John R. Houk
© April 27, 2010
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) former Chairman Parvez Ahmed is still being pushed by the MSM to have a seat on Jacksonville, FL Human Rights Commission. As asserted on a previous post on this situation MSM media support for Ahmed’s seat on the Jacksonville HRC is ludicrous because of Ahmed’s past connection to radical Islam.
It’s kind of like ignoring President Barack Hussein Obama’s past Communist roots and associations – Examples HERE and HERE. Oops! That’s right; the MSM whitewashed that connection as well.
It’s kind of like depending on the U.N. to place pressure on repressive nations’ human rights record while allowing repressive nations membership on the U.N. Human Rights Council – HERE and HERE. Darn! That’s happening too.
Let’s see, maybe it’s like Mexican drug lords and illegal immigrants crossing the Mexican/American border while Left Wing Americans are more concerned about the illegal foreigner’s civil rights than the security and civil rights of American citizens. Son of gun! That happens all the time also.
Hmm … It’s like America recognizing that Arabs that call themselves Palestinians are a people that have had a history of nationhood as well as believing this pseudo-history makes so-called Palestinians an oppressed people at the hands of Israel. O yeah, America does that too. American Presidential Administrations have jumped on the European bandwagon that would force Israel into a status of threatened existence by granting nationhood to a people on Israel’s historical Land and to a people who desires the utter extermination of Jews and Israel.
Okay. It’s unfortunate that a Jew/Israel hating Islamic terrorist supporting person like Parvez Ahmed should gain a seat on the Jacksonville HRC. It would fit the pattern of Left Wing thinking as pushed by the MSM.
JRH 4/27/10
The two-pronged threat to America
Sent By: ACT for America
Sent: Apr 26, 2010 at 12:16 PM
This past weekend, the Florida Times-Union newspaper ran another story about the controversy surrounding the nomination of former CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) National Chairman Parvez Ahmed to the Jacksonville Human Rights Commission.
In the article, the reporter wrote “The controversy centers on Ahmed’s ties to CAIR, which detractors claim has been linked to Hamas… Supporters of CAIR say the claims are unfounded.”
Note the use of the word “CLAIM.” In other words, according to the reporter, “detractors” are “claiming” that CAIR is tied to Hamas.
But this is not a “claim.” The Justice Department has laid out the case that CAIR is both linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and is a Hamas front group in America.
[Paul Sperry, co-author of Muslim Mafia, will be a featured speaker at our National Conference and Legislative Briefing. For more information or to register, click here]
Guy Rodgers, ACT! for America Executive Director, discussed this Justice Department information extensively with the reporter, and provided her substantiating documents.
“Her bias was evident when, in one question, she referred to my ‘core belief’ that CAIR is a front group for Hamas,” Rodgers says. “I immediately objected to her bias and reminded her that this is not my ‘belief,’ but this is a fact that has been established by the Justice Department, which is why the FBI severed its working relationship with CAIR. So what the reporter ended up writing was not due to ignorance.”
The enabling of the Islamist agenda is taking place in the media, in government, in academia, and even within the defense, national security and law enforcement communities.
As reported recently by Steven Emerson, the Obama administration has placed a very controversial figure, Dalia Mogahed, in a key position shaping the White House Mideast message.
The core mission of ACT! for America has always been combating the threat of radical Islam and the political correctness that aids and abets it.
Whether that enabling is due to naivete, ignorance, bias, ideology, or willful blindness, the consequence is the same—the threat of radical Islam is increased.
Many more Americans need to awaken to this reality—and one way to do so is to join us at the National Conference and Legislative Briefing in June. Register at the “Patriot” level by this Friday and receive an added benefit at no additional charge—a private breakfast reception with Brigitte Gabriel.
A Pattern of Leftist Human Rights Hypocrisy
John R. Houk
© April 27, 2010
The two-pronged threat to America
ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.
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