John R. Houk
© May 13, 2010
Ben’s Blog brings a good point concerning the existent of Islam. I also believe Islam is an inherently wicked religion. Mohammed was evil. On the other hand I think the majority of Muslims have bought into "Islam is peaceful."
I believe the Islamic terrorism the world is seeing is actually a reform Islam movement to return to the example of Mohammed to conquer the world with the goal of establishing international Islam, BUT also that there is an agenda to allow some people not to be Islamic in order for a second rate class can exist to collect humiliating taxes designed to produce the image of protection but really is economic slavery designed to keep extortion revenue and a class of people to occasionally blame for woes that are actually the result of Islamic intolerance and dehumanization.
I realize that this is an extra-Quranic extrapolation; nonetheless at the very least Mohammed was interested in acquiring an empire of wealth utilizing his cult of theopolitical Islam as a vice grip to maintain a controlled stability of that which was conquered. It is probably disputable if Mohammed intended economic slavery via humiliation and dehumanization as a control method beyond conversion; however Mohammed’s example became the theopolitical basis for managing conquered areas that fell to Islamic conquest.
Yet the clubhouses of the majority of Muslims blind their eyes to Mohammed's evolving saintliness to crazed bloodthirsty rapist. A majority of Muslims have convinced themselves that the Mohammed of his pre-Hijra Mecca days is the same persona lasting the rest of his life.
JRH 5/13/10
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