Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Introductory Thoughts to Eric Jones’ ‘Transgenderism’

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

October 15, 2024


Truth derived from actual statistics and scientific analysis is a beautiful thing that promoters of a Transforming Society/Culture NARRATIVE will hate AND undoubtedly paste the lying label of Mis-Dis-Mal-INFORMATION.


You might ask, “John, what the heck are you talking about?”


Hmm… Well, consider this documented information about the Transgenderism deception forced upon groomed kids.


JRH 10/15/24


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Transgenderism: From Disorder to Dangerous Ideology

Transgenderism (Eric's Commentaries Photo)

By Eric Jones

October 15, 2024

Eric's Commentaries


Explore the shift from treating transgenderism as a mental disorder to its dangerous promotion as a political agenda, and the harmful consequences for children and adults alike.


There was a time when transgenderism, universally diagnosed as gender dysphoria, was treated as a mental illness. Doctors and psychologists saw it as a serious identity disorder that required careful mental health treatment. Today, that understanding has been twisted. Now, politics and ideology drive the movement to force the public to accept transgenderism as normal. This is done under the guise of “tolerance.” Even more concerning is the push to encourage life-altering surgeries and hormone treatments for children. These decisions often ignore the profound consequences.


The Shift From Mental Illness to Political Agenda


Historically, gender dysphoria was classified as a mental health condition, first diagnosed in the DSM-III in 1980. Back then, treatment was focused on helping patients come to terms with their biological reality through therapy. However, in 2013, the DSM-V removed “gender identity disorder” and replaced it with “gender dysphoria.” This change emphasized the distress caused by the identity conflict, not the conflict itself. Political activism was the real driver behind this shift. It wasn’t groundbreaking science. Activism pushed for societal acceptance and affirmed perceived identities, regardless of biological reality.


The Tragic Outcomes: Victims Fighting Back


Even more alarming is that this political push has directly harmed individuals, many of whom are now speaking out. Several victims of gender transition surgeries are suing their doctors and therapists for medical malpractice. They claim that they were never offered adequate psychological counseling. Instead of addressing their underlying emotional issues that led to gender confusion, they were fast-tracked into hormone treatments and surgery. These brave individuals are demanding accountability. They argue that the medical system failed them. It affirmed their identity without offering real solutions to their psychological struggles.


One high-profile case involves Keira Bell in the UK, who was rushed into gender transition treatments as a teenager. Now, after realizing the irreversible damage done to her body, she is suing for the lack of psychological intervention. She is one of many asking a critical question. Why didn’t the medical system explore the root causes of her dysphoria before recommending life-altering surgery? Another such case is that of Luka Hein, 21, who is the 5th of such cases, see her case here.


Europe Says No to Child Surgeries


Ironically, several progressive European nations—like Sweden, Finland, and the UK—are now rejecting gender-transition surgeries for minors. After years of study, they’ve concluded that children are not mentally capable of making decisions with permanent consequences. They also found that many kids who experience gender dysphoria resolve their confusion with proper therapy. Over time, they find clarity. They do so without the need for hormones or surgery. This scientific backing clarifies that affirmation is not the solution—therapy is.


The Suicide Myth and the Misused Statistics


Proponents of early transition often cite statistics about transgender suicide rates. They claim that children who are not allowed to transition are at a higher risk of suicide. However, these claims are often grossly inaccurate. In fact, studies show that transgender individuals have a significantly higher rate of suicidality both before and after transitioning. A 2019 Swedish study found a concerning statistic. The suicide rate for transgender people who had undergone surgery was 19 times higher than that of the general population. Another study from the UK in 2021 highlighted some issues. It indicated that many studies are misrepresented or exaggerated. These studies often conflate distress from gender dysphoria with other mental health conditions.


The tragic reality is that emotional distress linked to transgenderism often stems from other psychological issues. These include depression, trauma, or abuse. By focusing solely on affirming gender identity rather than addressing the root causes, we’re doing these individuals a grave disservice.


A correction was published regarding the Swedish study. It basically started a letter-writing campaign aimed to browbeat the authors into changing their study results. They responded by saying that future studies using stronger methodologies would yield more accurate results. However, they didn’t recant their findings.


The Real Solution: Therapy, Not Surgery


The reality is this: people struggling with gender confusion need counseling, not surgery. Proper therapy can help individuals understand and accept their biological reality. It also addresses the emotional problems that lead to gender dysphoria. Transition surgeries and hormone treatments don’t solve these underlying issues; they only mask them, often creating more harm than good.


A republic that affirms a mental disorder as reality is heading down a dangerous path. It encourages irreversible surgeries and silences dissent in the name of “tolerance.” True compassion means seeking the truth, not enabling confusion.


The Core Issue: Where Do We Go From Here?


Transgenderism was removed from the list of mental disorders prematurely. This decision has led countless individuals down a path of harm. It’s time to return to common sense and prioritize real mental health solutions. Therapy that addresses the core of someone’s emotional struggles, not the affirmation of a non-reality, is the compassionate, responsible approach.


Let’s choose therapy over surgery, truth over ideology, and care over political games. The consequences of ignoring reality are too great to ignore. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]


“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” — Genesis 1:27


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