John R. Houk
© January 28, 2010
I received an email from ACT! For America to contact Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) relating to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) pressuring the Senator to back-off from his Homeland Security comments about airports and military bases.
ACT’s email is aimed at Oklahoma voters and citizens; however I believe CAIR needs a national confrontation. I encourage all American citizens to send encouragement to Senator Inhofe.
I am going to post the email which will be followed by a few short words from me of affirmation with ACT then followed by ACT’s letter text. You can follow ACT’s directions. You can use my minuscule preamble; however I encourage you to write a few short personal words.
JRH 1/28/10
This note is going out to all Oklahoma members. Greetings from ACT! for America headquarters!
Oklahoma Senator Inhofe has recently spoken out in favor of taking tougher security measures in our airports and military bases. He is exhibiting a rare ability to cut through all the political correctness so rampant today in Washington, DC, and we appreciate him for taking this principled stand!
Now CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) is trying to pressure Senator Inhofe to meet with them to “discuss” his statements! We are asking that all our ACT! for America Oklahoma Members show their support for Senator Inhofe’s position and encourage him not to be pressured by this organization.
We have drafted a letter to Senator Inhofe and have included it here. Please sign the letter and send it to the Senator’s office at:
Oklahoma City, OK Office:
1900 NW Expressway St
Suite 1210
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
Main: (405) 608-4381
Or you can copy and paste the letter into Senator Inhofe’s email box. Here’s the link:
If you have not signed our petition regarding a Congressional investigation against CAIR please take the time to sign:
Through this petition we seek to open a full Congressional investigation into CAIR’s business activities and their status as a 501c3 non-profit organization. It is time that CAIR answer for its deceptions, but we need your continued help in order to make this happen. Thank you for all of your hard work!
Kelly Cook
National Field Director
Dear Senator Inhofe,
First off I need to inform you that I have voted for since your days as Mayor of Tulsa. Hence when I received a notification from ACT! For America to compliment your political incorrect stand on tougher security in “airports” and “military bases” I was more than happy to join the band wagon.
ACT reports that the Council on American-Islamic Relations is attempting to pressure your about these security comments. I join with ACT to say resist being political correct now and stay the course for America.
Below is the ACT version of the letter which I whole hearted pray that you take to heart from your supporters.
John R. Houk
Broken Arrow, OK
Dear Senator Inhofe,
As one of your constituents, I applaud you for speaking out about the connection between radical Islam and terrorism at last week’s Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the Ft. Hood Shootings.
It is time that our elected officials define the enemy – radical Islam – without fear of retribution from groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) or the Muslim Students Association (MSA). Just as our nation voiced its opposition to Nazism and communism, we must do the same about radical Islam – another ideology that threatens our democratic government and the freedoms it affords.
I am aware that CAIR has spoken out against the comments you made during the hearing and is now pressuring you to meet with Muslims living in Oklahoma. I implore you NOT to cave in to these demands. As an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trial, CAIR clearly does not have the best interests of our nation in mind. They do not speak for the moderate Muslim community in America, they do not speak for the people of Oklahoma and they certainly do NOT speak for the nation’s citizens overall.
A growing number of people across the nation are concerned about CAIR and their perceived influence over our elected officials and our media. As of today, over 39,000 people have signed a petition, circulated by, ACT! for America (www.actforamerica.org), calling for a government investigation into CAIR, including its leadership, affiliates and activities. The petition notes the documented ties CAIR has with the terrorist organization, Hamas, as well as recent reports that CAIR has worked to undermine U.S. law enforcement by tipping off suspected terrorists under investigation. They are not a credible organization – they are a dangerous one. Our elected officials have no place engaging in discourse with them on any matter.
I hope that, as you have had the courage to do, other elected officials will finally stop hiding behind the veil of “political correctness” and begin to speak out against radical Islam’s threat to our nation. The safety of the United States depends upon it.
John R. Houk
In Agreement with ACT! For America
Thank you for this information. I didn't realize there is a chapter in Oklahoma??? Tell us more about it.
ReplyDeleteI've been blogging about CAIR and CAIR Oklahoma for around 3 years.