Thursday, October 17, 2024

VIDEOS: Medical Tyranny Memory Lane PT TWO

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

October 17, 2024


I posted Part One on all three of my Blogs (hopefully as a work-around to potential censorship): HERE, HERE & HERE.


Here is the first paragraph to Part One which shows the purpose for the “Memory Lane” meme:


“For many COVID Tyranny is a recent history that was so distasteful, one would just as soon forget Americans were forced into Medical decisions based on fear or control-mandated government edicts.


Why is a “Memory Lane” important when Medical Tyranny seems to be a COVID past? Because Tyranny tends to repeat. AND when FEARMONGERING was used so effectively used to sway compliance by Americans, I have no doubt some form of Tyranny will be forced down the throat of Americans AGAIN!


As far as I’m concerned – right or wrong – Medical Tyranny was the path used by Dem-Marxists to force an Election Coup in 2020. With even the MSM crying that polls are indicating a Trump 2024 Election victory, I am suspecting (almost expecting) some form of Medical Tyranny to exact a 2024 Coup.


It would behoove the American Citizen who believes in American Exceptionalism, Constitutional Originalism and the American Christian Heritage – TO REMEMBER the recent past to resist a future Tyranny.


JRH 10/17/24


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Rumble VIDEO [H/T: Telegram COVID-19 Up & The Last American Vagabond]: Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Final Interview - Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines


Posted by TheLastAmericanVagabond

Streamed December 23, 2023


“Autopsy is not only a service to the doctors who were responsible for the patient, but it is a public service for our health system.” - Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt

Many cases of sudden death and severe disease are being reported since the rollout of the COVID-19 gene-based vaccines. Early on, several doctors and scientists warned that the COVID vaccines would lead to several complications including autoimmune disease, blood clots, strokes, and more. Additionally, The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, data showed a strong correlation between the vaccines and adverse events. But how does one determine in an individual case that the vaccine was the cause of death or the adverse event? It is through pathology.

An early pioneer of pathological investigations into vaccine adverse events was Prof. Arne Burkhardt — a senior, highly accomplished pathologist from Germany. Prof. Burkhardt came out of retirement in 2021 to examine the autopsy and biopsy materials of vaccinated patients. The work of Prof. Burkhardt not only provided strong evidence of vaccine causation, it substantiated the professional medical hypotheses of doctors and scientists around the world.

Journalist Taylor Hudak interviewed Prof. Burkhardt in his laboratory in Reutlingen, Germany, shortly before his death in May 2023. Prof. Burkhardt explains several of his findings in detail as well as which testing mechanisms he uses. Additionally, he shares his perspectives on the public health industry and academic and medical science as well as what motivates him to do this work.

All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond:



Bitchute VIDEO: Tom Renz Warns Bird Flu Shots Will Be a ‘Replay of COVID’


Posted by SlantRight2

Published October 16, 2024


I found this 4:25-Minute clip at Telegram Sound of Freedom Redpilling ( posted on 9/9/24 (


Sound of Freedom Redpilling Description:


‘“COVID Vaccines 2.0”: Attorney Warns Bird Flu Shots Will Be a ‘Replay of COVID’


Attorney Tom Renz has issued a stark warning about the FDA's decision to grant Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to bird flu mRNA vaccines.


Looking ahead, he says, “So what I would expect now is when Disease X rolls out, when the bird flu is something that they're gonna claim has made some sort of a dent in the human population, they're gonna try and push the bird flu vaccines in the same way that they pushed the COVID vaccines.”


Renz cited a study showing gain-of-function research on bird flu in the United States before painting a chilling picture of the future.’



Rumble VIDEO: Dr. David Martin Warns - Monkeypox a Cover for Covid Injection Side Effects


Posted by SlantRight

Published October 16, 2024


No real description other than the title. This is Alex Newman (The New American) interviewing Dr. David Martin. The implication: Monkeypox (Mpox) is essentially being used as a coverup to mRNA Jab injections.


The clip (23:40-Minutes) was found at Sound of Freedom Redpilling ( posted on 9/9/24 (



Rumble VIDEO: Dr. Sabine Stebel discusses the Leaked German ‘RKI files’


Posted by SlantRight

Published October 16, 2024


NO SURPRISE! The German Government has been exposed hiding COVID & mRNA data from its citizens. That’s what the ‘RKI files’ are.


This this a little over 38-Minute clip is discussed in English about the German sources at Telegram Doctors For Covid Ethics Channel ( posted on 9/9/24 (


Doctors For Covid Ethics Description:


“Dr. Sabine Stebel discusses the "RKI files," i.e. the leaked protocols of internal meetings of the Robert Koch Institute, the German public health authority. These protocols illustrate well how politically motivated "COVID countermeasures" were imposed without scientific evidence or even against it. These files are rather voluminous, but Dr. Stebel has done a deep dive for us and extracted the highlights.”



Rumble VIDEO: Nano Lipid Particles Technology has been Established Since 1978


Posted by SlantRight

Published October 16, 2024


This 40:02-Minute video was found on Telegram Cruel History ( posted on 9/23/24 ( Nanobot tech via mRNA is discussed.


Cruel History Description:


“Nano lipid particles technology has been established since 1978. This is how long the Covid / vaccine / 5G has been in planning.


Sabrina Wallace - Nonvaxer420 annex library 7-25-2024-3”.



Bitchute VIDEO: Dr. Robert Redfield, former CDC Director Endorses Trump


Posted by SlantRight2

Published October 16, 2024


This 1:01-Minute clip of RFK, Jr speaking of Dr. Redfield endorsing Trump for POTUS was found at Telegram KanekoaTheGreat ( posted on 9/25/24 (


KanekoaTheGreat Description:


“Wow! Dr. Robert Redfield, former CDC Director, just wrote a powerful editorial in Newsweek endorsing @realDonaldTrump and @RobertKennedyJr’s bold plan to Make America Healthy Again.


