Saturday, June 10, 2023

Blogger Naughty List, PART FOUR

Censoring the Political Islam Truth

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

June 10, 2023


As I type this PART FOUR, I’m sifting going through Blogger’s UNPUBLISHED POSTS for whatever reason they decided in the present to retroactively apply to the long past.




o   PART ONE: Personal Blogging History Leading to the Naughty List


o   PART TWO: Abbreviated Censored Posts Directed to CPCR or to ORIGINAL Websites


o   PART THREE: Failed to add a subtitle but focused on exposing Islam and exposing Antisemitism


I left off at the eleventh unpublished post. AGAIN, these updated censored posts are in the order I received an unpublished notification from Blogger and not in the order of date posted. It is quite clear the Blogger censors have been examining the EXPOSE ISLAM posts informing we non-Muslims. AND so far the Blogger examinations have been looking at the Bill Warner cross posts from Political Islam.


12. An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, Part 10

June 2008

Unpublished Link:





Here is another dose of “An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam[Updated Link] by the Political Islam [Updated Link] website.

Bill Warner is a little terse in this essay. I would even say it might border on hate speech; indeed I know Mohammedans will consider this essay hate speech.

Warner targets Islam specifically as the enemy of all non-Muslims of all races, creeds, religions and political spectrums.

I preface this warning of hate speech because I have to tell you, Warner is correct of the nature of Islam whether Mohammedan practitioners view Mohammedanism as a spiritual faith or a death cult to violently over take the world with Mohammed’s vision of political conquest under the instilled fervor radical cultic devotion. The essence of Mohammed’s example and Mohammedanism’s general practice in nations where it is the majority is evidentiary of its non-peaceful existence [Updated Link]. The West where Freedom and Liberty has become a learned heritage, the minority Mohammedans have begun to be so bold as to demand government recognition of Sharia Law [Original FrontPageMag link Not Found. Site search for “Sharia Law” begins with most recent post and works backward]; indeed honor killings [The ORIGINAL link redirects to a website focusing on LGBTQ violence more than woman being murdered by Muslims for dishonoring Islam – NOT GOING THERE! ERGO, 3-posts focusing on Muslims killing women for dishonoring Islam: Islamic Honor Killings in the West – originally 9/1/10 updated 4/1/21; Are Islamic Honor Killings a Growing Threat in America? – 4/28/15; And website updated frequently focused on Muslim violence against womenSTOP honor killings]

and rape [ORIGINAL link was to a now defunct Live Leak. ERGO, Here is a Brightwork Research & Analysis post Last Updated as of this reading 5/6/22 entitled. “How Islam Constantly Endorses and Enables Rape and Rapists”] are increasing in the West more so in Europe [ORIGINAL link redirects to a message: “Coming soon a blog for Americans searching for information to help enrich their lives” listing the impending website to be] but the beginnings are emerging in America [Updated Debbie Schlussel link dated 1/3/08 entitle, “The Dallas Muslim Honor Killings & ICE: I Correctly Called It, Dallas HQ, Plus Policy Implications”].

JRH 6/14/08 [From this point was the cross post to Bill Warner’s “An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, Part 10” which I have updated to CPCR (formerly NCCR).



13. Victim History vs. Jihad

March 2009

Unpublished Link:



Photo: Pretend Islamofascists Not at War with Non-Muslims


Bill Warner has placed a FrontPage [Original link Dead Redirects to] interview conducted by Jamie Glazov on his Political Islam [UPDATED Link] blog.

In the interview Warner speaks of a kind of Orwellian new order being placed on America (I would include all Western style Representative Governments). Warner even uses Orwell-speak by calling this emerging new order the “Newstate.”

Essentially the interview line of thought is the “Newstate” is in the tank for Mohammedanism to such a degree that American Free Speech is being anesthetized to squelch anti-Jihad free speech while accommodating Muslim Supremacism in American society.

It is an enlightening interview to read. I suggest you do so. [Updated Link]

JRH [Defunct SlantRight embedded link removed] 3/14/09 [Added the old SlantRight cross post of Political Islam/FPM interview to CPCR/NCCR old post – Bill Warner is very enlightening even for 2023.]


