Wednesday, August 7, 2024

There is a Tyranny to Reject!

Either by a Overwhelming Voter Turnout OR Arising to Overcome Another Election Coup

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 7, 2024


I’m going to share a couple of posts that by the time YOU read them, they will be a couple of days old. The purpose for sharing is my belief the info therein hopefully awakens readers to the probability of a Dem-Marxist election victory in November 2024 (by fair elections or the same old coup-theft elections) means EVEN MORE tyrannical restrictions for Patriots and Christians dissenting from the tentacles of a Transformed America.


I begin with a 1:15-Minute video I uploaded from X then Spreely News post followed by a Dr. Robert Malone post from his Substack.


It will be lengthy, but if you believe in critical independent thinking and YOUR Liberty, it should be worth your time.


The titles in order of cross posting:


o   Rumble VIDEO: When You’re a Democrat, ‘Democracy’ Means…


o   Bill Gates, U.S. Military Among Investors in GMO Insect Protein for Humans


o   The Right to Think for Yourself: Consequences of State Control of the Overton Window


Not cross post but because Dr. Malone point this Medical Tyrant, you might want to take a look at:


o   ‘Charlatan’ Dr. Peter Hotez Calls Biden Regime to Deploy DOJ, DHS Security forces Against “Anti-Vaxxers” in the US:  So-called health expert Dr. Peter Hotez has called Biden regime, the United Nations and NATO to deploy security forces against “anti-vaxxers” in the United States; Posted by Lioness of Judah Ministry; Exposing The Darkness (Substack); 8/5/24


JRH 8/7/24


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Rumble VIDEO: When You’re a Democrat, ‘Democracy’ Means…


Posted by SlantRight

Published August 6, 2024


I typically embed X-Twitter videos that I like, but this is so relevant I’m sharing to this platform


For full credit, the video was posted on X by Devout American ( on 8/5/24 (


‘Democracy’ is code for “Conspiring in a Years Long Coverup To Hide Your Election Candidate & President is Cognitively Compromised & Mentally Unfit…” more including an inter-Party coup to bring on Que-Mala (Bad News) Harris.



Bill Gates, U.S. Military Among Investors in GMO Insect Protein for Humans

Bill Gates & Bug Diet (Spreely News Photo)


By Erica Carlin

August 5, 2024

Spreely News


While regulators in non-U.S. countries, including Singapore, have issued approvals for specific insect-based foods, in the U.S., the regulatory landscape is murkier — there is no legal approval process or clear-cut prohibition of insects for human consumption.


As a result, insect-containing foods have reached U.S. consumers, even though one of the few existing U.S. laws that address insects in the food supply refers to them as “filth” and a form of “adulteration.”


Crickets and grasshoppers reach U.S. consumers in a variety of forms, from protein bars to protein shakes. They’re also found on restaurant menus and are promoted as pet food and animal feed ingredients.


With few U.S. regulatory barriers to contend with, investors like Bill Gates and Big Food giants such as Tyson Foods have also begun investing in “alternative protein” startups — despite mainstream media “fact-checks” claiming Gates doesn’t support the consumption of insects.


Internist Dr. Meryl Nass, founder of Door to Freedom, told The Defender lax U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations — under which many insect-containing foods can be classified as “Generally Regarded as Safe” (GRAS) — “means they don’t require testing” and enable the FDA to “look the other way.”


“How long will it take before we learn whether these foods are safe? It could take generations,” Nass said.


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Grand Challenges Explorations program in 2012 funded All Things Bugs, a project to “develop a novel food product made from insects to treat malnutrition in children from famine stricken areas of the world,” according to Eurasia Review.


All Things Bugs has since expanded into the development of genetically modified insects. With funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), “we are using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing and other methodologies to develop base technologies for creating insects as a new bioresource,” the company states.


DARPA is a research and development agency that operates under the U.S. Department of Defense.


All Things Bugs said that while insects are “a very sustainable source of protein,” it “is innovating to make them a feasible commodity for the food industry.”


