John R. Houk
© November 12, 2009
Typically Leftists get upset when I accuse multiculturalism of destroying America rather than uniting it. Here is a comment to a picture I posted at my VOX blog:
Disuniting with multiculutral (sic) change.....I'm not sure I know what that means.
I'll guess that in your America, a melting pot is out and by "Accept American values" you mean that we just blindly agree with everything you say. Oh and Arabs will be deported. Am I on track?
Lack of unity.
ADJECTIVE: 1. Of, relating to, or including several cultures.
2. Of or relating to a social or educational theory that encourages interest in many cultures within a society rather than in only a mainstream culture.
1. a) To cause to be different: change the spelling of a word.
b) To give a completely different form or appearance to; transform: changed the yard into a garden.
2. To give and receive reciprocally; interchange: change places.
3. To exchange for or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category: change one's name; a light that changes colors.
4. a) To lay aside, abandon, or leave for another; switch: change methods; change sides.
b) To transfer from (one conveyance) to another: change planes.
5. To give or receive the equivalent of (money) in lower denominations or in foreign currency.
6. To put a fresh covering on: change a bed; change the baby.
1. To become different or undergo alteration: He changed as he matured.
2. To undergo transformation or transition: The music changed to a slow waltz.
3. To go from one phase to another, as the moon or the seasons.
4. To make an exchange: If you prefer this seat, I'll change with you.
5. To transfer from one conveyance to another: She changed in Chicago on her way to the coast.
6. To put on other clothing: We changed for dinner.
7. To become deeper in tone: His voice began to change at age 13.
1. The act, process, or result of altering or modifying: a change in facial expression.
2. The replacing of one thing for another; substitution: a change of atmosphere; a change of ownership.
3. A transformation or transition from one state, condition, or phase to another: the change of seasons.
4. Something different; variety: ate early for a change.
5. A different or fresh set of clothing.
Disuniting with multicultural change means: Lack of unity with many cultures changing (i.e. altering, substituting, transforming or making different) the design of the mainstream culture in America.
It is not my vision. Mainstream culture provides cohesion while the confusion of many cultures destroys the fabric of society. Leftists have utilized the Constitutional tools of a Representative Republic (Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness) to tear the societal fabric. The good intentions of an altruistic Leftism will guide the Leftists further and further from the mythic utopia they seek. The concept of many cultures will NOT form a cohesive unified nation. The secret of America’s melting pot used to be that immigrants conform to the American culture and learn English.
I am willing to bet that the majority of Americans with an Italian, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, or whatever language/culture that formed the bulk of the American melting pot in the 19th and the 20th centuries (until approximately the 1960’s) eschewed their European dialects for English and the American dream began by the Founding Fathers. Leftist propaganda, political clout and money has depreciated American morality so much that homosexual, transgender and open hedonism is practiced so much that people are not shocked when two males or two females are in lip-lock groping each other in public. Adultery is merely irreconcilable differences. Unwed mothers is nearly a societal rule rather than a frowned upon exception. Teen pregnancies are huge today even though the American Left has enabled birth control via baby murder (Leftists call it termination of a fetus). School children in primary and secondary schools are concerned enough about guns and knives on a school campus that metal detectors or armed guards are there for protection. If the metal detectors or guards are lacking than a kid might go Columbine on his or her fellow students.
To be fair to the Left, their existence has brought some good changes to America. For example more legal equality for women including the right to vote (though women still fight the boys club today). Another example is giving the right to vote to young men and women that are eligible to be placed in a combat situation in the American military. Most importantly legalized racism has been terminated. The Civil Rights Movement has brought American Rights to African-Americans so that segregation has been swept from American culture.
On the other hand I can see you don’t agree with a vision of a moral fabric creating a unified mainstream culture to roll back the evils of diversity.
JRH 11/12/09
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