John R. Houk
© April 2, 2002
I am pleased to let everyone know I am not only a fan of Sarah Palin but I also believe she is a symbol that represents Judeo-Christian Slanted Right values of America. If you are one that believes Palin is not Presidential material because you suspect the capacity of her intellect, get over it.
Personally I believe Palin is intelligent while simultaneously capable of connecting the majority of Americans on a level that a non-elitist voter can comprehend. If you suspect her intelligence you still have to agree she is an awesome campaigner that endears her to listeners.
If you were a baby boomer voter in the ‘80’s you will remember the campaign of Ronald Reagan operated for President. To the Left which included the MSM even back then, Reagan was considered a nuke button pushing intellectually suspect fringe radical right winger through most his political career. Still in 1980 Ronald Reagan became President of the United States defeating psycho-foreign policy President Jimmy Carter. President Reagan has gone down in history with a great nick-name: The Great Communicator.
Now Palin has not been attached to the moniker of a nuke button pushing right wing maniac; however the MSM and America’s Leftists have done their utmost to portray Palin as an intellectually deficient inciter of violence fringe right winger. I am telling you the similarity between Reagan’s pre-Presidential reputation and Palin’s current political reputation is uncannily similar.
With my position on Palin being established I was excited to hear from Newsmax that she is utilizing her Facebook account to criticize BHO’s foreign policy toward an emerging nuke WMD Iran as well as to criticize BHO’s near ruthless sell-out of Israel’s paradigm for existential self-preservation.
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin slammed the Obama administration's Middle-East policy via her Facebook page Wednesday, saying a failure to confront Iran now would result in a 'Second Holocaust' against Israel once the Islamic Republic has nuclear weapons.
"[J]ust as the Obama administration inexplicably gives up on imposing crippling sanctions on Iran, it's taken an uncompromising hard line against one country in the Middle East: Israel," Palin writes. "On his recent visit to Washington, the Israeli Prime Minister was treated like an unwelcome guest, as shown by White House actions such as refusing to be photographed with Israel's Prime Minister."
Palin also argues that the Obama administration's actions have failed to rein in Tehran's nuclear ambitions, and that more than one year into Obama's presidency, his administration has made "no progress" on sanctions. (Newsmax 3/31/10)
Be sure to read Sarah Palin’s Facebook post in its entirety.
JRH 4/2/10
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