Claire Robinson, managing editor of GMWatch, told The Defender, “With all GMOs [genetically modified organisms], including insects, it’s vital that they are subjected to a pre-marketing risk assessment for health and the environment.”


Robinson said, “This includes testing them for the presence of pathogens, possible allergens and substances that may be toxic to humans. Then they must be clearly labeled for the consumer.”

Gates’ investments in insect-based foods appear to be part of a broader strategy to invest in alternatives to animal-based foods for consumers.


In a February blog post, Gates said he invested in Savor, a startup producing butter made from air (carbon dioxide) and water (hydrogen). And in 2022, the Gates Foundation awarded a $4.76 million grant to Nature’s Fynd, a startup producing foods containing fungi-based protein. In 2020, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, founded by Gates, invested in Nature’s Fynd.


The U.S. government’s National Science Foundation (NSF) also is involved in the insects-as-food space, through its funding of the Center for Environmental Sustainability through Insect Farming (CEIF). Established in 2021, CEIF seeks “to develop novel methods for using insects as feed for livestock, poultry, and aquaculture.”


Institutions participating in CEIF include Texas A&M University, Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis and Mississippi State University — along with Tyson Foods, Protix and Innovafeed, backed by food processing giant ADM, formerly the Archer-Daniels-Midland Company.


The production of insects for human food is expanding in the U.S. and globally, with support from the United Nations and the World Economic Forum (WEF).


In 2013, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations released a seminal report, “Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security,” which promotes the environmental and nutritional benefits of insect consumption.”


A 2022 WEF paper, “5 reasons why eating insects can reduce climate change,” suggests people are “conditioned to think of animals and plants as our primary sources of proteins … but there’s an unsung category of sustainable and nutritious protein that has yet to widely catch on: insects.”


According to a November 2023 Washington Post report, “Insect start-ups have raised over $1 billion in venture capital since 2020.”


A 2021 report by Netherlands-based Rabobank claimed the demand for insect protein, “mainly as an animal feed and pet food ingredient, could reach half a million metric tons by 2030, up from today’s market of approximately 10,000 metric tons.”


A report by Grand View Research forecasted the global insect protein market will expand by an annual compound growth rate of 16.9% by 2030, while European projections estimate “the number of Europeans consuming insect-based food will [reach] a total of 390 million by 2030,” according to EuroNews.


Ynsect, for instance, has built factories in France and the Netherlands, and is erecting factories in the U.S. and Mexico, according to Feed Navigator. The company claims its insect-producing farms are “climate positive,” “benefit biodiversity” and are aligned with the Paris Agreement and the European Union’s “Fit for 55” goal.


In March 2022, Ynsect acquired Nebraska-based Jord Producers — a mealworm farm. And in December 2022, Ynsect signed an agreement with U.S. flour milling company Ardent Mills to build a factory in the Midwestern U.S. Ardent Mills is a joint venture between ConAgra Foods, Cargill and CHS, a global agribusiness cooperative.


Investors in Ynsect include actor Robert Downey Jr.’s FootPrint Coalition and France’s Crédit Agricole bank — along with support from the FAO and the European Commission. The company has raised over $600 million.


Celebrity chefs also are embracing insect food. In November 2023, the Financial Times featured Joseph Yoon, founder of Brooklyn Bugs, whose “goal is to popularise edible insects and build up this food source to help support global food security.”


In addition to a lack of FDA regulations governing the use of insects in foods for humans, the FDA also does not regulate the use of insects for pet food ingredients.


According to Animal Frontiers, “pet food is under the nongovernment Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO)” in the U.S. In January, French firm Ynsect became the first company to receive AAFCO authorization for commercial production of mealworm protein for dog food in the U.S.


In October 2023, Big Food giant Tyson Foods announced the acquisition of an ownership stake in the Dutch insect ingredient producer Protix. Tyson said the new joint venture would construct “the first at-scale facility of its kind to upcycle food manufacturing byproducts into high-quality insect proteins and lipids which will primarily be used in the pet food, aquaculture, and livestock industries.”


