John R. Houk
© April 30, 2010
On April 11, 2010 actor Jon Voight appeared on the FOX News Channel’s named after its host - Huckabee. A YouTube post captured Voight reading an open letter to the American people.
The essence of the letter is a powerful message that I am certain the Left and the Obama Administration would find appalling. Essentially the letter was a portrait of Obama’s Alinsky Socialist/Marxist training. This training was to utilize aggressive grassroots community organizing to terminate America’s Capitalistic paradigm by transforming America into an Alinsky version of a Socialist/Marxist society.
The open letter insinuates Obama’s agenda is to gut the Founding Fathers’ American Revolutionary experiment in personal Liberty and replace it with a diluted America that internationally ceases to be a Super Power and nationally embrace the European vision of a Socialistic-Democracy based on a multicultural egalitarian diversity. My thinking is this means Liberty and Freedom becomes State Managed forcing a State definition of what is an incitement to violence which could harm the common good. Thus the common good becomes an excuse to stifle Free Speech and hinder a cultural heritage that might threaten the State’s version of maintaining a peaceful coexistence.
This would be an existence in which citizens could be liable to criminal prosecution for thoughts, speech, religion or creeds that the State defines as a threat to diverse multiculturalism and the peaceful coexistence of the common good.
In humble opinion Voight’s open letter to the American people is a warning that Obama’s “Change” is a cultural transformation in which the State is ordained by the people to a State which the people are managed by the State.
Certainly my Slanted Right vision might be extrapolating more than what Jon Voight was attempting to get across; nonetheless this is the agenda I believe President Barack Hussein Obama intends for a “Changed” America.
JRH 4/30/10 (Hat Tip: Resist Net)
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