Wednesday, August 21, 2024

From Limitless to WELLNESS

Happy Coffee to WELLNESS Weight Health

Diana Houk screengrab


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 21, 2024


Every once in a while (attempting once a week) I delve into promoting my wife’s and my supplemental income (WHICH YOU TOO CAN DO). This is when I take a step back from preaching resistance to tyranny and share about Happy Coffee and weight health.


Bitchute VIDEO: Diana Red Lipstick & Happy Coffee

Posted by SlantRight2

Published August 21, 2024


My beloved wife Diana Houk overjoyed about Happy Coffee. Here she offers a free sample to local Oklahomans where reside. If you Facebook, contact her: Buy some at


Diana and I have been earning a supplemental income by simply pointing people to Diana’s Online store at


Beneve began with XCELERATE Coffee, XCELERATE Watermelon Berry (designed for non-coffee drinkers) AND Power of 3 capsules. I was initially amazed at the popularity of the Power of 3 over the coffee, but with more thought, the Power of 3 supplement has huge health benefits as a stand alone product. Nevertheless, it was designed to be a synergistic complement to the coffee. Thes products can be purchased in Duos and Trios. Since Beneve has launched new products focused on weight health, the original Duos and Trios are now called Limitless.


The NEW products are called WELLNESS and also have Duos and Trios. The key is all the products operate synergistically. Click the links and read the ingredients and/or how the products function for your WELLNESS.


Below are a series of videos that explain the WELLNESS products much better than I could ever attempt. I begin with a Youtube video Sterling Harpst a pharmacist involved with Beneve.


Then some videos Diana captured on her phone at a Sip-n-Go Meeting. The audio quality might need to be turned up because she sat across the room from Steve and Paula Dibbins who provided their acquired knowledge. I used headphones to hear better.


JRH 8/21/24


Youtube VIDEO:  3 New Beneve Products

Posted by Sterling Harpst, PharmD

Published Jul 28, 2024


There is no DESCRIPTION, however if you click the Youtube link, there is a follow-along transcript available. I’m not a science guy, so personally I was more interested in the benefit than the science names I’ll never remember.



Bitchute VIDEO: Steve Dibbins Stack 3 (abbreviated)

Posted by SlantRight2

Published August 21, 2024


Steve focuses on product Stack 3 and the GLP-1 natural ingredient (as opposed to synthetic used by Big Pharma). You can buy Stack 3 or the WELLNESS Trio or Duo at Diana's Online Store under the "Shop" tab:



Bitchute VIDEO: Paula & Steve Dibbins - Stack 3 - GLP-1 Info

Posted by SlantRight2

Published August 21, 2024


Paula focuses on product Stack 3 and the GLP-1 natural ingredient (as opposed to synthetic used by Big Pharma). You can buy Stack 3 or the WELLNESS Trio or Duo at Diana's Online Store under the "Shop" tab:


Bitchute VIDEO: Steve Dibbins Part 1 Gut Health - G3

Posted by SlantRight2

Published August 21, 2024


Steve begins discussing gut health. What should get your attention is “gut-brain access” – the communication between your gut and your brain. You can buy G3 separately or take advantage of the synergism of the WELLNESS Duo or Trio at Diana’s Online Store under the “SHOP” tab:



Bitchute VIDEO: Steve Dibbins Part 2 Gut Health - G3

Posted by SlantRight2

Published August 21, 2024


Steve initiates conversation of the benefits of Gut Health via G3. G3 has a Pre-Biotic, a Pro-Biotic and a Post-Biotic function. You can buy G3 separately or take advantage of the synergism of the WELLNESS Duo or Trio at Diana’s Online Store under the “SHOP” tab:

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