Although the announcement did not definitively exclude the production of insect-containing foods for humans, a Reuters “fact check” published in May stated, “Tyson Foods does not put insects into products for human consumption.”


Tyson has invested in Upside Foods, which in June 2023 won approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to produce lab-grown chicken. Upside garnered more than $600 million in research and development investments, including from Gates, Richard Branson, Elon Musk’s brother Kimbal Musk and Cargill.


Vanguard and BlackRock, the world’s two largest institutional investment firms, are also the two top institutional holders of Tyson Foods shares. BlackRock, and its CEO, Larry Fink, have promoted “sustainable” corporate practices.


The war on meat is happening even if most Americans have no idea. Corporate media won’t be allowed to report on it until it’s too late.


Beef from Prepper All Naturals is the only freeze-dried beef product in America that doesn’t try to push “beef crumbles” or low-quality “beef chunks” onto consumers. They offer sous vide, freeze-dried Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, and their “Original Steak” product that is made up of Sirloin, Chuck, and other premium cuts. Even their lowest priced item is far superior to everything else in the market.


“Anyone who’s ever tried to eat freeze-dried ‘beef crumbles’ will never buy a bag of it again,” said Jason Nelson, co-founder of Prepper All Naturals. “The low-quality parts of our cattle are sold to wholesalers after slaughter and, ironically, end up being purchased by other survival companies. We only offer the good stuff to our customers.”


Since beef is the only ingredient in a bag of Sous Vide Beef Cubes, they remain shelf-stable for up to 25-years. This is one of the reasons freeze-dried beef is so much more valuable than canned or dehydrated beef that last for 1-3 years.


Another reason is the nutritional retention. Each bag has 12 adult-sized servings with over 20 grams of protein. Freeze-drying is the only food longevity process for beef that allows it to retain full nutritional values for over a decade.


Last but not least, the push to inject cattle with mRNA vaccines is ongoing. Just as they did with pork, it seems inevitable that beef will be tainted by near-future mandates. Nelson has vowed to never sell beef that has had mRNA vaccines once they begin rolling out.


“We had a customer last year who purchased hundreds of bags in a one-week period,” Nelson said. “We contact him and learned that he plans on feeding his family but also believes these bags will be tremendous for barter should there be a major change in society.


“As he put it, it will be a matter of negotiating to determine how many bags he’ll need to trade for a truck when the crap really hits the fan.”


If there is such a societal collapse, it is very likely that long-term storage beef will be extremely valuable. But one does not have to wait for the apocalypse to appreciate having high-quality beef on hand if prices continue skyrocketing. Even if things get incrementally better with everything else, beef is still going to be targeted.


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The Right to Think for Yourself

Consequences of State Control of the Overton Window

Thought Police Poster (Who is Robert Malone Photo)


By Robert W Malone MD, MS

August 5, 2024

Who is Robert Malone (Substack)


By means of ever more effective methods of mind manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms… elections, parliaments, supreme courts and all the rest… will remain.


The underlying substance will be a new kind of Totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly like they were in the good old days. Democracy & freedom will be the theme of every broadcast & editorial. Meanwhile, the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite will quietly run the show as they see fit. --Aldous Huxley, 1962


Our minds and our speech are what make us uniquely human. Our ability to conceive and communicate our personal view of the world around us is a central aspect of ourselves and of our person. To compromise or limit the ability of an individual to exercise freedom of thought and speech is to make that individual less human. This type of activity is not only intrinsically oppressive and fundamentally damaging to the human soul, it is a form of theft. Those who seek to limit thought and speech without permission to do so are stealing something of value from those whom they oppress. In so doing, they make the oppressed less human. They are literally stealing a fundamental asset of the individual without consent.


In “The Anatomy of the State”, Murray Rothbard argues that there are two means of producing wealth:


Economic Means refer to producing and exchanging goods, services, and value through voluntary human effort, creativity, and entrepreneurship. They are additive and generate wealth for all parties involved. Note the keyword “voluntary,” which implies a lack of coercion, enticement, compulsion, and reliance on informed free will.


