Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ahmed Bedier – Islam Hater from Florida

John R. Houk
© March 7, 2012

Here is an example of Islam in America today. It is not pretty.

Ahmed Bedier is not a nice guy. When I tell the truth about Islam I am called a writer of hate speech. I do not talk about race and talk about religion or ideology or in the case of Islam – theo-political ideology.

I became aware of the Bedier’s Islamic venomous hate speech from an email from The United West. The corresponding website post to the email is entitled “AHMED BEDIER’S HATE SPEECH ATTACK AGAINST FLORIDA LEGISLATORS AND WOMEN”. The United West is based in Florida. The purpose for the email and post is to rally support to expose hater Bedier to the Florida State Congress. The reason Florida’s Congress needs alerted is because Bedier has worked effectively playing the victim card in Florida in his apologist proclivities to place Islam in a good light hiding the dark nature of Islam altogether.

On February 28, 2012 Muslim Brotherhood leader, Ahmed Bedier unleashed a “hate-speech” attack against all Florida

Legislators and public employees at the State Capitol in Tallahassee, Florida. Bedier, a former CAIR official, displayed his true anti-woman, anti-white beliefs while speaking on the 22nd floor of the State Capitol during Muslim Capitol Day.

The United West investigative team captured this shocking video and now releases it to the general public.


·         Ahmed Bedier, with his hate-filled agenda, has disqualified himself from having any influence with the Florida legislators that he so intensely repudiates.

·         If Ahmed Bedier has no interest in using shariah law in Florida then why is he against a law, he believes, prohibits shariah law?



If you are like me and believe that Ahmed Bedier is an enemy of the Constitution of the United States, contact:

And ask him to tell Ahmed Bedier to take his Muslim Brotherhood operation back to Tahrir Square in Cairo Egypt!

February 2011 – Ahmed Bedier – Cairo Egypt helping the Muslim Brotherhood revolution:

February 2011 – Ahmed Bedier – Cairo Egypt

February 2011 – Ahmed Bedier – Cairo Egypt helping the Muslim Brotherhood revolution

Here is an article I found on the Tea Party Tribune that goes into greater detail in exposing Ahmed Bedier as an Islamic Supremacist hater of America and the U.S. Constitution and includes some YouTube videos that are not on The United West.

JRH 3/7/12
Ahmed Bedier: Muslim Brother Organizes Florida Muslim Capitol Day



Ahmed Bedier argues FOR Shariah law, as detailed in this “emergency” letter he sent to his Muslim followers.

Asalaamu Alaikum
Yesterday the powerful Florida House Judiciary Committee voted 13 to 1 in favor of a dangerous anti-Muslim law, sending it to the entire Florida House for a general vote. The proposed law HB 1209 has now cleared all hurdles and will go to the House Floor for a vote any day now. THIS DANGEROUS ANTI-MUSLIM / ANTI-SHARIA BILL WILL BECOME LAW IN FLORIDA

This Tuesday, February 28, is our best opportunity to kill this proposed law.

This Tuesday, we need hundreds of Floridians to join us at the State Capitol Building in Tallahassee to urge lawmakers to oppose this legislation.


The United West “exposes” Ahmed Bedier as a Muslim Brother who assisted the Muslim Brotherhood in gaining control of Egypt. Moreover, Bedier is a supporter of the HAMAS, a designated terrorist organization that is now attacking Israel on a daily basis!


Please take a moment to read the article below by Bob Heller on Ahmed Bedier…

Source: Dr. Rich Show

by Bob Heller

Ahmed Bedier is a rising star in the Florida Muslim community (Ummah). His persona has been carefully crafted but there are two faces of Ahmed Bedier: Muslim rights activist and Islamic anarchist. Please bear with me as I describe Mr. Bedier, his Muslim Brotherhood friends and the Tampa, FL based organization he founded – United Voices for America (UVA). UVA is hosting its fourth annual Muslim Capitol Day in Tallahassee, FL from February 28 to March 1, 2012.

According to Mr. Bedier’s profile on Wikipedia, he is described as a community organizer, involved in civil liberties and stands for equal rights. But Ahmed’s profile also shows his clear ties to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) a group shunned by the FBI for its ties to Hamas and terrorism. Ahmed founded the CAIR chapter in Tampa, FL. Before founding the Tampa chapter he was the Communications Director for the Florida chapter of CAIR.

