John R. Houk
© May 17, 2010
The U.S political establishment (Democrats and Republicans) require Israel to conform and help create a sovereign Palestinian State. The nations of the European Union (EU) also require establishment of a sovereign Palestinian State. AND it goes without saying the Muslim Middle East and Muslim North Africa demand Israel to conform to the building of a sovereign Palestinian State.
Worse still the Leftist Administration of President Barack Hussein Obama and the Slanted Left EU are requiring the hereditary home of the Land of Israel to give up an eastern portion of Jerusalem to this sovereign Palestinian State.
Friends this is international Anti-Semitism on a global scale that is comparable to the former apex of 1930’s to 1945. During that period of time about six million Jews were exterminated from the planet because of Jew-hatred.
How can I say that since there has been no mass extermination of Jews on the horrendous scale of the WWII era? You can think of a sovereign Palestinian State as the starting point of such hatred toward Jews that the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians will seek to exterminate Israel and thus the Jews of Israel.
An example of mindless Western thinking to create a Palestinian State is in the constant hate-propaganda that emanates from PA TV which is owned and operated by the Palestinian Authority that has been designated by the West to be the government infrastructure for a sovereign Palestinian State.
In the midst of the Obama Administration expressing anger because construction of Jewish buildings occurred in Jerusalem (i.e. the eastern Old City) the PA TV continues to spew its hatred of Jews. Arutz Sheva 7 has the story.
JRH 5/17/10
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