Political Means refers to using force or coercion to seize wealth from others. Political means are reductive, distorting incentives and undermining long-term prosperity. For example, taxation is a form of theft in which political means are used to seize wealth from others.


The censorship-industrial complex, in collusion with corporate media, works hand in glove with the State to use political means to seize involuntarily your ability to think and speak your own mind. The censorship-industrial complex, their media partners, as well as those companies that practice Surveillance Capitalism, are stealing value from you without your permission in order to enrich themselves at your expense.


Corporate media plays a key role in this State-sponsored business activity. To illustrate with one specific example documented in our upcoming book “PsyWar”, committee investigations in the House of Representatives have documented that the State acted through its Department of Homeland Security (CISA) to identify and flag American citizens (including myself) for censorship and defamation during the COVIDcrisis. In the case of my example, a variety of colluding corporate media outlets acting via “advocacy journalists” then proceeded to support the State by publishing “smear” and “wrap up smear” articles designed to damage my reputation and thereby delegitimize my criticism of dishonest propaganda being promoted by the State concerning “safe and effective” COVID vaccines.


These articles typically included the specific logic and phrases employed by DHS/CISA in its documentation targeting me. Once again, this is theft- intentional theft of reputation. In this case, the State, in collusion with its media surrogates, acted to intentionally and maliciously take something of value from me without my permission. Something that I had developed over years of labor- my professional reputation- and in an arbitrary and capricious manner, without any due process, sought to remove that value from myself and my business. Furthermore, in the Supreme Court decision known as “New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (376 U.S. 254, 1964)”, the Judicial branch of the State has determined that this type of intentionally targeted damaging of individual reputation on behalf of the State is permitted for corporate media. Since Sullivan, this method of intentional theft of the good reputation of citizens to support the political interests of the State and conversion of targeted reputation damage to yield profit for corporate media has become a standard component of the business activities of the corporate media, which colludes with the State to advance its interests.


Surveillance capitalism is a novel economic system that emerged in the digital era, characterized by the unilateral claiming of private human experience as free raw material for translation into behavioral data. In this version of capitalism, the prediction and influencing of behavior (political and economic) rather than production of goods and services is the primary product. This economic logic prioritizes the extraction, processing, and trading of personal data to predict and influence human behavior by exploit those predictions for a variety of economic (marketing) and political objectives--Malone and Malone (2024), PsyWar Enforcing the New World Order


The bedrock of medical ethics is the thesis that humans have a fundamental right to self-determination and that this must be respected above all else. In other words, in their transactions with patients, physicians and other medical practitioners are limited to providing information, advising, and treating if requested. However, the decision about whether to accept or reject that advice and, by extension, to accept or reject a medical procedure is widely agreed to be a fundamental human right of each individual patient. This is considered a personal right, not to be discarded in the interests of the collective.


One key aspect of the post-WWII Nuremberg trials was the “Doctor’s Trial,” which gave rise to the Nuremberg Code, which became the basis for developing modern Western medical ethics. In Nazi Germany, German physicians planned and enacted the Euthanasia Program, the systematic killing of those they deemed "unworthy of life." [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis (Question: As a Patriot and/or Christian, Do YOU think YOUR life is considered worthy to a Dem-Marxist?)] The victims included the institutionalized mentally ill and physically impaired. Further, during World War II, German physicians conducted pseudoscientific medical experiments utilizing thousands of concentration camp prisoners without their consent. Most died or were permanently impaired as a result. Jews, Poles, Russians, and Roma (Gypsies) were the most common victims of experimentation. In most cases, these “experiments” were internally rationalized (“justified”) based on the need to advance the common good, for example, by developing research data concerning the ability of human beings to tolerate cold. Cold tolerance research was considered essential to the German war effort and the German State due to German military activities on the Western and Northern fronts.


