Shariah Compliant Finance (SCF) is an insidious marketing practice which is an arm of Islam in its agenda of bringing Islamic Supremacism to the globe.
Gary H. Johnson, Jr. has written another remarkable essay entitled, “Shariah-Compliant Finance in America.” The essay proclaims that SCF is more than a mere ethical alternative to the Capitalist paradigm of Free Market economics as the aspired model in America. Johnson writes that the Islamic Supremacism inherent in SCF ultimately runs contrary to the Liberty and Rights that are the foundation the American experiment initiated by the Founding Fathers.
There is a bit of criticism to what seems to be the primary arm in America trying to expose the insidiousness of SCF. The organization criticized is ACT! For America. The criticism is not because Johnson disagrees with exposing SCF rather the criticism with ACT! For America’s methodology in exposing SCF.
After reading Johnson’s essay I sense a confirmation that there are elements of the theo-political religion known globally as Islam utilizes a Fifth Column element to undermine Western society and thus the American society of Liberty and Freedom.
JRH 11/19/09
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