John R. Houk
© May 31, 2010
1683 AD is a reference date to when King Jan III Sobieski became the catalyst that ended the Islamic Ottoman Empire siege of Vienna by completely routing the Ottoman forces.
A fellow has adopted the 1683 AD nom de guerre on Facebook to write about activist principles that go to the next level of educating non-Muslims. The next level is activism. This is an activism that is nearly as confrontational as radical Muslims who take to the streets with placards that say such things as “death to democracy,” “Islam will dominate,” “Sharia Law will Prevail,” “Death to those who insult Islam” and so on with the hate speech of Muslims defended as multicultural Free Speech.
After a Google search I discovered the non-Facebook blog location 1683 AD.
I am uncertain but I believe the Facebook version is not an automatic. I believe one has to have approval to read the 1683 AD Facebook posts, but again I am uncertain of this information.
Here is the thing about 1683 AD. The author Michael Anderson (could be a pseudonym) appears to be British. His writing aims at activism in the United Kingdom. Some of the globe’s worst radical Islamists reside in the UK. Free Speech is a benefit that Radical Islam more than takes advantage of. Mullahs and Clerics harangue some of the most vile hate speech in Britain (all of Europe for that matter) and get away with it. If a non-Muslim (aka kufr) even writes or speaks reasonable criticism about Islam, British hate-speech laws (also EU) make the non-Muslim a criminal for inciting Muslims with – ahem – hate speech.
Both Christianity and Islam have written that in the End Times unbelievers will face doom under the judgment of the Creator (God – Christianity and Allah –Islam). There is a difference in outlooks between Christianity and Islamic writings of the Last Days. It is prophesied Christians will go through a period of horrific mistreatment (mid-trib and post-trib) that will include catastrophic natural disasters and pandemic illnesses. Only the faithful and the Christian converts who endure will be rescued by the Second Coming of Jesus Christ who comes with an army of Saints and Angels for a smack-down battle with Satan, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet AND their deceived followers.
Islam pretty much has a similar Last Days massacre (Sunni vs. Shia) of non-believers (kafir) except the blood and guts does not wait until the Last Days. It is (lesser) Jihad from the day of Mohammed until the culmination of the version of the Islamic Last Days. This Jihad was the method of the military success (cancer) of early Islam spreading the theopolitical religion from Asia to Europe.
The real reform minded Muslims are what the West has called radical Islam who wishes a restoration to the days of Mohammed and Islamic expansion to bring in a final push to globalize Islam.
The array of different Confessions of Christianity, atheists, Human Secularists, Leftists, Conservatives and whatever ideology/theology must wake up to this agenda of the world’s actual reform minded Muslims. Muslims look down on anything non-Muslim as kufr and worthy subjection or death depending on how it affects Islam in dar al-harb or dar al-Islam.
As time has progressed away from September 11, 2001 the radical reform theopolitical agenda has gained favor with those who been termed as moderate Muslims. A majority of Muslims may be termed moderate; however that majority is shrinking everyday as Muslims realize that terrorism has literally transformed the socio-economic life of the West. The Old World West and the Indian Sub-Continent faced having to adjust their way of life during the cancerous early invasions of Islam. This age needs our version of Charles Martel and Jan III Sobieski to eschew political correctness and confront the emerging tide of radical Islam even if it hurts a few “Moderate” Muslims feelings.
With that thought in mind read Michael Anderson’s version of anti-Islamism (This link will take you SlantRight.com. Go to the end of my post and you will find the Anderson post.) - perhaps anti-Islam - activism which is sure to get him in a bit legal trouble someday in Merry Ole England.
JRH 5/31/10
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