So which is he – community organizer or a card carrying member of the Muslim Brotherhood?

My answer is both. Why? Because the two faces of Ahmed Bedier are two sides of the same coin – Shariah Islam in America.

Ahmed comes from Egypt, the home of the Muslim Brotherhood. Those whom he associates with are Muslim Brothers. For example, Ahmed was the unofficial spokesman for Sami Al Arian, former professor at the University of South Florida in Tampa.

“Born in Kuwait to Palestinian parents on January 14, 1958, Sami Al-Arian was educated in Egypt and then came to the United States in 1975. . . The FBI further learned that Al-Arian had connections to the blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, mastermind of the first World Trade Center attack in 1993; to Hamas official Mohammed Sakr; to the high-ranking Sudanese terrorist Hassan Turbai; and to Islamic Jihad co-founder Abdel Aziz-Odeh. . . Al-Arian’s attorney conceded that Al-Arian was an operative for PIJ [Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a.k.a. CAIR]. A reporter covering the trial summarized: ‘The trial exposed the professor as having been deeply enmeshed in the internal workings of Palestinian Islamic Jihad’ …”

Ahmed was publicly defending Al Arian his fellow member in the Muslim Brotherhood front organization CAIR, Ahmed born in Egypt and Sami born in Kuwait and educated in Egypt, with Al Arian a founding member of PIJ/CAIR – the Hamas arm of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Another very close friend of both Ahmed and Sami is Bassem Abdo Alhalabi. Bassem Abdo Alhalabi was an ardent supporter of convicted terrorist Sami Al-Arian. Alhalabi was mentored by Al-Arian at USF and co-authored a book with Al-Arian. Bassem used Al-Arian as a reference for employment as a professor Florida Atlantic University (FAU). Bassem was the United Voices for America (UVA) Capitol Staff Senior Member in 2010. On March 12, 1998, Alhalabi pled guilty to illegally exporting military grade Thermal Imaging Equipment to Syria – a Designated State Sponsor of Terrorism.

Bassem Abdo Alhalabi mug shot
Bassem Abdo Alhalabi mug shot

More recently in February of 2011 Alhalabi pled guilty on two counts of Assault and Battery on Capitol Property Battery on a Jewish journalist Joe Kaufman in the Capitol Rotunda and Assault, two hours later, on cameraman J. Mark Campbell in the Old Capitol Building in 2010 during Muslim Capitol Day. Bassem then Co-founded the Islamic Center of Boca Raton, FL (ICBR) with Ibrahim Dremali who openly solicited for “material support” towards Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. ICBR members are on no-fly list by the U.S. State Department. In May of 2007, ICBR member Rafiq Sabir was convicted for 25 years in prison for plotting to go overseas and assist Al-Qaeda.

What is that saying about you can judge a person by those he associates with? But it gets worse.

Ahmed is not just a community organizer with ties to individuals and organizations in America who are part of the Muslim Brotherhood; he is also an anarchist who personally traveled to Cairo, Egypt to take part in the effort to topple the government there. Photos on Ahmed’s Facebook page show him proudly waving an Egyptian flag and standing in front of a tank in Cairo.

February 2011 – Ahmed Bedier – Cairo Egypt

Ahmed Bedier with Egyptian anarchists and military
Photo: Ahmed Bedier with Egyptian anarchists and military

The only problem is we now know that the primary group behind the revolution is the Muslim Brotherhood.

The New York Times column by Michael Slackman “Islamist Group Is Rising Force in a New Egypt” states:

“In post-revolutionary Egypt, where hope and confusion collide in the daily struggle to build a new nation, religion has emerged as a powerful political force, following an uprising that was based on secular ideals. The Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group once banned by the state, is at the forefront, transformed into a tacit partner with the military government that many fear will thwart fundamental changes.” [My emphasis]

According to the Paltalk News Network column “Muslim Brotherhood: Egyptian revolution was Islamic, not democratic”:

“The leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood on Sunday maintained that the toppling of President Hosni Mubarak and his regime was driven primarily by a desire to return Egypt to its Islamic roots, and not by a Western ideal of democracy.

