John R. Houk
© May 7, 2010
Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel made a secret offer to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to straight away give up 60% of Judea and Samaria (i.e. the West Bank) to create a sovereign State of Palestine.
Personally I don’t believe Israel should give up one inch of land for a sovereign Palestine state. The Arabs that call themselves Palestinians exist solely because 6 (or so) Arab-Muslim invading armies felt they had the overwhelming numbers to terminate the nascent modern Israel. Hence many Arabs left Israeli controlled land in 1948 roughly for two reasons: either they heeded the warning of Arabs to get out of the way or they fled for fear that a Jewish State would do to Arabs that which Arabs would do to Jews. If Arabs intended to commit a bloody Jewish genocide, fleeing Arabs were concerned Jews would get them in the same way before the invading armies had accomplished the intended genocide.
Either way these Arab refugees were set up by the losing Arab armies in refugee camps with the purpose of having an excuse to continue to attack Israel to annihilate Jews to liberate the Arab refugees that were created by the first war in 1948. At the same time the Muslim Middle East and the Muslim North Africa expelled hundreds of thousands of Jewish taking their property and money as the Jews received the boot. The reality is the Jewish refugees numbered more than the Arab refugees that were refused repatriation by the losing Arab Armies.
Here is the deal then: Arab expected a return of land to Arabs that fled hoping to escape the chaos of war while Jews were expelled penniless and under actual threat of violence and death en masse. Does ANYONE see the double standard? Fortunately free Israel was more than willing to take in the Jewish refugees that were expelled from the Muslims.
In 1967 Israel won a war in which Egypt lost territory and Jordan lost land they annexed at the end of the 1948 war and Syria lost the Golan Heights they annexed in the 1948 war. Egypt was the only losing nation that actually lost original territory. The Sinai was returned to Egypt but the Gaza Strip which was not original territory was retained by Israel. The land dubbed as the West Bank by Jordan’s annexation had returned to the Jewish people. The Golan Heights although it had a minority Jewish population prior to 1948 was a part of the created British Palestine Mandate. The original purpose of the Mandate in Palestine was to create a Jewish State and the land originally termed Transjordan was for the Arab population. After 1948 Transjordan became Jordan because of the contention that the East and West Banks of the Jordan River were now Arabic. AND yet the new Jordan only allowed a portion of the Arab refugees a citizenship for fear if the refugees outnumbered the Hashemite Kingdom’s power base of Bedouin soldiers may result in a dethroning. Indeed a significant number of self-termed Palestinians were expelled by Jordan when Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization became a military competitor for the rule of Jordan.
So what is the point of this brief refresher on Arab/Israeli history? The point is an Israel State has offered time after time to accept a sovereign Palestine State. Each time a PLO Arafat or PLO/PA Abbas has refused the terms provided by Israel. Those terms incidentally were always a threat to Israeli National Security, but the self-described Palestinians refused a deal that would not include Jerusalem and a return of land abandoned by fleeing Arabs in 1948.
The demand for repatriation of land abandoned by Arabs who expected to return to their land after a Jewish slaughter is that the descendants of the original refugees multiplied way beyond a point that would allow a Jewish Homeland to be a sustainable place for returning Jews of the Diaspora.
I am certain that self-victimized Arabs do not care about the demographics that would render a Western style democracy into a descent of a Hitler-like polity. The polity that allowed a democratic post WWI Germany was utilized by Adolf Hitler to render the democracy irrelevant while the German state evolved into a Nazi dictatorship. The same outcome would occur in Israel if Arabs were allowed to return to the property they abandoned under the presumed certainty that Jews would cease to exist in the old Palestine Mandate.
The Arab-Palestine stand is they were in the Holy Land before Jews denying the existence of a Jewish Temple and an age old Jewish Kingdom and presence as a national homeland for thousands of years. The reality is a Muslim presence has only existed since 634 A.D. after conquest. That Muslim presence was not a majority until oppression and Islamic intolerance led inhabitance to convert to live a better life.
This essay was inspired by an essay entitled, “Another Missed Opportunity” by Yechiel Shabi. Shabi’s essay expresses the Jewish frustration with self-determined Palestinians who seem to eternally reject Israeli overtures to create a sovereign Palestinian. It is especially frustrating for it seems the only path a Palestinian will accept toward statehood is one in which Israel is set-up to be destroyed.
JRH 5/7/10
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