John R. Houk
© April 6, 2010
Obamacare is beginning to seem like the stepping stone for President Barack Hussein Obama’s “Change” agenda which is really transforming America into a Christian hating Secular Humanist Nation to further the move to the Socialist/Marxist Utopian State. The Obama agenda became viable because the Democratic Party controls both Houses of Congress. The socialistic format of Obamacare is made possible with a Dem Party having such a majority that enables legislation to be passed with nearly zero input from the loyal opposition. The next step might be the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).
To the Secular Humanist Homosexual activist: ENDA means equalizing of rights to include LGBT equality with the concepts of race, male/female gender and creed. This sounds nice on a Secular Humanist level in which morality is measured by relativity rather Christian morality.
Thus Christian morality is incrementally continuing to be illegalized. A Leftist might say that illegalizing Christianity is a bit of an overstatement. Nonetheless, Christian individuals who are employers and wish to implement a labor situation based on Christianity could be jailed, fined or both for not employing homosexuals, lesbians and transgender freaks. All of which would be diametrically contrary to Christian Biblical morality. Hence the effect is illegalizing Christianity.
ENDA will be the next stepping to eradicate the Christian voice as the conscience of America. This will lead to the Leftist dream of multicultural diversity on the scale now present in Europe. People who are Christians or protest the encroachment of Muslim civilization stamped on to Western culture have already face prosecution, jail, fines or all of the anti-Liberty criminalization existent under multicultural diversity.
For clarity sake: What is multicultural diversity?
Multicultural diversity is the Leftist conception that all cultures, religions and alternate lifestyles deserve the ability to express themselves with submitting to the cultural norms of the home nation. European warped democratic egalitarianism has reached a point that a stand for Christian morality is a hate crime when homosexuality is condemned as a sin against the nature of God and God’s Creation – humanity. European egalitarianism has made anti-Western religions such as Islam able to set up pockets of Sharia Law even though the intolerant practices of Sharia infringe on the rule of law AND Europe’s concept of multicultural diversity itself.
America’s ENDA legislation is the next stepping stone to making the American Constitution a diluted relic of the past. The American Constitution will be a document hailed for its initial accomplishments to Western evolution yet will be rendered irrelevant much to the similarity as Britain’s Magna Carter.
Does America want European (and Leftist) concepts of multicultural diversity to be the cultural norm for America? I say NO!
America is a melting pot of culture, peoples and religions. The key though is one of the American mottos found on American currency: E Pluribus Unum. Which is to say: Out of the many – one. The “many” are the various cultures, peoples and religions. The “one” is the anglicized Judeo-Christian culture that has been the core of America at least through the 1960’s. It is in the ‘60’s that Secular Humanism began to attain the influence to slowly transform America away from its English-only Judeo-Christian heritage as the foundation of American culture. Before the ‘60’s the “many” had to melt into the “one” to understand the American way establish by the Declaration of Independence and the rule of law as directed the U.S. Constitution.
If ENDA passes Congress, President Barack Hussein Obama will sign it into law. Once homosexuals are so normalized that Christian employers that view the alternate lifestyle as an ungodly blight will be forced into a situation of hiring homosexuals and transgenders (which could be men in cross dressing attire) or be fined, jailed or closed down.
On a Cultural scale ENDA will enable Leftist activist judges an easier time to shut down anti-same sex laws that a majority of American States have instituted. This could actually lead to the practice of polygamy. Islam affords the male to marry up to four wives if he can economically care for them. (Not to mention multiple female harems that Middle Eastern Islam is notorious for.)
Indeed ENDA could be the stepping stone which allows Sharia Law to operate outside the rule of law which already disallows much of what Sharia Law advocates.
I could probably write pages of the path ENDA could lead America toward but I think you get the picture. ENDA is an anti-American culture law that would change life completely away from the American Way.
There are campaigns of petitions and “write your Congressman” to demonstrate your opposition to ENDA. Find the one that works for you (Here, Here & Here). If you take it upon yourself to write your Congressman, that would be awesome as well. You need to profane language in writing your Congressman. Profanity and physical threats will be used as evidence that the slanted right are off hinge in propaganda by the Left. Profanity and physical threats is evident of thuggery thus categorizing the writer as a nutcase. Worse, profanity and physical threats will be placed in the "ignore this" constituent pile for there is no way profanity and physical threats are representative of the normal voting constituency.
JRH 4/6/10
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