Photo: Christians Blinded about Political Islam



14. An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 8

May 2008

Unpublished Link:

Could not locate on NCCR/CPCR


Photo: Afghanistan Terrorist School toon


Okay. I am a weekly subscriber to the blog Political Islam [Updated Link]. The blog is militantly anti-Islam. I know it is not politically correct (especially among Leftists) but I do find Political Islam quite refreshing that it has busted out of the comfort zone of being nice. Political Islam points out the very things I believe about Mohammedanism: Radical Islam is not an aberration of Mohammedanism rather that theo-political Islamism is a revivalist movement following the example and teachings of a man called Mohammed. Radical Islamism is the true face of Mohammedanism even though the millions of adherents are the minority.

The so-called moderate Muslim is a person that has chosen to live a peaceful life. If a moderate Muslim is devout he/she cherry picks the nice beauty of the Quran and the lesser holy writings of Mohammedanism. The moderate adherent re-interprets the function of the not so nice writings of their holy scriptures and re-interprets the examples of Mohammed.

Thus a Westerner is propagandized that “jihad” means inner struggle and not holy war to convert or eradicate the kafir. To a moderate Muslim’s credit “jihad” has been revised to mean “inner struggle;” nonetheless that is not the example of Mohammed. Indeed one rarely reads or hears clamoring from the majority so-called moderate peace loving Mohammedan because in their heart there is an admiration of the purity of the theo-political beginnings of Islam.

With that little introduction I now lead into this week’s e-newsletter form Political Islam:

JRH [Was cross posted to defunct SlantRight website] 5/28/08

An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 8

Bill Warner
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Political Islam
[Updated link. NOT CROSS POSTING to cut down length. Click the updated CSPII/Political Islam embedded link to read still relevant info]



15. Obama-the House Negro

November 2008

Unpublished Link:

Could not locate on NCCR/CPCR


Photo: Uncle Ayman al-Zawahri Wants You 

Here is an interesting analysis by Bill Warner of Political Islam [Updated Link to title] concerning the epithets by Islamic al-Qaida terrorist Ayman al-Zawahri. I am curious: Will the al-Zawahri epithets induce Obama to talks without pre-conditions [Updated Link redirected to Washington Independent post dated 7/30/20 entitled “Petraeus Talk Bolsters Obama”. The only difference from original is the “https”. Since this Blogger post occurred in 2008, I suspect the original content differed from 2020.] or spur the hunt for al-Qaida leadership and have them killed [Original link redirects to The Times HOMEPAGE so I deleted it]?

JRH [Cross posted at defunct SlantRight website] 11/22/08 [Since I’m convinced the title drove Blogger censors nuts, I’m cross posting the CSPII/Political Islam version below.]


Obama-the House Negro

By Bill Warner

Nov 21 2008

CSPII/Political Islam


Of Interest

The transcript of Zawahiri’s Message [Updated Link] to Obama
Walid Phares [Link not found – COUNTERTERRORISM BLOG ceased operations in 2011 but is still up I could not locate a search function.] on Zawahiri’s Message to Obama [Blog Editor: I found a “Not secure” link that apparently cross posted the Counterterrorism Blog under the title “Zahrawi: Jihad will Continue Despite Obama - By: Dr. Walid Phares” Date: 11/19/08. This could be what Bill Warner was pointing to but it is only a guess.]


The media has been atwitter with Al-Qaida’s Ayman al-Zawahri’s insult of Obama [Link redirects to Breitbart HOMEPAGE] by calling him the house Negro. What he actually said was abeed al-beit. Abeed is not just a slave, but a black slave. Islam’s refined doctrine of slavery includes over 40 words for slaves, including the slave’s race. If you were white, you would be a mamluk, a white slave.


Mohammed and his wife owned black slaves, along with every other kind of slave, including sex slaves. Mohammed’s favorite sexual partner at one time was a white slave, Mary, a Coptic Christian.

