What happened at Fort Hood yesterday is a demonstration of the influence of Mohammed’s Islam on an individual. Regardless of what the Politically Correct Mainstream Media (MSM), the typical Leftist or the majority of so-called non-violent Muslims will you; Mohammed’s religion was created on the back of theo-political conquest as well as harshly securing the conquest by humiliating or killing the conquered.
The peace found in Islam is by those who submit to the theo-political dogma of Islam as inspired by Mohammed (its author), the Quran (the so-called words of Allah as delivered by Mo), the Hadith, Sunnah and various other Islamic commentary writings.
The so-called peace is submerged by the violence called for when Islam is offended either from within (Muslims) or outside (kafir).
As more and more info becomes available about Muslim U.S. Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan, we will become aware that Islam played a huge part in his decision to go on a bloodthirsty psycho-spree.
A blog on the New York Times has been keeping track with updates at Fort Hood and Nidal Hasan. I am going repost the updates in reverse order up to the time of this writing. I have know idea when the updates will discontinue however I am certain a few more will arrive at the blog so go there to get caught up or possibly a location not quite as politically correct as the New York Times.
JRH 11/6/09
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