To any who have been awake and paying attention to the deployment of propaganda, censorship, coercion, enticement, and compulsion (vaccine mandates) during the COVIDcrisis, the parallels are chilling. During the COVIDcrisis, the State made the argument that these activities were justified based on the common good, the often-repeated (false) thesis being that infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus was highly lethal (3+% case fatality rate) and that the permitted “vaccines” were safe and effective in preventing infection, disease, and death from this virus. All of this logic has now been proven to have been deeply flawed and, in many cases, based on fraudulent information. Temporarily granting the benefit of the doubt to the State, this falsehood and fraud may have been plausible early in 2020, but as time went by, the lies were rapidly refuted. Yet, the State persisted in its false claims and deployed a wide range of advanced methods to censor those speaking the truth and to manipulate and control the minds of its citizens in an effort to sustain its legitimacy when imposing its counterproductive COVID-19 “public health” policies. Policies which included coerced, compelled, enticed, and in some cases violently forced receipt of experimental “vaccine” products.


As if that was not enough, during the COVIDcrisis the judicial/court systems of the Western nations legitimized and supported the right of the State to violate the Nuremberg Code on the basis that the rights of the commons to be protected from SARS-CoV-2 infection supersede the rights of the individual to maintain personal autonomy and control their own bodily integrity. And with that, the State embarked on a massive, globalized campaign to forcibly control thought and speech using every means at its disposal, all under the false pretense that this would advance “public health.” The courts, acting to legitimize and support the State, repeatedly supported the rights of the collective to use force to impose a medical product that was neither medically safe nor effective (in achieving the claimed and emergency use authorized intended purpose) on individuals. The Judiciary and courts also supported the rights of the collective to impose restrictions on fundamental constitutionally guaranteed individual rights to congregate, practice religion, engage in business activities, and both think and speak about data and ideas contradicting State-approved information and public health actions.


This example illustrates another key concept that Rothbard develops in “The Anatomy of the State.” The primary role and purpose of the Judiciary is to support and legitimize the State, not to defend freedom or promote justice. In the case of the “Sullivan” decision, the Judiciary has acted to enable the State’s “Mockingbird media” surrogates to routinely deploy targeted defamation and ridicule of those engaged in political speech and actions as a component of their business model in supporting the interests and agendas of the State and its intelligence services. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]


With these actions, the Courts and Judiciary have established precedent and conferred legitimacy on the right of the State to steal from its citizens a key aspect of what makes them human: the ability to think and to speak one’s thoughts to others. They have established and legitimized the rights of the State to control the range of acceptable discourse, including the right of the State to control the Overton Window.


The Overton Window is a model for understanding how ideas in society change over time and influence politics. The core concept is that politicians are limited in what policy ideas they can support — they generally only pursue policies that are widely accepted throughout society as legitimate policy options. These policies lie inside the Overton Window. Other policy ideas exist, but politicians risk losing popular support if they champion them. These policies lie outside the Overton Window.


In theory, in a representative republic such as the United States, the State is managed by elected representatives who represent the will of the citizens. But when the State itself is permitted to control the “Overton Window” through censorship, propaganda, media surrogates, influence campaigns, sponsored crowd-stalking, and other advanced psychological warfare (PsyWar) methods, then the tail wags the dog. The State, its affiliates and surrogates (corporate media, intelligence community cutouts, organized on-line crowd-stalking groups, military and Department of Homeland Security-associated psychological warfare units) act to only allow a narrow band of policy options from which political representatives can select. The logical outcome is that all political discourse - and any novel ideas or innovations - become subject to the interest and control of the State and those operatives who have accumulated sufficient power and influence to control the actions of the State. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis] Common language describing these relationships includes the terms “Uniparty” and “Deep State”.


All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions.


All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions and executed by supplanting existing institutions.


Consequently, the first condition of progress is the removal of censorship.

--George Bernard Shaw


Modern psychological warfare (PsyWar) technology, particularly when combined with growing individual reliance on internet-based communications rather than human-to-human interactions, compounded by forward-looking Surveillance Capitalism capabilities, provides the State with advanced abilities to control all information that an individual encounters and, by extension, constrains the ability of that individual to independently think, feel, share and act on individual thoughts and speech.