Zawahri’s insult was pure Islam. The Koran is filled with insults and curses by Allah. Insults and curses are part of Islamic logic. Kafir (non-Muslim) logic advances an argument by analogy, syllogisms, cause and effect–scientific logic. Islamic logic is based upon making you submit to Islam. Therefore repeated force, threats and insults are all part of the logic of simply overpowering the other. This is similar to a thug using brute force and yelling to “persuade” the victim.


The Koran instructs Muslims on how to use insults and curses against kafirs:


74:16 No, I [Allah] say. He is an enemy of Our revelations. I will impose a dreadful punishment on him because he plotted and planned.
74:19 Damn him! How he planned. Again, Damn him! How he planned.


And here we have the Koran insulting Jews by calling them apes (a favorite insult by Muslims about Jews):


7:156 But when they [the Jews] persisted in what they had been forbidden, We said to them, “Be as apes, despised and loathed.”


Here we have Mohammed repeating the insult when he attacked the Bin Qurayza Jews of Medina:


Ishaq note 684: Mohammed called upon his troops, and they headed for the Jews. Mohammed rode up to the forts and called out, “You brothers of apes, has Allah disgraced you and brought His vengeance upon you?”


Mohammed and Allah repeatedly insulted others who didn’t agree with Mohammed. The worst insult is kafir. Most Korans translate this word as unbeliever, but that is a neutral term. The Koran goes further to say that Allah hates kafirs and plots against them. Over half of the Koran is written about kafirs and it is uniformly negative. Kafirs may be murdered, tortured, enslave, raped, robbed, insulted and deceived with impunity.


Zawahri’s insult of Obama is an insult by a person. However, it is not a person, but Allah, the creator of the universe and the sole deity that says that I am a kafir. That is not a personal insult, but a universal, omnipotent, sacred insult. Kafirs are lower than animals.


So when a Muslim comes home from work and says to his wife that he met a nice kafir today, the insult is so deeply ingrained, that he does not even think about it. After all, both Mohammed and Allah say that those who do not believe in Mohammed are kafirs, “the lowest of the low.”


But what is interesting is how Zawahri’s insult does not rub off on Islam. After all, Zawahri is called a radical Muslim, not a “real” Muslim. Therefore, what he says does not trouble people about Islam. Zawahri is not a radical Muslim, but one who follows the Islam of Medina, the violent Islam. He is a moderate Muslim of the Medinan sort, a 100% Muslim.


What if a white Christian Republican said the same thing? The media would not be atwitter, but in full outrage. This would be headline, long-lasting news. Not only would the white Christian speaker be condemned, but all white people and all Christians. Not only would the speaker have personal guilt, but also every group he was a member of would share in corporate guilt. But no Muslims will be condemned because of Zawahri’s slur. Muslims do not share in corporate guilt.


Another oddity is that some Obama supporters may think that since he has been insulted by a Muslim it proves that he is not in the Islamic camp. Such thinking ignores the fact that the person most apt to insult a Muslim is another Muslim. In the same way, a Muslim is much more apt to be killed by another Muslim than by a kafir. Once you get into the insult, curse and kill business, it is hard to limit it to kafirs.


There is some good news for Obama’s supporters. He may have been called “house Negro” (and actually the N-word is a better translation for abeed than Negro) but at least he was not called Hussein.


Copyright © 2008 CBSX, LLC

Use and distribute as you wish; do not edit and give us credit.



16. Exposing Islam is Hate Speech in Netherlands

January 2009

Unpublished Link:

Could not locate on NCCR/CPCR


Photo: Geert Wilders Saving Western Civ toon

Geert Wilders [Updated Wikipedia probably different than original 2009 citation] is one of those rare European politicians that GET IT about the dangers of Islam.

Evidently Wilders’ self-produced movie entitled Fitna [Updated PJ Media Link] was not considered Free Speech but rather hate speech by a Dutch judge [Original Jihad Watch Link comes up “Not Found”. ERGO here are three Jihad Watch posts (there were actually many in the Jihad Watch search) relating Dutch Courts and Fitna: HERE, HERE & HERE]Fitna utilizes the Quran’s own words as an indictment of the theo-political nature of Islam. In so doing Wilders compared the Quran with Hitler’s Mein Kampf [Link Times Out for both “http” and “https” indicating Weapon Of Musical Defense as a website might still exist its server is down. If you are ambitious you can search engine the website then look for Winston Churchill. I have no idea what the original link entailed. It was long ago. This Dr. Andrew Bostom post from 2008 (many of the source links are dead) may give context with Churchill comparing the Quran to Hitler’s book.]. Evidently some lobby of Mohammedan propagandists did not want the truth about Islam to be so public and probably filed an official complaint.