Speaking from Iran, where he is attending the International Conference on Islamic Unity, Kamal Helbawi stressed the Islamic nature of the Egyptian uprising, and criticized international efforts to make the revolution look like a move toward the West and its principles.

‘People of Egypt are seeking human dignity, social justice, and their human rights none of which has any contradiction with Islamic principles,’ Helbawi told Iran’s IRNA news agency. He added that the people’s demands stemmed from their interest in Islam.”

Are you seeing the picture unfold before you? The Muslim Brotherhood and Ahmed Bedier are all for democracy as long as it is under Islamic Shariah Law. How do I know? Because he and his organization, the United Voices for America, are against passage of American Law for American Courts legislation in Florida. In an e-mail to Muslims and non-Muslims alike Mr. Bedier states:

“A nationwide assault on religious freedom is underway. Right-wing lawmakers across the country are trying to demonize Muslims with sneaky new laws. It’s happening in Oklahoma, Missouri, and, now, Florida.”

This law is not about “religious freedom”, it is about equal justice under American laws. Why would a Muslim organization like UVA want Shariah Islamic Law implemented in Florida? If you believe in equal rights and justice then U.S. laws, not Shariah Islamic Law, provide all of us those freedoms. What is wrong with American and Florida law in the mind of Mr. Bedier?

According to a paper provided by proponents of the law, titled “Why American and Florida Laws for Florida Courts“:

“The purpose of American and Florida Laws for Florida Courts is to preserve the sovereignty of the US and Florida and their respective Constitutions by preventing the encroachment of foreign laws and legal systems, such as Shariah law, that run counter to our individual constitutional liberties and freedoms.”

In closing, Mr. Bedier is closely following the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Phases of the World Underground Movement Plan” as described in the seminal work Shariah: The Threat to America. The MB’s document, defines five (5) phases of the MB’s infiltration into a society:

I. Discreet / Secret establishment of elite leadership (CAIR and Sami Al Arian)

II. Gradual appearance on the public scene & utilizing various public activities (CAIR, Sami Al Arian, PIJ and Mr. Bedier)

III. Escalation phase, prior to conflict/confrontation with rulers, utilizing mass media (Mr. Bedier as communications director of CAIR Florida Chapter, founder of CAIR Tampa Chapter, unofficial representative of Sami Al Arian and founder of United Voices of America)

IV. Open public confrontation with the government through political pressure approach (Muslim Capitol Day, pressure on Florida legislature against American Laws for American Courts legislation)

V. Seizing power to establish the Islamic Nation (Mr. Bedier in Cairo, Egypt last year and this month in Tallahassee, FL)

Egypt, with the help of Mr. Bedier is at Phase Five, the United States and Florida in particular, again with the help of Mr. Bedier and UVA, are at Phase Four of the plan moving rapidly toward Phase Five.

Ahmed Bedier – Islam Hater from Florida
John R. Houk
© March 7, 2012

Ahmed Bedier: Muslim Brother Organizes Florida Muslim Capitol Day

Dr. Richard M. Swier, Ed. D., LTC, US Army (Ret.)Richard holds a Doctorate of Education from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA, a Master's Degree in Management Information Systems from the George Washington University, Washington, D.C., and a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from Washington University, St. Louis, MO.Richard is a 23-year Army veteran who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1990. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his years of service. Additionally, he was awarded two Bronze Stars with “V” for Heroism in ground combat, the Presidential Unit Citation, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry while serving with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. He is a graduate of the Field Artillery Officers Basic and Advanced Courses, and U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.Richard was the Founder/CEO of Sarasota Online, a high technology company that was sold to Comcast Cable in 1996. He helped start Backsoft Corporation an enterprise software development company in 1997 whose clients included Coca-Cola, Anheuser- Busch, Hyundai Electronics, Volkswagen, Moen and Goodyear. Backsoft was sold in 2001.Richard twice chaired the Sarasota Better Business Council, sat on the Board of the Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce and served from 2000 to 2009 on the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation of Sarasota County.

Copyright © 2012 Tea Party Tribune - Tea Party & Political News All Rights Reserved.

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