Thursday, August 8, 2024

Kamala Word Salad Idiocy Exposed in Political Ads

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 8, 2024


I watched a Benny Johnson Youtube video that shows a series of awesome Trump-2024 Campaign videos. To be honest, what got my attention was the use of one of my past Presidential heroes Ronald Reagan.


Indeed, using the voice of Ronald Reagan with the imagery backdrop of the current Biden-Harris failures is brilliant.


BUT take a little time and get to the Benny Johnson showing of the ads ridiculing (Que-Mala - BAD NEWS) Kamala Harris idiocy in her own words ads. My sense is these ads will have little effect on the Dem-Marxist-BRAINWASHED. The anti-tyranny crowd (of which I’m a proud member) will love the ads. AND these ads should have an impact on Voters who consider themselves non-aligned Independent voters.  


So, take a look at the video and be prepared to be amused with the Que-Mala word salad idiocy.


JRH 8/8/24


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Youtube VIDEO: Trump Drops New Electric, Uplifting Ad Narrated by RONALD REAGAN | This Will Give You CHILLS

Posted by Benny Johnson

Posted on August 8, 2024


There have been some 🔥 Ads this campaign season.


MORE TO READ (pay-the-bills & promotional links)

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