Sunday, June 18, 2023

RFK, Jr. Sounds Pretty Good after Biden Tyranny, BUT…

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© June 18, 2023


When I was a kid (let’s sat between birth in 1956 through – if you had asked this then 14-year-old – most of 1971), I was an avid Dem. Not because of any political orientation, rather because my Grandparents and Mother believed the propaganda that Franklin Roosevelt delivered working class Americans from the poverty of the Great Depression. After doing some of my own critical thinking reading, I have long abandoned that propaganda – that Dems still push as true even today.


As such, my childhood viewed the Kennedy Family (assassinated JFK, RFK SR, and even Ted Kennedy) as the second coming of American Camelot. And let’s face it, the Dems of JFK & RFK Sr – though Liberal for its day – are not the same Globalist-Marxists infesting today’s Dems. Indeed, the dominant Dems of JFK, RFK Sr and such as Senator Henry Jackson were staunchly anti-Communist in their politics. By the time Ted Kennedy began to acquire his political bona fides, Marxism was already beginning its Dem infestation.


So why the stroll down Kennedy Dem Party lane?


The son of assassinated Robert Kennedy (The Senior), Robert Kennedy Jr. is gaining steam to Primary out the installed Tyrant-in-Chief Biden. AND largely due to the RFK, Jr stand against Medical Tyranny and against the mRNA Jab – RFK, Jr is making big inroads among Conservatives.


AND ADMITTEDLY, I admire the RFK, Jr. stand against Medical Tyranny. BUT – HE’S STILL RUNNING AS A DEM in a corrupt Marxist infested and voter fraud coup oriented political party!


There’s a reason I call that political party “Dem-Marxist”. Their entire platform could be a DESTROY AMERICA agenda alignment not only to Marxist anti-Family, anti-Christian, anti-Biblical Morality, anti-American Liberty, anti-Original Intent Constitution, anti-Founding Fathers history and on and on; but that lunatic DESTROY AMERICA political party has aligned itself with ending national borders Globalism of UN Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum (WEF).


For you supporters of RFK, Jr. for the single (though admittedly great) issue of ending Medical Tyranny; I ran into a post I am going to share from Rev. Patti of No Thought Police (who usually sticks to Scripture-oriented posts – BUT NOT THIS TIME). If you are a Christian Conservative wary of America’s direction as a Banana Republic, you might think twice about RFK Jr support after discovering the Dem-Marxist principles he still supports.


JRH 6/18/23


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Beware of the Next Trojan Horse



June 17, 2023

No Thought Police - Freedom of thought and speech not policed here!


I find it amazing that so many Republicans, Conservatives and/or Christian Conservatives that seem to just be begging for approval from the “Left”, or just begin to clamor over a leftist when they simply may agree with them on one issue! Come on folks, that reminds me of Pavlov’s dogs salivating every time they heard the bell ring! Are some of you conservatives out there so damn desperate for the need to get approval from people who hate your guts? Look, I’m a Christian conservative and I’d rather cut off my right hand (I’m right handed) than ever support or vote for a leftist, especially their latest “Trojan Horse” JFK Jr.!


America, you all saw what you got for the last Trojan Horse of 2020 (i.e. Biden)! How’s your life going now with this criminal and creep in office? Are you doing better overall or worse? If you say that you are doing better, all I have to say is that either you are insane or you’re a leftist commie. Those are the only two sane reasons I could ever figure out why you would claim that your life is better! But I digress.


Lately I’ve been noticing that conservatives of all walks of life speaking about JFK Jr. and speaking quite highly of him. Look, I don’t know him personally so I’m not going to judge him as a person, however, I have done enough research on him to know that he’s not at all who he is pretending to be and I know what his policies are, why doesn’t anyone else? It doesn’t take much time to do research on someone folks! It took me a whole 30 seconds to find out where he stands on “child mutilation” better known as “transgender affirming care”!


I’m warning all of you both conservatives and liberals who are disgusted where the country is going, don’t fall for any BS coming from RFK Jr. he’s not your friend! His father and uncle must be rolling over in their graves seeing where his beliefs lie, because they are as far away from their beliefs as humanly possible. Heck, neither Bobby or JFK would be welcome in today’s Democrat Party!


Now for all you conservatives out there who think he’s not so bad just because he went to the border and acted as if it upset him that all this crap is happening there and that he’s against vaccines and mandates, better put the brakes on right now! And even the border issue he really doesn’t have in common with you, so that leaves his single stand on vaccines.  So, wipe the drool off your faces and let’s take a look behind the man and what he really believes in:


·       Let’s start with one of the hottest issues going on right now, the mutilation of your children or as the left so lovingly love to call it “transgender affirming care”. So where does he stand? Simple, he believes that it’s a human right, no matter how old you are, to get “transgender care”!


·       He believes that abortion is also a human right and that, we the taxpayers, should pay for them, by our taxes going to Planned Parenthood!


·       He believes in schools teaching your children CRT (Critical Race Theory [Blog Editor: Could be read Communist Race Theory]) whether you agree or not.


·       He whole heartedly agrees with the Green New Deal and that fossil fuels and the cleanest energy (nuclear) should be eradicated! But he himself does not drive an EV!


·       He DOES NOT care about the border, he believes a border wall is criminal. (So, I guess, let them all in is his thinking!)


·       He doesn’t believe that the US should interfere with bit coin nor go to a digital currency. (Yeah, one thing we conservatives might agree with).


·       He believes that government should pay for college. Which of course means us, the taxpayer, because after all, where does the government get their damn money from?


·       He believes in taxing the rich even more than they are already. Right now the richest people in this country already pay 53% of all the tax revenue that the government receives from the American people! (I guess he and others like him will find some good loop holes in the tax codes to save their own sorry ass rich asses! Do you know how much in taxes Elon Musk paid last year? $1 BILLION, yes billion not million! And they want even more from guys like this!)


·       He’s an anti-vaxer and anti-mandates. Woo hoo! That’s the one that too many conservatives seem to salivate over. [Bold Text Added by Blog Editor]


·       Believes strongly in the separation of church and state. It could be further separated as far as he’s concerned. He’d probably remove “In God We Trust” off our money if he could. [Blog Editor: A better Dem-Marxist wording would be Church stay out of government EVEN THOUGH the Founders’ Original Intent was for government to STAY OUT OF CHURCH.]


·       He believes in a universal income. Most people don’t seem to understand why the left so much want this. It’s simple, it puts everyone but the elite on the same monetary level. It wipes out the middle class making everyone poor.


·       He believes in the watered down Common Core system of education that Obama put into place. Which now has made the US educational system one of the worst in the world! Most kids today when they graduate can’t even read at a 6th grade level! Let’s don’t even talk about math, English, history, or science.


·       He’s totally against hydraulic fracking which is the cleanest and safest way of fracking.


·       He believes in decreasing money for the military and veterans.


·       He’s all for an increase in the estate tax also known as the “death tax” that Trump got rid of and Biden brought it back.


·       He believes, are ready for this one? That anyone who does not agree with climate change should be thrown in prison! [Bold Text Blog Editor’s] You read that right! Thrown into prison for just questioning the validity of climate change!


So, there you have it, there is the bulk of what he really believes in, are you still salivating over this guy? He’s nothing but the 2024 Trojan Horse!


Before I end here, here’s a little known fact about RFK Jr. He once said that Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and anyone else who believed the way they believed are traitors and should be executed! That pretty much tells you exactly where he stands when it comes to conservatives.


I’m done. Be smart!


~No Thought Police ~

~Copyright 2023~

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