Friday, August 23, 2024

The CCP is an EVIL Targeting the USA

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 23, 2024


The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) instantly – yet very cloaked to the American public – became America’s chief enemy after the fall of the Communist Soviet Union (USSR). Unlike Soviet Communist attempts at world domination, the CCP has been using a cloaked long game of a carrot and stick agenda toward world domination.


One serious consideration is the CCP influence and tentacles infiltrating the American Democratic Party (these day a Dem-Marxist Party). Especially since Obama, Dem-Marxist presidential candidates have had the odor of a Manchurian Candidate. Consider the embedded links in these Dem-Marxists:


o   Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro): 2010 Book, Breitbart 2014, Washington Times 2018, and Front Page Magazine 2023.


o   (Dementia) Joe Biden: Gatestone Institute via Jewish Press 2023, Fox News 2023, WJ via 2023, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability 2023, and NDTV 2024.


o   Kamala (Que-Mala) Harris: Western Journal 2020, 2024, Conservative Review 2024, Hot Air 2024, Hot Air 3024.


o   Tim Walz: Washington Examiner 2024, Michael Savage Youtube 2024, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability 2024, RedState 2024, PJ Media 2024, and The Truth Barrier Substack 2024.


CCP Infiltration of American Institutions INCLUDING Dems:


o   How China Has Infiltrated the U.S.: And how we should fight back; By Steve Postal; The American Spectator; 12/16/20 10:52 AM


o   China has already infiltrated America’s institutions; By Mike Rogers; The Hill; 3/2/21 2:30 PM ET


o   Is The Entire Democratic Party Compromised By China? By Tristan Justice; The Federalist; 6/29/21


o   China’s Infiltration Playbook: CCP propaganda is making headway with politicians, in universities, and even at major news agencies in America and the broader West; By Giovanni Giacalone; The American Conservative; 10/27/2 12:01 AM


o   Hearing Wrap Up: Federal Agencies Have Succumbed to CCP Influence and the Oversight Committee is Demanding Answers; Press Report; House Committee on Oversight and Accountability; 6/26/24


AND NOW to the purpose of this post. Thanks to my paid subscription to The Epoch Times (TET), I came across three emails focusing on the CCP. The emails linked to EPOCH TV video news, commentary and documentary eyeballing the nefarious CCP the enemy of the USA and American Liberty.

TET tends to zealously guard their copyright over fair use doctrine. As such I uploading the videos to two platforms that assert fair use over copyright crankiness. I’m posting to my channels on odysee and UGETube.


Let’s eschew the Communist sympathies of the Dem-Marxist Party. Part of saving American Liberty from tyranny is to KNOW OUR ENEMY. That enemy is definitely the CCP. Learn about the CCP evil below.


JRH 8/23/24


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odysee VIDEO: China’s Step-by-Step Takeover of the South China Sea - Grant Newsham

Posted by SlantRight 2.0

Published August 23, 2024


I found this Documentary EPOCH TV on American Thought Leaders ( posted on 8/20/24 (


American Thought Leaders Description:


‘“What you’re seeing in the Philippines is one more step in China’s effort to tighten its control over all parts of the South China Sea,” says retired U.S. Marine Col. Grant Newsham, an expert on the Asia-Pacific region and a senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy.


In recent clashes near the submerged reef known as the Second Thomas Shoal, there have been cases of Chinese vessels ramming Philippine ships, deploying water cannons, and injuring several sailors.


In this episode, Newsham breaks down the Chinese communist regime’s decades-long strategy to gain control of the South China Sea, from methodical island building to deploying a combination of Coast Guard, maritime militia, and fishing fleets to harass and intimidate other nations.


Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.



UGETube VIDEO: The CCP Is Breaking the Steel Industry—But America Is Fighting Back


Posted by John Houk

Published August 23, 2024


An EPOCH TV email alert of a Cross Roads ( report about the CCP is affecting the American Steel Industry. The video was post on 8/22/24 (


Cross Roads Description:


“The steel industry is facing too much supply and tumbling prices. Much of the problem is coming from China, where Chinese Communist Party (CCP) policies have led to overcapacity. Faced with this issue, the United States placed tariffs on Chinese goods, including steel and aluminum, which the CCP has in turn tried getting around by using Mexico as a waypoint to the U.S. market. This loophole is now being closed as well. We’ll discuss in this episode of Crossroads.


Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.



odysee VIDEO: The Final War: The 100-Year Plot to Defeat America (EPOCH TV Documentary)


Posted by SlantRight 2.0

Published August 23, 2024


I subscribe to The Epoch Times ( This means I get email updates. A recent email linked to an EPOCH TV Documentary (2:36:03-Hours) exposing the geopolitical agenda of world domination. The Documentary was originally posted 11/15/22 (


EPOCH TV Description:


“An unprecedented combination of personal story and geopolitical struggle, history, and present, “The Final War” follows Epoch Times reporters and top China watchers through their journeys of awakening to the CCP threat.


To say the least, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a mystery to most Americans.


But behind the party jargon, unpredictable actions, and ever-changing face lies the Party’s vicious plot, with America at the very heart of it.


How dangerous are Beijing’s tactics in Afghanistan, the Russia-Ukraine war, and the Taiwan Strait? Behind the most dire issues of our time, what is the CCP’s underlying strategy toward the United States? Why is the Chinese regime promoting the idea of “World War III”?


As we try to make sense of the chaotic world, when more and more evidence starts to point toward China, we are on our way to uncovering a century-old secret.


For the first time, The Epoch Times investigative team traces back to the beginning of the Chinese Communist Party to reveal its 100-year plot to defeat America.


Trawling through exclusive interviews with leading China experts and whistleblowers, an ocean of internal Party records, and Party leaders’ own behaviors, the film reveals the hidden truths of U.S.-China relations over the past seven decades.


Generations of Party leaders have been executing their plan in succession. They are the masters of deceit and decay. Hiding behind flip-flopping policies, the communist leadership is no longer far from achieving its goal.


How did it happen? What did the United States get wrong about China? “The Final War” answers the questions that are relevant to every American today.


We had studied the CCP for years. We thought we knew it inside out. But this time, what we uncovered was beyond our imagination. It would challenge the entire knowledge system we had built around it and shake the American people to the core.


Official Website:


Buy DVDs:

The Final War: On Sale!


3-DVD Bundle Sale-Jan 6 / The Final War / The Shadow State Documentary DVD: On Sale!

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