"After more than 40 years in the public health arena, it might surprise some of my colleagues to know I think President Trump chose the right man for the job: Robert Kennedy, Jr."


"We know chronic disease is more than 75 percent of the country's $4 trillion annual health care expenditure. Unfortunately, we have become a sick nation."


"More than 40 percent of school-aged children and adolescents have at least one chronic health condition."


"Obesity in American children has increased dramatically since John F. Kennedy's presidency, from around 4 percent in the 1960s to almost 20 percent in 2024."


"Kennedy is right: All three of the principal health agencies suffer from agency capture."


"A large portion of the FDA's budget is provided by pharmaceutical companies. NIH is cozy with biomedical and pharmaceutical companies, and its scientists are allowed to collect royalties on drugs NIH licenses to pharma."


"President Trump has pledged, if elected, to establish a panel of top experts working with Kennedy to investigate what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases."


"Kennedy pledged that 'within two years, we will watch the chronic disease burden lift dramatically' if he's given the tools he needs to make a change. I believe him. And I think President Trump will empower him. I support their noble effort to heal our children."


"The exorbitant cost of the failing health of our kids, the needless suffering and death, can be ended by a Kennedy Commission on Childhood Chronic Disease."


[Blog Editor: I’m using a url-shortening instead of the original X-KanekoaTheGreat link.]



Bitchute VIDEO: Dr. William Makis – I’ve Never Seen Cancers Behaving Like This


Posted by SlantRight2

Published October 16, 2024


I found this 2:09-Minute clip of Dr. Makis talking about Turbo Cancer at Telegram Agents of Innocence ( posted on 10/3/24 (


Agents of Innocence Description:


‘Young people, in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, are developing aggressive and rapidly-growing "turbo cancers."


Dr. William Makis, who has diagnosed 20,000 cancer patients in his career, says, "I've never seen anything like this."’



X(Twitter) VIDEO: Laura Aboli – A Post Human NWO

Posted by Sheri™ (On X)

Posted 10/14/24


[Blog Editor: I found this particular post about an Emerald Robinson/Dr. Joseph Sansone interview to be some disappointing news concerning Gov. Ron DeSantis. Why? I’ve considered Gov. DeSantis to be a champion against Medical Tyranny. If Dr. Sansone’s assertions are true. It will be an indication DeSantis may have migrated to the Dark Side. I’m so disappointed with the info, I’m not quite willing to through DeSantis under the bus as yet. But I will be paying attention for any clarity of truth or fiction.]


Rumble VIDEO: Dr. Joseph Sansone on The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson 9-11-2024


Posted by SlantRight

Published October 16, 2024


I found this video on Substack Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone ( posted there on 9/12/24 ( The post’s subtitle is what casts Gov. DeSantis in a bad light: “Discuss 1DCA Denying Oral Arguments, DeSantis's defense of mRNA nanoparticle injections, and the Impact on Case”. Click the shortened url next to the date to read the description details.



Bitchute VIDEO: Landmark Court Ruling Opens Door for LAWSUITS Against COVID ‘Vaccine’ Manufacturers


Posted by SlantRight2

Published October 16, 2024


I found this Maria Zeee – Dr. David Martin clip at Telegram Sound of Freedom Redpilling ( posted on 9/6/24 (


Sound if Freedom Redpilling Description:


“The COVID “vaccines” aren’t vaccines after all, according to a ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.


Dr. David Martin says that this paves the way for sweeping lawsuits because the manufacturers “willfully misled the public.”


“The manufacturers willfully misled the public by calling them [COVID shots] a vaccine.” This is a violation of the Federal Trade Commission acts in the U.S. and the Deceptive Medical Practices Act internationally, he emphasized.


But the implications go even further. According to Dr. Martin, the decision also cracks the liability shields that have protected various entities involved in mandating and administrating the mRNA injections.”



Rumble VIDEO: Gates Foundation Insider Admits Ivermectin Cures 'Man-Made Turbo Cancer'


Posted by The People's Voice

Published September 4, 2024


Description Begins with promotional info


The mainstream media has been ordered to continue demonizing Ivermectin and urging people not to take it even though major studies have proven that the Nobel prize winning wonder drug cures 28 forms of cancer.


According to a Gates Foundation insider, Ivermectin posed a threat to the massive financial success of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines, and now it’s challenging the trillion dollar profits the elite stand to gain from the surge in turbo cancers due to the vaccines.


This is crucial information, and it’s vital that everyone understands the game the elite are playing so they can’t cause any more harm to our health.



Bitchute VIDEO: Disturbing COVID Vaccine Reality Unfolds on Children in These States


Posted by SlantRight2

Published October 16, 2024


I found this clip on a Vigilant News Network (VNN - post on 9/4/24 ( Dr. Peter McCullough explains the idiocy of the CDC recommending the mRNA Jab for 9-Month old babies.


VNN Description:


‘The CDC now recommends THREE Covid-19 jabs for 9-month-old babies, and they are effectively mandated to take them in states like California and New York.


This is child abuse.


Dr. McCullough says “hundreds of unnecessary childhood deaths” have occurred “as a result of the vaccine.”


Equally troubling, Dr. McCullough explains, “There is at least one paper suggesting that the genetic code of Pfizer or Moderna may be installed into the baby’s genetics permanently. We have no information on long-term outcomes, and the children don’t have a significant risk from Covid-19.”’

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