Tuesday, August 13, 2024

VIDEOS – Remember The Tyranny PT 2

There is a Tyranny to Resist – Jog Your Memory

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 13, 2024


PART ONE can be viewed HERE.


This is PART TWO of numerous accrued videos relating to political and medical tyranny. It is the TYRANNY which Dem-Marxists and Globalist One-Worlders would try to tell you is a Conspiracy Theory. The “Conspiracy Theory” label is akin to the evil propaganda that might go like, “ONLY believe what we tell you because the facts or what you see (as in TRUTH) is MIS-DIS-MAL-Information.”


Ergo, watch and jog your memory to the tyranny to resist in whatever personal path you choose. I prefer peaceful resistance. However, the Founding Fathers ultimately realized the ruling authorities were beyond peaceful reconciliation. My sense is that time is arriving sooner than later when “… it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” (Declaration of Independence – 1776)


JRH 8/13/24


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Bitchute VIDEO: Hacked Dutch govt data shows suppressed COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Excess Deaths (7-21-24)

Posted by SlantRight2

Published August 12, 2024


I found this video on Substack COVID Intel (Dr. William Makis) posted on 7/27/24 ( by Dr. Makis. The Redacted Episode is from 7/5/24 with Clayton Morris interviewing Wybren van Haga, Wouter Aukema and Anne Merel Kloosterman. I’m guessing Dr. Makis found the episode somewhere on July 21.


I’m using the Substack video version because I like the closed-caption following the dialogue. Youtube and Bitchute have July 5 versions of Redacted. And I have noticed Rumble has various channels of this episode. ORIGINAL Youtube title: “SHOCKING DUTCH COVER-UP: THEY KNEW ABOUT VACCINE INJURIES AND HID THE DATA | w Clayton Morris”.


The Youtube Description:


“In story first reported by the U.K.'s Jim Ferguson, hacked data from the Dutch government shows that the E.U. Globalists went after the children and afterwards hundreds of vaccine injuries were reported all across the Netherlands and the EU. Why didn't we hear about it? Turns out they hid the information and then covered-up the data from the public and then more people were injured.


Dutch Freedom Fighters and Truth Seekers, former Dutch Parliamentarian and business entrepreneur Wybren van Haga, Businessman and Data expert Wouter Aukema and Anne Merel Kloosterman who is representing many vaccine injured join Redacted to share this story.”



X-Twitter VIDEO: Camus - German MEP Christine Anderson on Climate Tyranny, Digital ID and CBDCs

Posted by Camus

Posted on August 1, 2024 12:00 PM

[Blog Editor: As of posting today, the X-Twitter link to the Christine Anderson video gets the "link not found" message. So, I will attempt to upload the video below.]


X-Twitter VIDEO: MERCK Manual History of Viruses Are Parasites


Posted by Linda Forsythe

Posted on March 28, 2024



Rumble VIDEO: Prophetic Perspective of Trump Assassination Attempt (Includes Kim Clement)


Posted by SlantRight

Published August 12, 2024


I found this video (35:52-Minutes) on Telegram WeLoveTrump ( posted on 7/19/24 ( It is an examination from Trey Smith derived from the website WLT Report under the title there: “TREY SMITH: “Strange July!” — The Ear Was Straight Out Of The Bible!” The link to that post is in the Telegram description.


WeLoveTrump Description:




New Trey Smith.  Enjoy!


Huge Biblical significance of the Right Ear! 





Odysee VIDEO: Carl Higbie EXPOSES irregular FEC donations (ActBlue SMURFING)


Posted by SlantRight 2.0

Published August 12, 2024


I found this Newsmax Report on Telegram Freedom Loving Patriot ( posted on 7/25/24 ( which was apparently forwarded from Telegram Sergeant News Network (


PAY ATTENTION to how Dem-Marxists make illegal political donations. It smacks of similar Election Fraud. If Republicans were caught doing this, they’d all be in a prison gulag.


Freedom Loving Patriot Description:


‘Carl Higbie EXPOSES irregular FEC donations:


This is verifiable data. Whoever is choreographing this volume is doing it in such small donations because they thought those wouldn't get flagged by watchdogs and FC officials. The way this is brought to our attention was not by the dollar amount, but rather by the number of donations per person. That's where they messed up. But my question is, if these people whose names are on the FBC report are not making these donations, who is? Where's the money coming from? We can have all the voter ID laws we want, but if hundreds of millions of dollars are flowing in to influence our elections and we don't know from whom, not only is it a gross violation of election laws, it's a huge national security risk.


When I tell you Democrats are a machine, this is the kind of stuff I'm talking about.”



Bitchute VIDEO: ShadowRing - Full Documentary (2015)


Posted by Americans United Against The New World Order

Published July 10, 2024


[Blog Editor: The only description provided AUATNWO is a request to support the video channel. Ergo, after the video description, I’m posting Documentary information from the Producer/Script-Writer James Perloff.]


We need your financial support. Please help us financially by clicking the link$AmericansUnited Your donations serve to aid our mission to educate and inform. Without funding this service will have to come to an end so that we can earn much needed funding elsewhere. You can prevent that by graciously donating in any amount via Cash App and using our cashtag, $AmericansUnited. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated as they help us to continue bringing you informative content.


James Perloff Documentary Description (6/5/15):


“On June 5, 2015, Free Mind Films, producer of A Noble Lie and State of Mind, released its newest documentary, ShadowRing, which I scripted. It details the history of America’s shadow oligarchy, including the Council on Foreign Relations’ domination of Presidential cabinets and policy, the debauching of our economy by the Federal Reserve, the use of false flags to embroil us in wars, media control, and the ultimate goal of world government. I appear in the film along with an array of informed guests, including G. Edward Griffin, Chuck Baldwin, Joyce Riley, Ben Swann, Adam Kokesh, Patrick Wood, Dr. Kathryn Albrecht, Rosa Koire, Aaron Dykes, and several others. Our narrator is renowned Hollywood actor Kevin Sorbo (Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Andromeda, God’s Not Dead). …”



Bitchute VIDEO: From Arpanet (1960's internet) to the sentient world program (2030+) via cellphones, vaxxes and Meta


Posted by Webfukt

Published 3 months ago (circa May 2024)


People are idiots & social engineering is very real.


Nuff said! What is the sentient world program you say? Well, here's a video about it:


There's a wikipedia link in that video's description with further links



Rumble VIDEO (H/T: The Reese Report Substack): Seventy Thousand Terrorists with Biometric US Passports

Rumble("play", {"video":"v57zv2p","div":"rumble_v57zv2p"});</script>

Posted by Reese Report

Published August 9, 2024





Rumble VIDEO: Dr. McCullough – Trump Right Childhood Vaxx Needs Reexamination


Posted by SlantRight

Published August 12, 2024


This is a 2:12-Minute Brannon Howse excerpt of a Dr. Peter McCullough interview posted at Telegram Dr. Judy Mikovits ( on 7/22/24 (


Dr. Judy Mikovits Description:


‘Dr. McCullough: “Trump Is RIGHT”


Childhood vaccines “need to be re-examined.”


President Trump recently dropped a bombshell in a leaked video, declaring, “Something’s wrong with that whole [vaccine] system."


It turns out that Trump has legitimate reasons to be concerned because a growing number of doctors and scientists, including Dr. McCullough, believe, “It [autism] is AVOIDABLE.”


“One in 10,000 to one in 36: it is in lockstep with excessive hyper-vaccination.”’

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