The long-term consequences of these policies will be growing social and entrepreneurial stagnation, decreased ability to respond to external and internal threats and crises, social unrest, and long-term economic damage. The well-known consequences of the State using political means to steal wealth from others to advance and sustain its own activities and objectives. Returning back to Rothbard:


Political Means refers to using force or coercion to seize wealth from others. Political means are reductive, distorting incentives and undermining long-term prosperity.


Unfortunately for the State and its surrogates, the COVIDcrisis has expanded the “Overton Window” for many. Those willing to look are now able to see through this expanded window to become more aware of how aggressively and, at times, violently the State has acted to prevent distribution of information and new ideas that threaten its current consensus, operations, plans and privileges. These State actions diminish each of us by stealing, without consent, both our rights and fundamental aspects of our individuality.


In yet another hidden form of taxation, State-sponsored PsyWar steals a part of our soul and, in this way, impoverishes each and every one of us. We must recognize the violence to our minds that is inherent in these acts and insist that the State cease and desist in its ongoing theft of our natural, God-given rights to learn, think, and speak as we see fit. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]


We want freedom, Damnit.


In related news that supports the above thesis, in recent recorded comments, Dr. Peter Hotez has disclosed his collusion with the Biden Administration, the Director General of the World Health Organization, and others to advocate that the State employ violent means to impose medical procedures on individuals who do not consent to those procedures. With this statement, Dr. Hotez is specifically advocating that NATO military forces and the US Department of Homeland Security domestic intelligence capabilities be deployed to forcefully vaccinate non-consenting individuals.


Following is a direct quote from and supporting video evidence of Dr. Peter Hotez advocating the deployment of the US Department of Homeland Security, the Commerce Department (ergo debanking), the Justice Department (legal action) and NATO (military action) to fight what he terms “anti-vaccine aggression” and “anti-science aggression.”


 "I've said to the Biden administration: "The health sector can't solve this on its own, we're going to have to bring in Homeland Security, Commerce Department, Justice Department to help us understand how to do this". I met with doctor Tedros last month in Geneva, WHO the director general to say: "I don't know that the World Health Organization can solve this on our own. We need the other United Nations Agencies, NATO." This is a security problem because it's no longer a theoretical construct or some arcane academic exercise. 200,000 Americans died because of anti-vaccine aggression, anti-science aggression. And so this is now a lethal force. And now I feel as a pediatric vaccine scientist, just as it's important for me to make new vaccines to save lives, the other side of saving lives is countering this anti-vaccine aggression."


In terms of medical ethics, I cannot imagine advocating anything more aggressive than using an internal US intelligence agency and foreign troops to vaccinate citizens against their will forcefully. In a rational world, this statement would be considered grounds for removing Dr. Hotez from his position at Baylor University College of Medicine.


Hotez is dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor University College of Medicine and director of the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children’s Hospital, one of the sponsors of the symposium, which was organized by the Colombian Pediatric Society.


Dr. Hotez’s assertion that “200,000 Americans died because of anti-vaccine aggression, anti-science aggression” is unsupported propaganda which he continually repeats but which has been repeatedly debunked. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]


[Dr. Malone uploaded an X-Twitter clip of Dr. Hotez false assertion which was from a CHD The Defender post entitled, “Vaccine Advocate Peter Hotez Calls for Use of Police, Military Against ‘Anti-vaccine Aggression’”. Link below video.]

Additional coverage and details of this outrageous statement by Dr. Hotez can be found here.


When will MSM begin to appropriately criticize and even demand the resignation of Dr. Hotez for this gross breach of medical ethics?


When will the WHO, Baylor University College of Medicine and the US government take the necessary action to remove Dr. Hotez from key leadership positions?


Hotez clearly has multiple conflicts of interest involving the vaccine industry, and his public statements have become irrational and completely disconnected from established medical ethics norms. It is long past time for him to go.


© 2024 Robert W Malone, MD

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