Saturday, August 3, 2024

Trump Campaign Should Hire JP Sears

Hilarious Faux-Interview

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

August 3, 2024


JP Sears performs a faux-interview with Que-Mala (Kamala) Harris certain to draw virulent condemnation from Dem-Marxist virtue liars. Publicly the Trump campaign will probably distance itself from this faux-interview, BUT privately the campaign-staffers are laughing hysterically.


Just a heads up: JP runs a pay-the-bills ads at the end. And it is also humorous.


JRH 8/3/24


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Rumble VIDEO: She’s Not Indian Anymore! Interview with the Best Candidate Ever


Posted by Awaken With JP

Published August 2, 2024


MORE DESCRIPTION is pay-the-bills and promotional links

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