John R. Houk
© November 5, 2009 (originally written)
A lot of Conservative Political Action Committees (PAC) not affiliated with a political candidate love to take credit for their part in a candidate’s victory. When a candidate loses either try to spin their part as a success or are silent.
I start out this way because a Conservative candidate that was attempting to buck the Two-Party System in America gave a good shot but lost in New York district 23. That candidate was Conservative Party nominee for the House of Representatives Doug Hoffman.
I learned the reason for Hoffman’s loss. It was not because Hoffman polled third behind Democrats and Republicans. He actually polled second at 45% to %49%. Leftist Democrat Bill Owens won by a mere 4%. The travesty for Hoffman’s loss is the Republican candidate battling Hoffman and Owens realizing she was not going to win dropped out of the race and endorsed the Leftist Democrat Owens. That RINO Republican was Dede Scozzafava.
One may ask, “Why is a Republican supporting a Democrat for Office in this time of growing voter mistrust of Democrats and Leftists?”
Scozzafava was truly a Republican in Name Only. She supported the Democratic Party Leftist platform which included Pelosi favoritism for abortion and social transformation rendering the U.S. Constitution irrelevant. This is the very same thing President Barack Hussein Obama represents as well.
Hoffman has a remarkable amount of reputable Republicans endorse him over the Leftist Scozzafava. This I found a blessing for the Conservative base that is reemerging as the voice of Americans. I was a bit disheartened to hear that Republicans such as Newt Gingrich supported Scozzafava for no other reason than Republican Party loyalty. Newt should have realized that blind Party loyalty will not make significant wins as former Presidential candidate Senator John McCain proved. Senator McCain was a RINO that really had only a couple of attractions for a Conservative Republican; viz. his rough reputation as a maverick and his Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin. McCain banked on his maverick image of making his own decisions regardless of Conservatism or Leftism. McCain should have been wise enough to utilize Palin better bark at Obama’s Leftist credentials and past associations. This is especially so since the Obama campaign utilized the MSM to castigate Palin’s image with down right made up Leftist lies.
Thus goes Party loyalty! Down the proverbial drain!
If the Republican Party used the opportunity to get a Hoffman win with GOP financial resources, Hoffman would have definitely won that race. Sure Hoffman is NOT a Republican but does anyone believe he would caucus with Leftist Democrats? This was a non-Republican Conservative who would not support the Pelosi way as Scozzafava would have. You have to know that Owens is merely a rubber stamp for the Obama/Pelosi Leftist agenda for America.
I am on the Club for Growth mailing list. Club for Growth as any good PAC group would have gave a spin self-gratifying personal spin on Hoffman’s loss. Regardless of Chris Chocola of Club for Growth’s personal spin, the point made of why Doug Hoffman should have won is very relevant for future Conservative and Republican politics of the near future.
Here is the email Chocola sent to me:
JRH 11/6/09
Hoffman Comes Up Short in NY-23
Chris Chocola
Sent: November 4, 2009 12:03:50 PM
Club For Growth
As you have probably heard by now, Club for Growth PAC-endorsed candidate Doug Hoffman lost his underdog bid in yesterday's special election in New York's 23rd congressional district. Nominee of the Conservative Party of New York, and the first third-party candidate the Club PAC has ever supported, Doug finished with 45 percent of the vote, but fell short to Democrat Bill Owens' 49 percent. The official Republican nominee, Dede Scozzafava, took 5.5 percent of the vote and played the spoiler after dropping out of the race and endorsing the liberal Democrat in the final days of the campaign.
Doug's loss is a disappointment, but our efforts shined a national spotlight on the campaign and sent an important message to Washington insiders. The day the Club for Growth PAC entered the race, Doug was polling at 17 percent - with our help, he gained 28 points in just 36 days, and came very close to pulling off an historic upset against both major parties. It's now clear that had the Republican Party supported Doug or any serious conservative from the beginning, he would have won going away.
Party labels aside, conservatives lost nothing last night, as Scozzafava and Owens are both avowed liberals in support of Nancy Pelosi's agenda in the House of Representatives. Doug Hoffman was our only chance to bring real change to Washington, and in little more than a month, we almost helped him pull it off.
As attention turns now to the 2010 election cycle, there are a few lessons to be learned from last night's results. First, the Club's PAC reaffirmed its unique ability to identify and promote economic-freedom candidates early on and to draw conservatives around the country to their cause. Second, the Republican establishment learned that in these difficult times, voters - especially center-right voters - are drawn to principles, not parties. And most importantly, conservatives learned that the principles of limited government and economic freedom are ascendant heading into next year's elections, and that the Club for Growth PAC stands ready to fight effectively for those principles wherever we can do the most good.
Thank you for all you did in the historic NY-23 race. I say "historic" not because we won this battle - we didn't - but because I have a good feeling that this battle will set a tone for and pay dividends in the coming battles against national health care, for limited government, and to mobilize grassroots free-market citizens to rise up in other election contests in 2010.
Best Regards,
Hoffman Lost BUT Should Have Won
John R. Houk
© November 5, 2009
Hoffman Comes Up Short in NY-23
Chris Chocola
President, Club for Growth
2001 L Street, NW, Ste 600
Washington, DC 20036
PH: 202-955-5500
Government mandated disclaimers --
Donations to the Club for Growth are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. We do not accept donations from corporations, labor unions, foreign nationals, or federal contractors. Donations may be used for political purposes such as supporting or opposing candidates. No funds will be earmarked or reserved for any political purpose.
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