Ari Bussel finds a type of Aliyah for the Jewish Diaspora in the Book of Ruth. Without mentioning the name of Jesus Bussel writes that from the marriage of Ruth (Moabite by birth) and Boaz (Jewish) the Prophet/King David descended and from David descends the Messiah. Bussel does not use the name Jesus for the Jewish expectation of the Messiah. As a Believer in Christ Jesus, I take the stand the Messiah has already come. Jesus as the Son of Man (i.e. His human essence is through Mary) and thus a descendant of David. Jesus is also the Son of God (i.e. His Godly essence was incarnated from Father God without Divine attributes prior Resurrection and restored Divine attributes after Resurrection). When Jesus returns in the Parousia, His Second Coming will restore Jews completely to the Land of Israel and all Believers will have the temporary corporeal exchanged for the immortal incorporeal. This will be a transformation that extends beyond Redemption of the human spirit to the full Redemption of spirit, soul and body (Once Saved Always Saved version, Word of Faith version and Mainstream Christianity version). Amen. (I’m a Christian so I need to stipulate I am not trying to be offensive to Jews of whom I still regard as God’s Chosen People.)
Bussel correctly points out that the Land of Israel is the haven for Jews who desire to be free from the hatred of Anti-Semitism. It is unfortunate that modern Israel is only a haven and not a place that is free from external Anti-Semitic hatred. Israel’s Muslim neighbors bombard their populations with an indoctrination that Israel and all Jews are evil and that Islam must eradicate Jews from the face of the earth. This is particularly the case of the Arab-Muslims residing in the Jewish land of heritage of Judea and Samaria (so-called West Bank) and Gaza. I am talking about the Arab-Muslims who desire to call themselves Palestinians even though there is NO historical record of Muslim Palestinians specifically connected to the land.
JRH 5/24/10
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