Political Islam provides the gist of a Geert Wilders speech preceded by a short introduction. BE SURE TO READ IT! [UPDATED CSPII/Political Islam link to Bill Warner’s “Wilders, Redux” posted 1/21/09. Although I cross posted on the defunct SlantRight website and did not include a CPCR/NCCR version in 2009, I believe I served history in my intro about Wilders’ persecution for sharing truth. YET INDEED, read the updated version at CSPII/Political Islam.]

JRH 1/22/09



17. Warner: The Doctrine of Ignorance

September 2008

Unpublished Link:



Photo: Giving Islam THE BOOT

Okay, I am a confirmed Islamophobe.

Being an Islamophobe does not mean I have a fear of Islam. It does not mean I have a racist hatred of the practitioners of Islam/Mohammedanism.

It DOES mean that I believe Mohammedanism is an inherently violent theo-political death-cult according to the example of its founder Mohammed and Mohammedanism subsequent writings considered holy by Mohammedans.

As a Christian, the Lord Jesus Christ tells me to walk in the God-kind of Love with my fellow Believers [Updated Link to Gal. 6:10 NKJV] and as much as is possible walk in the God-kind of Love with non-Believers as well [Updated Link to Romans 12:9-21 NKJV]. I tell you that it is often a tough path to walk with as a Mohammedans that honor the Wahhabi Sunni path [Original Link to a defunct SlantRight Website post. Here is an EXPLAINER ARTICLE from Global Security under the title “Wahhabi”]

or the Shi’ite Twelver path [Original link again defunct SlantRight post. Two Twelver EXPAINER posts: ThoughtCo – 2/28/19 & Global Security – last modified 5/7/11]. Those guys are wildly intolerant. Even the less violent schools of Mohammedan thought outside of the Hanbali [I found the redirect link to be insufficient. The Christian-based website Got Questions a great EXPLAINER on the Sunni school of Hanbali thought: “What is Hanbali Islam?” – last updated 1/4/22] tradition still follow the inherent violence of what Christians would call Mohammedan scriptures. Still I have to remind myself it is the Will of God that all humanity be Saved and come into the knowledge of the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

Now that I have justified my version of Islamophobia, you need to read a blog post by Bill Warner of [Updated Link]. It is entitled “The Doctrine of Ignorance.” [Updated Link]

Warner writes of the danger of judging Mohammedanism by that nice co-worker or neighbor Ahmed. Ahmed may be sincerely nice; however if he is a true follower of the Mohammed and the following doctrines developed around Mohammed, Ahmed’s faith is dangerous.

It is kind of like the followers of David Koresh or Jim Jones: they called themselves Christians however they were consumed with death outside the realm of the teaching of the Son of God. A nice follower of Koresh or Jones did not practice a nice faith.

JRH [Defunct SlantRight link removed] 9/17/08 [Warner’s “The Doctrine of Ignorance” is cross posted at the end of the otherwise not updated CPCR/NCCR post dated 9/17/08. The updated cross post is dated 6/10/23.]



That completes PART FOUR. There are more Blogger censored posts to update. A PART FIVE is in the future. I’m just uncertain when.


JRH 6/10/23


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1 comment:

  1. Assist the effort to repel the death cult seeking to expand Islam throughout every nook and cranny of the USA and all other Western countries.

    Beware of CAIR. Traitors within the USA actually allow those vermin to enter public grade schools to share the beauties and wonders of the "Religion of Peace." Try to do that with any other religion and see what happens to your effort.

    Yep . . . just one of many ploys by the New World Order (NWO) to divide and conquer the people of the USA. The same methods are used in other Western countries though the name of the Islamic death cult groups vary from place to place.
