John R. Houk
© May 28, 2010
Here are some interesting thoughts from Professor Paul Eidelberg. Eiddelberg’s essay is somewhat gloomy from a Jewish Patriot’s perspective.
Eidelberg is unhappy with over a quarter century of Israeli Prime Ministers who fell for the Western pressure that giving land to Arabs and calling it Palestine would bring peace to the Middle East. The reality is the land reacquired in defensive wars in which Muslim States attempted to exterminate Israel serves two purposes:
- 1. Extra land acquired by Israel is a buffer for renewed growing militant Muslim hatred for Jews and Israel. The hatred surrounds Israel. Southwest of Israel is Hamas. East of Israel is the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) that has duped the West into believing a Western created Palestinian Authority (PA) can be the foundation for a peaceful sovereign Palestine. North of Israel is the dualistic nation of Lebanon who is neighbored by Syria. The controlling force in Lebanon has become the State within a State Islamic terrorist organization known as Hezbollah. Then there is the rogue nation Syria. It seems that Syria is in a continuous state of Alert either threatening war against Israel or believing a fed up Israel will invade them. All the Islamic terrorist organizations and Syria are clients and receptors of money and weaponry from Iran. The PLO/PA goes out of its way to deny an Iranian connection but I have no doubts that clandestine aid and agreements exist with Iran.
2. The second purpose is obvious. The Land is a Jewish heritage which has been usurped by conquering for a couple of millennia. Arabs that call themselves Palestinians have never existed as a sovereign entity. The existence of Muslims (and Christians for that matter – and I am one) is the result of foreign military expeditions that went bad for the Jews.
Assyrians, Babylonians, Persian (Iranians), Greeks, Romans (who enforced the last Jewish Diaspora. As Romans became Christian the Land became a Christian majority), Muslims, Crusading Christians and then Muslims again all usurped Land that was Jewish. After the conquests the occasional leniency was demonstrated to Jews in their own Land. Throughout the conquests a remnant of Jews have always remained in their Land and on several occasions Jews have been repatriated to their Land. Modern Israel is the latest repatriation.
Israel’s blinded leaders are succumbing to Western pressure perhaps believing America and Western powers will secure, protect and defend Israel’s existence when Jew-hating Muslims feel enough advantage to be comfortable to make yet another life threatening invasion of Israel.
Geopolitics of the West has not been commendable in recent years. Is Israel alone in insuring the Jewish State’s existence?
JRH 5/28/10
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