be applied equally, whatever the short-term price – including to Israeli Arabs.
Arabs may be up in arms, for they enjoy all the privileges of a citizen with few if any obligations. Israel is already a country of all its citizens, with members of the Muslim and other minorities becoming Supreme Court Justices, Members of the Knesset or Ministers in the Government. These minorities enjoy equal rights and opportunities, albeit not always equal obligations.
In this respect, the threat of an international outcry against Israel is less than significant; Israel is already accused of being an Apartheid State (e.g. President Carter, Judge Goldstone).
There are numerous court decisions requiring the demolition of balconies, additions to existing houses and other structures built without permit, all by Arabs. To put it bluntly, the authorities are afraid. None of the court decisions is therefore enforced for it is expected the IDF will be required to assist in order to do so. Thus, the IDF is used for other noble purposes.
Did I mention that Israel is first and before all a Jewish State?
It is time to make hard choices – a minority with national aspirations must have its wings cut, for it presents a clear and present danger to the entity-state. A minority recognizing it is part of an existing state, respecting its obligations as members of the state and enjoying the many benefits associated with such an “entitlement” or privilege, continues to be a viable and vibrant part of society.
Israel’s minority citizens would prefer always to be a minority in the Jewish State than part of a majority of an Arab State. They must decide and act accordingly.
It is thus up to Israel to make up its mind on the appropriate course of action. Lacking a clear course of progress by Israel, is there any wonder that others are dictating their Israel’s destiny? Without a pilot at the helm, how are we to arrive to our destination? How is the Jewish Homeland to survive?
Say NO to Palestinian State
John R. Houk
© November 9, 2009
Tough Choices
In the series “Postcards from Israel,” Ari Bussel and Norma Zager invite readers throughout the world to join them as they present reports from Israel as seen by two sets of eyes: Bussel’s on the ground, Zager’s counter-point from home. Israel and the United States are inter-related - the two countries we hold dearest to our hearts - and so is this “point - counter-point” presentation that has, since 2008, become part of our lives.
© Postcards from Home, November, 2009
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