John R. Houk
© January 26, 2009
Here is Thomas Wells on “Philosopher Kings and the Political Spectrum.”
JRH 1/26/10
Comment by: Thomas Wells
Sent: Jan 26, 2010 at 12:30 PM
Plato banned poets from his republic, Oh me, oh my how myopic. What ever flaver (sic), to such kings I tell, you can take a flying leap into...
SlantRight Editor
If I am to re-edit the rhyme it would most likely go: “... to such kings I tell, you can take a flying leap into hell.”
Indeed Plato would give poets the boot from his Philosopher-King ruled Republic. So the question that I found interesting when I became curious about Wells’ comment is this: What did Plato mean by poetry?
In my really quite unsophisticated reading at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, it seems Plato was not so much referring to poets of the heart or inner muse. Rather Plato equated poetry with Rhetoric and the dramatic art of persuasive recitation such as lawyers, persuasive politicians and anti-philosophical satire against the person of a philosopher.
So the next question might be: How would Plato’s thoughts on poets equate to the 21st century?
I am guessing I am stepping out on a subjective limb here. So let me slowly squeak out that limb and hope I don’t snap it.
In the Conservative side of the political spectrum the poets might be politicians: legislators and executives on the right that use word to persuade listeners and voters to the slanted right agenda. One would include preachers that touch Slanted Right issues just enough to keep the separation of Church and State witchhunters at bay.
On the Leftist side it would be the persuasive polemicist convincing listeners of a utopian life that would extend an unequaled quality of life of harmonious egalitarianism such as the world has never known. (And never will know because of the nature of man without the divine standard of the Creator.)
So who are the 21st century poets that would produce the illusion of wisdom for the greater good but in reality be devoid of wisdom? O boy! I think I hear the limb breaking if I mention some of my Conservative and Christian Right heroes. I really don’t care if I mention the Slanted Left morons; however out of fairness to not mentioning the Slanted Right I also will avoid mentioning the Marxist ... err ... I mean Slanted Left poets.
I will let the readers determine who the 21st century poets are. As to today’s Philosopher-Kings, I will let my readers think on that also. Yeah I know, it’s a gutless decision.
Thanks for being the muse Thomas Wells.
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