John R. Houk
© January 6, 2010
Arab politics are devious yet also fascinating especially in regard to America and Israel. One example is the existence of Hamas and Fatah (i.e. the governing terrorist organization of the PLO hence the Palestine Authority).
Hamas tends to represent Muslim Arabs that believe strongly in the example of Mohammed’s Islam. Mohammed’s Islam was conquest, convert or kill, enslave non-Muslims or reduce to the state of absolute rights-free human existence and the institution Islamic Supremacism over every part of existence.
Fatah embraces the religious Islam and the secular minded. I say secular minded for Islamic Supremacism is a major element of Arab secularism.
Hamas and Fatah wish to be the primary representative of Arabs that call themselves Palestinians. Both are terrorist organizations. Both in their official documentation have the goal of terminating Israel’s existence, creating a greater Muslim Palestine and the extermination of Jews. Both terrorist organizations are evil.
Hamas makes no bones about its raison d’etre toward Israel: DESTRUCTION. Hamas is an integral part of the international Muslim Brotherhood which has a goal of a global Caliphate and the termination of all other religions and ideologies by either stealth or force, which ever path appears to be applicable for the moment. It is incredulous that the EU for the most part tends to be sympathetic to such an overtly terrorist-murdering organization as Hamas. Considering the recent path of the UN I am not so surprised the international body is entirely sympathetic to Hamas even to the extent of employing Hamas terrorists on the UN bankroll.
Fatah has been incredibly successful in duping the entire West (primarily America and EU) into believing the Fatah ran Palestine Authority (PA) is a legitimate organization to peacefully become the governing body of a Palestine State that does not deserve to exist. The reality is the PA is a fiefdom of corruption more interested in enriching terrorist-thug bailiwicks than taking care of the Arabs termed Palestinians. AND don’t forget Fatah managed PA has the same ultimate goal for Israel as Hamas: DESTRUCTION. It is very true that the PA often officially tells the non-Arab speaking West a story of sympathetic exploitation when a new Arab State is sought, BUT the Arab language media of the PA tells a wholly different story to their constituents. The Arab language media is hate-filled anti-Semitic propaganda with a nuance of anti-American imperialism thrown in for good measure. PA duplicity is almost a greater evil than the overt hate of Hamas because the PA deception is leading the powerful America and EU to force Israel to give up half of Jerusalem (the greatest evil) and the Jewish heritage that is inherent in Judea and Samaria (West Bank to the West and to Arabs).
America deals in good faith with the Fatah dominated PA while having Hamas on a terrorist watch list. The irony is both Fatah and Hamas are terrorist organizations with the goal of the destruction of Israel.
The existence of Hamas and Fatah is one aspect of Muslim political correctness in the realm of politics among Arab and/or Islamic regimes of the Middle East and North Africa. It is absolutely politically correct to support the creation of a Palestinian State; hence there must be official sympathy for both Hamas and Fatah.
Muslim political correctness has turned into a tangled web for Egypt. Egypt detests Hamas because of its affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood and for accepting military aid as well as influence from Egyptian rival Shi’ite Iran.
The Muslim Brotherhood has been at odds with the ruling elites of Egypt since the days of Gamal Abdel Nasser. The Muslim Brotherhood at first was allied with Nasser to bring down the Egyptian monarchy. Nasser turned against the Muslim Brotherhood when the former’s political aspirations began to reach beyond the latter’s Islamic Agenda. Egypt has enjoyed being the most militarily powerful Arab nation; thus a militarily powerful Shi’ite Iran does not sit well with primarily Sunni Arab Egypt.
As much as Egypt is anti-Hamas it is pro-Fatah. Thus it is irrelevant who Egypt supports in the Arab struggle to create a Palestinian State at Israel’s expense for both Hamas and Fatah seek the ultimate demise of Israel and the creation of a greater Muslim Palestine. Regardless of officially recognizing Israel as a sovereign nation, Egypt indirectly still supports the demise of Israel. The obscurity of what is an official stand vis-a-vie a non-official stand enables Egypt a pass for its indirect support of the extinction of Israel.
The official policy of Iran of claiming Israel will cease to exist overtly aligns itself with the overt policy of Hamas. Iran’s overt official politics will probably lead to an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities. When that happens then the Arab nations that do recognize Israel (like Egypt) will be a real political pickle concerning Arab political correctness, national interests and Arab-Palestinian interests.
JRH 1/6/10
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